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7 result(s) for "Langley, Andrew, 1949-"
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Ancient medicine
Looks at ancient medicine and explains why humans faced new challenges when they began to live together in large communities.
Chris Hadfield and the International Space Station
\"Join Chris Hadfield living on the International Space Station! This book examines the extraordinary life of one of the most popular astronauts, from his early life to the six months he spent living in space. Discover what the International Space Centre is used for, and how astronauts like Hadfield can live there. Find out about the rigorous training that astronauts undergo and how they prepare for a journey into the unknown.\"-- Provided by publisher.
Sally Ride and the shuttle missions
\"Join Sally Ride on her journey aboard the Space Shuttle! This book examines the extraordinary life of the first female US astronaut in space, from her early life to using a robotic arm in space. Find out about other female astronauts and their achievements. Understand the rigorous training that astronauts undergo and how they prepare for a journey into the unknown.\"--Provided by publisher.
Every building has a history
Houses, schools, factories, railway stations we are surrounded by buildings. Most of them look ordinary, yet they may have surprising stories to tell. How and why were they built? Who lived in them? What were their links with other events? And who first found out their history? This book will help you discover these hidden tales for yourself. It explains basic research techniques, and guides you to the best places to find revealing evidence.
Stories of women in World War II : we can do it!
\"More than 75 million people fought in World War II - nearly all of them men. Who was going to produce the weapons and the food, and do countless other vital jobs? The answer was women. Millions stepped forward to take on work they had rarely done before, such as fighting fires, ploughing fields and cracking codes. These are the stories of four trailblazers who achieved amazing things in difficult circumstances: Anne-Marie Walters became a secret agent in constant danger of being captured, working behind enemy lines in France. A painting of Ruby Loftus operating machinery became an iconic image of women's contribution to the war effort. By the time Nancy Love was in her early twenties, she was one of America's leading woman pilots. When \"Red\" Harrington and her fellow nurses were captured by the Japanese, they set up a hospital to look after the thousands of other prisoners of war. Many of the rights women have today are down to their actions. They helped change society's image of women forever.\"--Provided by publisher.
Medieval life
An illustrated look at various aspects of life in medieval Europe, covering everyday life, religion, royalty, and more.