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13 result(s) for "Lindeen, Mary, author"
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\"A very simple introduction to the geography, topography, flora, fauna, and people of Antarctica. Additional features to aid comprehension include fact-filled captions, detailed photographs, a phonetic glossary, sources for further research, and an introduction to the author\" -- iPage.
I eat apples in fall
\"This title examines different properties of fall apples, including such things as color and shape. Readers will learn to observe the world around them as well as to spot signs of seasonal changes in nature\"-- Provided by publisher.
\"An ecosystem is an area that has its own plants, animals and weather. Desert , forest, grassland, mountain, tundra and marine ecosystems are pictured and the animals and plant characteristic of each ecosystem are briefly discussed. Includes science and reading activities and a word list\"-- Provided by publisher.
\"Some sounds are loud and some are soft, but all sounds come from movement and vibrations. Includes science and reading activities, a note to caregivers, and a word list\"-- Provided by publisher.
Investigating the rock cycle
Igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, and metamorphic rocks make up the three main types of rocks and are constantly being created, destroyed, and created again? Colorful illustrations show how the rock cycle works.
Animal mothers and fathers
\"Young animals need help from their parents. Adult animals help protect them from harsh weather conditions and teach them how to stay safe and find food. The animal babies share similar characteristics as their parents. Includes science and reading activities and a word list\"-- Provided by publisher.
Animals help plants
\"Wind and water help new plants grow by moving seeds to new places. Animals also help by moving seeds and pollinating plants. Includes science and reading activities, a note to caregivers, and a word list\"-- Provided by publisher.
Dancing bees and other amazing communicators
\"A high-interest look at how a variety of animals communicate with one another, from clicks and rumblings to dancing and plumage displays\"-- Provided by publisher.
Daylight and darkness
\"Each morning the sun rises and we have daylight. Each evening the sun sets and we have darkness. The amount of daylight and darkness we see changes with each season. Includes science and reading activities, a note to caregivers, and a word list\"-- Provided by publisher.
Patterns in the sky
\"Every day the sun moves across the sky and it is light. You can see clouds, birds and airplanes in the daytime. Every night the moon moves across the sky and it becomes dark. You can see stars at night. Includes science and reading activities, a note to caregivers, and a word list\"-- Provided by publisher.