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3 result(s) for "Lipset, Seymour Martin author"
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Party Coalitions in the 1980s
\"The election of 1980 did more than break the Democrats' control of the White House and Congress. It also shattered some important assumptions about the character of our voting coalitions and the condition of our political parties. It opened some possibilities for the remainder of the century that had not been there before.\" These reflections by David S. Broder in the introduction to Party Coalitions in the 1980s are echoed in the essays of the twenty-one scholars, party leaders, and candidates in the volume.This book presents a detailed and lively discussion of the past history, present significance, and future implications of coalitions in the American two-party political system. Patrick H. Caddell observed that \"Reagan has skillfully huddled a variety of conservative program and issue initiatives under the umbrella of'economic revitalization.'\" In that vein, Richard B. Wirthlin argued that \"the 1980 presidential election should be viewed as a major ... opportunity to redraft the policy agenda of this country.\" Realizing that change is one of the few constants in politics, Lipset and his colleagues set forth strategies and guideposts for Republicans and Democrats who sought to build winning coalitions for the elections of the 1980s.
Liberalism, Fascism, or Social Democracy
This work provides a sweeping historical analysis of the political development of Western Europe in the late nineteenth and twentieth century. The author argues that the evolution of most European nations into liberal democracies, social democracies or fascist regimes was attributable to a discrete set of social and class alliances within individual nations. In Britain, France, and Switzerland, countries with a unified middle class, liberal forces established political hegemony before the First World War. In countries with a strong, cohesive working class and a fractured middle class, Luebbert points out, a liberal solution was impossible. In Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Czechoslovakia, political coalitions of social democrats and `family peasantry’ emerged as a result of the First World War, resulting in social democracies. In Spain, Italy, and Germany, on the other hand, the urban middle class united with a peasantry hostile to socialism to facilitate the rise of fascism.