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1,779 result(s) for "Plato"
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جمهورية أفلاطون
هو عبارة عن حوار فلسفي سياسي، يعرض من خلاله أفلاطون رؤيته للدولة المثالية أو المدينة الفاضلة السقراطية؛ فسقراط هو المحاور الرئيس، وحوله شخصيات عدة يجادلها وتجادله، وتتحدد مع تصاعد الجدال ملامح جمهورية أفلاطون المتخيلة. في جمهورية أفلاطون ينتمي كل فرد من أفراد المجتمع إلى طبقة محددة، ويعمل في مجال تخصص محدد، ويتحقق التوازن بين القوى الثلاث التي يتكون منها المجتمع: القوة العاقلة، والقوة الغضبية والقوة الشهوانية. وبينما يحاول تقديم تعريف للحاكم العادل ويقابله بالحاكم المستبد، يقسم الحكومات إلى أربعة أنواع: الأرستقراطية، والأوليغاركية، والديمقراطية، والاستبدادية. وهو من جهة يعلن ميله إلى الملكية الدستورية، ومن جهة أخرى يقر بأن العدالة المطلقة تظل عصية على التحقق.
Theaetetus and Sophist
\"Plato's Theaetetus and Sophist are two of his most important dialogues, and are widely read and discussed by philosophers for what they reveal about his epistemology and particularly his accounts of belief and knowledge. Although they form part of a single Platonic project, these dialogues are not usually presented as a pair, as they are in this new and lively translation. Offering a high standard of accuracy and readability, the translation reveals the continuity between these dialogues and others in the Platonic corpus, especially the Republic. Christopher Rowe's supporting introduction and notes help the reader to follow the arguments as they develop, explaining their structure, context and interpretation. This new edition challenges current scholarly approaches to Plato's work and will pave the way for fresh interpretations both of Theaetetus and Sophist and of Plato's writings in general\"-- Provided by publisher.
Current State of Semi-Solid Net-Shape Die Casting
Semi-solid processing of alloys is nearing the end of its fifth decade in existence. This promising manufacturing route has undergone a number of changes over the past five decades and apart from certain successful industrial applications, it appeared that it had become a niche technology with limited applications, notably in the automotive and consumer product markets. Nevertheless, despite the strong competition of traditional casting and in particular die-casting processes, and the emergence of Additive Manufacturing (AM), there seems to be a resurgence in demand for Net-Shape Die Casting of Semi-solid alloys as testified by the high numbers of delegates at the 15th SSM Conference at Shenzhen, China in September 2018. What follows is a brief review of the historical development of the process as well as more recent developments with an eye to future prospects.
جمهورية أفلاطون / أفلاطون ؛ ترجمة حنا خباز
الكتاب عبارة عن حوار فلسفي سياسي، يعرض من خلاله أفلاطون رؤيته للدولة المثالية أو المدينة الفاضلة السقراطية ؛ فسقراط هو المحاور الرئيس، وحوله شخصيات عدة يجادلها وتجادله، وتتحدد مع تصاعد الجدال ملامح جمهورية أفلاطون المتخيلة. في جمهورية أفلاطون ينتمي كل فرد من أفراد المجتمع إلى طبقة محددة، ويعمل في مجال تخصص محدد، ويتحقق التوازن بين القوى الثلاث التي يتكون منها المجتمع: القوة العاقلة، والقوة الغضبية، والقوة الشهوانية. وبينما يحاول تقديم تعريف للحاكم العادل ويقابله بالحاكم المستبد، يقسم الحكومات إلى أربعة أنواع: الأرستقراطية، والأوليغاركية، والديمقراطية، والاستبدادية. وهو من جهة يعلن ميله إلى الملكية الدستورية، ومن جهة أخرى يقر بأن العدالة المطلقة تظل عصية على التحقق.
This paper deals with Lavrentiev regularization for solving linear ill-posed problems, mostly with respect to accretive operators on Hilbert spaces. We present converse and saturation results which are an important part in regularization theory. As a byproduct we obtain a new result on the quasi-optimality of a posteriori parameter choices. Results in this paper are formulated in Banach spaces whenever possible.
Euthyphro ; Apology ; Crito ; Phaedo
\"Plato of Athens, who laid the foundations of the Western philosophical tradition and in range and depth ranks among its greatest practitioners, was born to a prosperous and politically active family circa 427 BC. In early life an admirer of Socrates, Plato later founded the first institution of higher learning in the West, the Academy, among whose many notable alumni was Aristotle. Traditionally ascribed to Plato are thirty-five dialogues developing Socrates' dialectic method and composed with great stylistic virtuosity, together with the Apology and thirteen letters. The four works in this volume recount the circumstances of Socrates' trial and execution in 399 BC. In Euthyphro, set in the weeks before the trial, Socrates and Euthyphro attempt to define holiness. In Apology, Socrates answers his accusers at trial and unapologetically defends his philosophical career. In Crito, a discussion of justice and injustice explains Socrates' refusal of Crito's offer to finance his escape from prison. And in Phaedo, Socrates discusses the concept of an afterlife and offers arguments for the immortality of the soul. This edition, which replaces the original Loeb edition by Harold North Fowler, offers text, translation, and annotation that are fully current with modern scholarship.\"-- Publisher's description.
Thixoforming of Aluminum A201- Expectations and Fulfilment
Thixoforming as a Semi-Solid Metal Processing (SSM) route is a near net shape forming of metals in the semi-solid state, i.e. within the freezing or melting range between the fully solid and fully liquid states. Aluminum A201 is a copper containing casting alloy with additional small quantities of magnesium, silicon and silver. Although this alloy is difficult to cast, it has a particularly high response to age-hardening and therefore offers mechanical properties close to the wrought 2014 alloy. Alloy development experiments carried out at the University of Sheffield on A201 alloy have shown that feedstock of this alloy can be produced having uniform non-dendritic microstructures amenable to thixoforming, exhibits thixotropic properties under these conditions, can be shaped into complex near net-shape parts and develops impressive mechanical properties after appropriate heat treatment. A201 aluminum alloy billets when thixoformed in the semi-solid state and heat treated with a T7 followed by T6 treatment before being mechanically tested, have exhibited properties approaching those of wrought 2000 series aluminum alloys. Here follows a review of work done to date on shaping the A201 aluminum alloy in the semi-solid state, describing the hopes, expectations and fulfilment of researchers in the field.