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result(s) for
"Nastasi, Michele, photographer"
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Arabian transfer
Abu Dhabi, Doha, Dubai, Kuwait City, Manama, and Riyadh?as metropolises of the Arabian Peninsula, all of these cities are connected by more than just geography. They also stand for a booming economy and rapid urban development with avant-garde architecture set amid breathtaking landscapes. And last, but not least, these cities boast a bustling everyday life defined by immigrants from all over the world. Traditions meets western modernity. What is home to one person is a stopover for another. Busy working life collides with a partying mentality. As gigantic places of transit, these metropolises represent transience, but also opportunity and dazzling encounters. Michele Nastasi has captured them all with a distinctive sense of presence, shaping an engaging journey through the cultural diversity and pulsating life of these cities.00MICHELE NASTASI (*1980, Milan) is known for his photographs of cities and architecture, which are exhibited and published internationally. He holds a PhD in History of Arts from the Ca? Foscari University of Venice, and has done research work on the imagery of architecture.