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1,037 result(s) for "Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development"
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The Regulatory Control of Radioactive Waste Management
Regulators are major stakeholders in the decision-making process for radioactive waste management. The NEA Radioactive Waste Management Committee (RWMC) has recognised the value of exchanging and comparing information about national regulatory practices and having an informal, international network for discussing issues of common concern. The RWMC Regulators’ Forum provides considerable opportunity for such activities.This report presents the initial results of the Forum’s work. Information is given for 15 NEA member countries in a format that allows easy accessibility to specific aspects and comparison between different countries. It includes an array of facts about national policies for radioactive waste management, institutional frameworks, legislative and regulatory frameworks, available guidance, classification and sources of waste and the status of waste management. It also provides an overview of current issues being addressed and related R&D programmes.
Geological Disposal: Building Confidence Using Multiple Lines of Evidence
When preparing the safety case for a deep geological repository of radioactive waste, the integration of wide-ranging information from multidisciplinary sources is a complex task. This has provided the motivation for establishing AMIGO, an OECD/NEA international project on “Approaches and Methods for Integrating Geological Information in the Safety Case”. AMIGO is structured as a series of biannual topical workshops involving site characterisation and safety assessment practitioners with experience in both sedimentary and crystalline rock settings.The first AMIGO workshop was organised in Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland on 3-5 June 2003. The main objective of the workshop was to exchange views on building confidence in analyses and arguments that support the safety case using multiple lines of evidence and integrating the work of geoscientists and safety assessors. These proceedings present the outcomes of this workshop.
Integrating human rights into development : donor approaches, experiences, and challenges
This volume charts donor approaches, experiences, and challenges integrating human rights into development policy. It analyses a range of rationales for donor approaches to human rights and results these have yielded in policies, programmes, and projects.
Groundwater Allocation - Managing Growing Pressures on Quantity and Quality
Groundwater allocation determines who is able to use groundwater resources, how, when and where. It directly affects the value (economic, ecological, socio-cultural) that individuals and society obtain from groundwater, today and in the future. Building on the 2015 OECD publication 'Water Resources Allocation', this report focuses on groundwater and how its allocation can be improved in terms of economic efficiency, environmental effectiveness and social equity. Drawing on an analysis of groundwater's distinctive features and nine case studies of groundwater allocation in a range of countries, the report provides practical policy guidance for groundwater allocation in the form of a 'health check'. This health check can be used to assess the performance of current arrangements and manage the transition towards improved allocation.
Education in Saudi Arabia
\"Saudi Arabia has embarked upon an unprecedented reform agenda known as Vision 2030, which aims to create a dynamic, diverse and sustainable economy. To meet the demands of a 21st century, knowledge-based labour market, Saudi Arabia must develop a highly-skilled population, which puts education at the centre of Vision 2030. Saudi Arabia has made tremendous progress in expanding access to education and has achieved universal enrollment rates at primary and lower secondary levels. Nevertheless, most young Saudi Arabians leave school without having mastered the basic competences needed for success in future academic and professional endeavours. There are also widening disparities between students in terms of their access to high quality education and their subsequent learning outcomes. This review, developed in co-operation with the Ministry of Education of Saudi Arabia, analyses the strengths and challenges of the country's education system and makes recommendations to help improve student learning. It will be of interest to policy makers in Saudi Arabia and international audiences who wish to learn about the country's ambitious reform efforts.\"--Page 4 of cover.
Basic Studies in the Field of High-temperature Engineering
In response to increasing interest in high-temperature, gas-cooled reactors (HTGRs) in many countries and the need for improved materials for nuclear applications in high-temperature environments, the NEA organised a Second Information Exchange Meeting on Basic Studies in the Field of High-temperature Engineering. These proceedings provide an overview of the activities being carried out in eight countries, the improvement of material properties for HTGR application, in-core monitoring methods and properties of irradiated graphite, and HTGR fuel fabrication and performance.
The Role of Sovereign and Strategic Investment Funds in the Low-carbon Transition
Sovereign wealth funds manage a large share of the world’s invested capital. The action or inaction of these funds on climate finance is of crucial importance to the world’s ability to reach the goals of the Paris Agreement, and restrain global warming to below 2 degrees Celsius. However, sovereign wealth funds have so far played a very limited role in climate finance. This report provides guidance on how governments can support their sovereign wealth funds in becoming climate-aligned commercial investors. The establishment of synergies between sovereign wealth funds and strategic investment funds can help scale up investments in clean-energy infrastructure.