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26 result(s) for "Mustafa, A. author"
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Endoscopic Lateral Skull Base Surgery
The quintessential state-of-the-art atlas on endoscopic approaches to the lateral skull base The endoscope has become a highly effective tool in the arsenal of ear and skull base surgeons. Endoscopic Lateral Skull Base Surgery: Principles, Anatomy, Approaches by endoscopic surgery masters Daniele Marchioni and Livio Presutti, reflects their development of innovative transcanalar approaches to the lateral cranial base using the external auditory canal as a surgical corridor. This unique atlas is designed to teach and clarify current and emerging endoscopic-assisted surgery approaches to the lateral skull base. The common goal of these cutting-edge procedures is to access and treat tumors located in the lateral cranial base via the most minimally-invasive endoscopic approach possible, thereby bypassing delicate cranial nerves, dural, cerebral, and vascular structures. Throughout 14 chapters, an impressive group of skull base surgeons share firsthand insights and expertise in areas vital to endoscopic skull base surgery. Key Features Featuring contributions from the who's who of global experts who continue to innovate by using the endoscope beyond its traditional use in middle ear surgery Opening chapters cover anatomy, microscopic approaches, endoscopic dissection, instrumentation, OR set-up, and radiologic assessments Procedural chapters detail endoscopic approaches including transtemporal combined, retrosigmoid, and transcanalar techniques such as suprageniculate, transpromontorial, and infracochlear Patient cases, clinical applications, and step-by-step guidance enhance understanding of diverse endoscopic approaches High-quality preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative illustrations are selected from thousands of surgeries performed by the authors This remarkable book provides the most comprehensive and elucidating information written to date on endoscopic approaches to the lateral skull base, making it essential reading for novice and expert surgeons alike.
For hunger-proof cities
For Hunger-proof Cities is the first book to fully examine food security from an urban perspective. It examines existing local food systems and ways to improve the availability and accessibility of food for city dwellers. It looks at methods to improve community-supported agriculture and cooperation between urban and rural populations. It explores what existing marketing and distribution structures can do to improve accessibility and what the emerging forms of food-distribution systems are, and how they can contribute to alleviating hunger in the cities. Finally, the book discusses the underlying structures that create poverty and inequality and examines the role of emergency food systems, such as food banks.
The Ottoman Road to War in 1914
Why did the Ottoman Empire enter the First World War in late October 1914, months after the war's devastations had become clear? Were its leaders 'simple-minded,' 'below-average' individuals, as the doyen of Turkish diplomatic history has argued? Or, as others have claimed, did the Ottomans enter the war because War Minister Enver Pasha, dictating Ottoman decisions, was in thrall to the Germans and to his own expansionist dreams? Based on previously untapped Ottoman and European sources, Mustafa Aksakal's dramatic study challenges this consensus. It demonstrates that responsibility went far beyond Enver, that the road to war was paved by the demands of a politically interested public, and that the Ottoman leadership sought the German alliance as the only way out of a web of international threats and domestic insecurities, opting for an escape whose catastrophic consequences for the empire and seismic impact on the Middle East are felt even today.
Counterterrorism in Turkey
Counterterrorism in Turkey comprehensively analyses Turkey’s counterterrorism policies in the context of the PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party), an ethnicity-based guerrilla insurgency group employing terrorism. Contrary to most of the counterterrorism studies that focused on single aspect of the phenomenon, this book offers multi-level analyses from a variety of perspectives using both quantitative and qualitative data sets. Examining what measures have been taken so far, and what these policies really mean to the PKK and its sympathisers, Unal examines counterterrorism policies from both the perspective of the government and the PKK. The work evaluates whether policy choices so far have been effective (and in what circumstances) and how they have affected both levels of terrorist violence in Turkey and the nature of this violence. This work provides a valuable contribution to the literature on counterterrorism and will be of interest to both practitioners and scholars of terrorism studies, extremism and ethnic conflict.
Turkish-Greek Relations
The discord between Turkey and Greece has grown deeper and wider over time, over a series of seemingly vital issues, which have at times brought the two countries to the brink of war. Yet in 1999 the two countries opened a dialogue on non-sensitive issues such as trade, the environment and tourism. The causes of the current rapprochement progress are explored in this book in relation both to the international environment which is increasingly conducive to this progress, and the significant domestic changes that both Greece and Turkey have experienced since the end of the Cold War. This book confronts each of these important dimensions by addressing issues of continuity and change in Greek-Turkish relations. 1. Cacophony in the Aegean: Greek-Turkish relations in historical context 2. Engagement or Containment?: Greek strategy toward Turkey for the 2000s 3. Tension-reduction and Confidence-building Measures between Greece and Turkey 4. Turkish-Greek Rapprochement: Opportunities and Constraints 5. Are There Any Prospects for Trade Integration and Economic Co-operation Between Greece and Turkey? 6. Turkey's EU Membership and Greek Experience 7. National Perceptions of the \"Other\" and the Persistence of Some Images 8. Treatment of Minorities and Turkish-Greek Relations 9. Third Track Diplomacy: The role of NGOs in Greek-Turkish rapprochement 10. Island of Peace or Poison Ivy: Cyprus Mustafa Aydin is Associate Professor of International Relations, Ankara University. Besides his authored books, he is editor of the Turkish Yearbook of International Relations , and the Review of International Affairs ; and is currently co-editing two volumes on different aspects of Turkish foreign policy. Kostas Ifantis is Assistant Professor of International Relations at the University of Athens; and Research Fellow at the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy. His publications include: Theory and Reform in the European Union , and NATO and the New Security Paradigm: Power, Strategy, Order and the Transatlantic Link .
Health and Economic Outcomes in the Alumni of the Wounded Warrior Project
The Wounded Warrior Project has developed programs to help care for injured service members and veterans. This report describes how project alumnus respondents are faring in domains related to mental health and resiliency, physical health, and employment and finances.
Gender, race, and Sudan's exile politics
This book analyzes the gendered and racialized discourses and practices of the Sudanese opposition in exile from 1990 to early 2000s. It uses intersectional analysis to explore the narratives of diverse women's organizations in exile and examine barriers and possibilities for transnational coalition building in contemporary Sudan and South Sudan.
A Primer for Financial Engineering
This book bridges the fields of finance, mathematical finance and engineering, and is suitable for engineers and computer scientists who are looking to apply engineering principles to financial markets. The book builds from the fundamentals, with the help of simple examples, clearly explaining the concepts to the level needed by an engineer, while showing their practical significance. Topics covered include an in depth examination of market microstructure and trading, a detailed explanation of High Frequency Trading and the 2010 Flash Crash, risk analysis and management, popular trading strategies and their characteristics, and High Performance DSP and Financial Computing. The book has many examples to explain financial concepts, and the presentation is enhanced with the visual representation of relevant market data. It provides relevant MATLAB codes for readers to further their study. Please visit the companion website on * Provides engineering perspective to financial problems * In depth coverage of market microstructure * Detailed explanation of High Frequency Trading and 2010 Flash Crash * Explores risk analysis and management * Covers high performance DSP & financial computing