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143 result(s) for "Laurin, Michel"
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How vertebrates left the water
This illustrated book describes how some finned vertebrates acquired limbs, giving rise to more than 25,000 extant terrapod species. Michel Laurin uses paleontological, geological, physiological, and comparative anatomical data to describe this monumental event. Along with discussing the evolutionary pressures that may have led vertebrates onto dry land, the author also shows how extant vertebrates yield clues about the conquest of land and how scientists uncover evolutionary history.--[book cover]
Phylogeny of Paleozoic limbed vertebrates reassessed through revision and expansion of the largest published relevant data matrix
The largest published phylogenetic analysis of early limbed vertebrates (Ruta M, Coates MI. 2007. 5:69-122) recovered, for example, Seymouriamorpha, Diadectomorpha and (in some trees) Caudata as paraphyletic and found the \"temnospondyl hypothesis\" on the origin of Lissamphibia (TH) to be more parsimonious than the \"lepospondyl hypothesis\" (LH)-though only, as we show, by one step. We report 4,200 misscored cells, over half of them due to typographic and similar accidental errors. Further, some characters were duplicated; some had only one described state; for one, most taxa were scored after presumed relatives. Even potentially continuous characters were unordered, the effects of ontogeny were not sufficiently taken into account, and data published after 2001 were mostly excluded. After these issues are improved-we document and justify all changes to the matrix-but no characters are added, we find (Analysis R1) much longer trees with, for example, monophyletic Caudata, Diadectomorpha and (in some trees) Seymouriamorpha; either crownward or rootward of ; and Anthracosauria either crownward or rootward of Temnospondyli. The LH is nine steps shorter than the TH (R2; constrained) and 12 steps shorter than the \"polyphyly hypothesis\" (PH-R3; constrained). (Lysorophia) is not found next to Lissamphibia; instead, a large clade that includes the adelogyrinids, urocordylid \"nectrideans\" and aïstopods occupies that position. As expected from the taxon/character ratio, most bootstrap values are low. Adding 56 terminal taxa to the original 102 increases the resolution (and decreases most bootstrap values). The added taxa range in completeness from complete articulated skeletons to an incomplete lower jaw. Even though the lissamphibian-like temnospondyls , and and the extremely peramorphic salamander are added, the difference between LH (R4; unconstrained) and TH (R5) rises to 10 steps, that between LH and PH (R6) to 15; the TH also requires several more regains of lost bones than the LH. , in which we tentatively identify a postbranchial lamina, emerges rather far from amniote origins in a gephyrostegid-chroniosuchian grade. Bayesian inference (Analysis EB, settings as in R4) mostly agrees with R4. High posterior probabilities are found for Lissamphibia (1.00) and the LH (0.92); however, many branches remain weakly supported, and most are short, as expected from the small character sample. We discuss phylogeny, approaches to coding, methods of phylogenetics (Bayesian inference vs. equally weighted vs. reweighted parsimony), some character complexes (e.g. preaxial/postaxial polarity in limb development), and prospects for further improvement of this matrix. Even in its revised state, the matrix cannot provide a robust assessment of the phylogeny of early limbed vertebrates. Sufficient improvement will be laborious-but not difficult.
The Evolution of Body Size, Cope's Rule and the Origin of Amniotes
The evolution of body size in tetrapods is assessed using a database that includes 107 early stegocephalian species ranging in time from the Frasnian (Upper Devonian) to the Tatarian (Upper Permian). All analyses use methods that incorporate phylogenetic information (topology and branch lengths). In all tests, the impact of alternative topologies and branch lengths are assessed. Previous reports that raised doubts about the accuracy of squared-change parsimony assessment of ancestral character value appear to have used datasets in which there was no phylogenetic signal. Hence, squared-change parsimony may be more reliable than suggested in recent studies, at least when a phylogenetic signal is present in the datasets of interest. Analysis using random taxon reshuffling on three reference phylogenies shows that cranial and presacral length include a strong phylogenetic signal. Character optimization of body size in stegocephalians using squared-change parsimony on a time-calibrated phylogeny incorporating branch length information is used to test a previously published scenario on the origin of amniotes and of the amniotic egg that implies that the ancestors of amniotes were small (no more than 10 cm in snout-vent length), and that their size increased subsequent to the appearance of the amniotic egg. The optimization suggests that first amniotes were somewhat larger than previously hypothesized; the estimated snout-vent length is about 24 cm, and the lower end of the 95% confidence interval of the phylogeny that yields the smallest inferred size suggests that no ancestor of amniotes measured less than 12 cm in snout-vent length. Character optimization, permutational multiple linear regressions, and independent contrast analyses show that Cope's rule of phyletic size increase applies to early reptiliomorphs but that it does not apply to early stegocephalians globally.
Distributions of extinction times from fossil ages and tree topologies: the example of mid-Permian synapsid extinctions
Given a phylogenetic tree that includes only extinct, or a mix of extinct and extant taxa, where at least some fossil data are available, we present a method to compute the distribution of the extinction time of a given set of taxa under the Fossilized-Birth-Death model. Our approach differs from the previous ones in that it takes into account (i) the possibility that the taxa or the clade considered may diversify before going extinct and (ii) the whole phylogenetic tree to estimate extinction times, whilst previous methods do not consider the diversification process and deal with each branch independently. Because of this, our method can estimate extinction times of lineages represented by a single fossil, provided that they belong to a clade that includes other fossil occurrences. We assess and compare our new approach with a standard previous one using simulated data. Results show that our method provides more accurate confidence intervals. This new approach is applied to the study of the extinction time of three Permo-Carboniferous synapsid taxa (Ophiacodontidae, Edaphosauridae, and Sphenacodontidae) that are thought to have disappeared toward the end of the Cisuralian (early Permian), or possibly shortly thereafter. The timing of extinctions of these three taxa and of their component lineages supports the idea that the biological crisis in the late Kungurian/early Roadian consisted of a progressive decline in biodiversity throughout the Kungurian.
The relationship between genome size and metabolic rate in extant vertebrates
Genome size has long been hypothesized to affect the metabolic rate in various groups of animals. The mechanism behind this proposed association is the nucleotypic effect, in which large nucleus and cell sizes influence cellular metabolism through surface area-to-volume ratios. Here, we provide a review of the recent literature on the relationship between genome size and metabolic rate. We also conduct an analysis using phylogenetic comparative methods and a large sample of extant vertebrates. We find no evidence that the effect of genome size improves upon models in explaining metabolic rate variation. Not surprisingly, our results show a strong positive relationship between metabolic rate and body mass, as well as a substantial difference in metabolic rate between endothermic and ectothermic vertebrates, controlling for body mass. The presence of endothermy can also explain elevated rate shifts in metabolic rate whereas genome size cannot. We further find no evidence for a punctuated model of evolution for metabolic rate. Our results do not rule out the possibility that genome size affects cellular physiology in some tissues, but they are consistent with previous research suggesting little support for a direct functional connection between genome size and basal metabolic rate in extant vertebrates. This article is part of the theme issue 'Vertebrate palaeophysiology'.
Gradual adaptation of bone structure to aquatic lifestyle in extinct sloths from Peru
Non-pathological densification (osteosclerosis) and swelling (pachyostosis) of bones are the main modifications affecting the skeleton of land vertebrates (tetrapods) that returned to water. However, a precise temporal calibration of the acquisition of such adaptations is still wanting. Here, we assess the timing of such acquisition using the aquatic sloth Thalassocnus, from the Neogene of the Pisco Formation, Peru. This genus is represented by five species occurring in successive vertebrate-bearing horizons of distinct ages. It yields the most detailed data about the gradual acquisition of aquatic adaptations among tetrapods, in displaying increasing osteosclerosis and pachyostosis through time. Such modifications, reflecting a shift in the habitat from terrestrial to aquatic, occurred over a short geological time span (ca 4 Myr). Otherwise, the bones of terrestrial pilosans (sloths and anteaters) are much more compact than the mean mammalian condition, which suggests that the osteosclerosis of Thalassocnus may represent an exaptation.
The age of North America's youngest Paleozoic continental vertebrates; a review of data from the Middle Permian Pease River (Texas) and El Reno (Oklahoma) Groups
The youngest Paleozoic vertebrate-bearing continental deposits of North America are Middle Permian (Guadalupian) in age and occur in the Chickasha Formation (El Reno Group) of central Oklahoma and the lithostratigraphically lower San Angelo Formation (Pease River Group) of North-Central Texas. Although regarded originally as Guadalupian, these deposits have been assigned recently to the Early Permian on the basis of marine fossils and questionable lithostratigraphic correlations between marine and continental strata. A review of ammonoid genera recovered from the Blaine Formation, which overlies both the Chickasha and San Angelo in Oklahoma and Texas, shows that they range globally in age from the Early to Late Permian, but most occur in the Guadalupian or Middle Permian. A modest but intensively studied paleobotanical record of compression fossils from the San Angelo, as well as palynomorphs in rocks associated with the Chickasha, presents an unquestionably Middle to Late Permian flora dominated by voltzian conifers. The Chickasha and San Angelo vertebrate assemblages are overwhelmingly dominated by large caseid synapsids and indicate a biostratigraphic signal of early Guadalupian. The occurrence of the tupilakosaurid temnospondyl Slaugenhopia, the parareptile Macroleter, and the eureptile Rothianiscus suggests a Roadian age (lowermost Guadalupian) given the global records of closely related forms. These plant and vertebrate assemblages contrast sharply with those of underlying Cisuralian rocks of the Hennessey Formation of Oklahoma and the Clear Fork Formation of Texas, both of which are much more fossiliferous than those of the Guadalupian in the region. A barren interval of up to 300 m in thickness separates these fossil-bearing intervals. This true void in the late Kungurian was first reported a half century ago but has not been recognized in recent biochronology studies. Our findings, as well as those of other vertebrate paleontologists who have evaluated the San Angelo and Chickasha data by other means, strongly refute the current notion of \"Olson's Gap\" as spanning most of the Roadian.
Correlation between the presence of a cecal appendix and reduced diarrhea severity in primates: new insights into the presumed function of the appendix
Increased severity or recurrence risk of some specific infectious diarrhea, such a salmonellosis or Clostridium difficile colitis, have been reported after an appendectomy in human patients. While several other mammals also possess an appendix, the suspected protective function against diarrhea conferred by this structure is known only in humans. From a retrospective collection of veterinary records of 1251 primates attributed to 45 species, including 13 species with an appendix and 32 without, we identified 2855 episodes of diarrhea, 13% of which were classified as severe diarrhea requiring a therapeutic medication or associated with a fatal issue. We identified a lower risk of severe diarrhea among primate species with an appendix, especially in the early part of life when the risk of diarrhea is maximal. Moreover, we observed a delayed onset of diarrhea and of severe diarrhea in species possessing an appendix. Interestingly, none of the primates with an appendix were diagnosed, treated or died of an acute appendicitis during the 20 years of veterinarian follow-up. These results clarify the function of the appendix among primates, as protection against diarrhea. This supports its presumed function in humans and is congruent with the existence of a selective advantage conferred by this structure.
On trends and patterns in macroevolution: Williston's law and the branchiostegal series of extant and extinct osteichthyans
The branchiostegal series consists of an alignment of bony elements in the posterior portion of the skull of osteichthyan vertebrates. We trace the evolution of the number of elements in a comprehensive survey that includes 440 extant and 66 extinct species. Using a newly updated actinopterygian tree in combination with phylogenetic comparative analyses, we test whether osteichthyan branchiostegals follow an evolutionary trend under 'Williston's law', which postulates that osteichthyan lineages experienced a reduction of bony elements over time. We detected no overall macroevolutionary trend in branchiostegal numbers, providing no support for 'Williston's law'. This result is robust to the subsampling of palaeontological data, but the estimation of the model parameters is much more ambiguous. We find substantial evidence for a macroevolutionary dynamic favouring an 'early burst' of trait evolution over alternative models. Our study highlights the challenges of accurately reconstructing macroevolutionary dynamics even with large amounts of data about extant and extinct taxa.
A re-interpretation of the Eocene anuran Thaumastosaurus based on microCT examination of a 'mummified' specimen
What originally appeared to be only an external cast of an anuran 'mummy' from the Quercy Phosphorites (southwestern France) was described as Rana plicata during the 19th century. Its geographical provenance is only vaguely known; therefore its precise age within the Paleogene was uncertain. The taxon was erected on the basis of the external morphology of the specimen, which includes few diagnostic characters. As a further complication, the name Rana plicata was recently shown to be unavailable at the time of the description, and the name Rana cadurcorum was proposed as a replacement. In order to see whether internal features were fossilized, the fossil was CT scanned. This showed that a large part of the skeleton is preserved. Unexpectedly, the scans revealed that the skull of the mummy is almost identical to that of Thaumastosaurus gezei, another anuran from the late middle or late Eocene of the Quercy Phosphorites. The few observed differences are attributable to intraspecific and ontogenetic variation, and R. cadurcorum is a junior subjective synonym of T. gezei. The mummy is therefore probably from the same time interval as T. gezei. The latter was previously known only by its skull, but the mummy provides important information on the postcranial skeleton. Earlier assessments, based only on the skull, placed Thaumastosaurus close to South American hyloid anurans, but a new phylogenetic analysis including postcranial characters reveals ranoid affinities. This study exemplifies the usefulness of modern imaging technologies that allow non-destructive study of previously inaccessible internal anatomical features.