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24 result(s) for "Pullman, Philip, 1946-"
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كأفضل الأحلام، تأخذك هذه الرواية إلى عالم خيالي رائع لن تريد الاستيقاظ منه. إبداع بولمان في الشخصيات والحبكة والمنطق يجعل المرء يحسده على خلايا مخه الرمادية ؛ الكتاب جزء أول من ثلاثية فانتازيا بعنوان \"مواده المظلمة\"، وهو العنوان الذي استوحاه المؤلف فيليپ پولمان من «الفردوس المفقود» لميلتون، القصيدة التي لها أثر بالغ عليه في الكتابة، وفي هذه الثلاثية تحديدا. تتنقل الأحداث بين عالم شبيه جدا بعالمنا وإن اختلف عنه كذلك من نواح شتى، والعالم الذي نعرفه وعدة عوالم أخرى منها المألوف ومنها الغريب جدا، وكل هذا جزء من حرب كونية كبرى يشترك في طرفيها مختلف المخلوقات من مختلف العوالم، مع مزيج عجيب أحسن المؤلف نسجه من العلم والسحر والدين والسياسة، وهي حرب يعتمد على نتيجتها مصير الموجودات كلها والكون ذاته. مع أن الحبكة تبدأ بداية صغيرة مقارنة بهذا (جماعة مجهولة تختطف الأطفال في أنحاء إنجلترا، وتذهب البطلة الصغيرة في مغامرة خطرة لإنقاذهم)، لكن تتابع الأحداث وتصاعدها عبر الروايات الثلاث يقنع القارئ بأن الوصول إلى تلك الذروة الهائلة منطقي.
The shadow in the north
In 1878 in London, Sally, now twenty-two and established in her own business, and her companions Frederick and Jim try to solve the mystery surrounding the unexpected collapse of a shipping firm and its ties to a sinister corporation called North Star.
The golden compass
Accompanied by her daemon, Lyra Belacqua sets out to prevent her best friend and other kidnapped children from becoming the subject of gruesome experiments in the Far North. Living among scholars in the hallowed halls of Jordan College, Lyra hears rumors of a magical dust that supposedly possesses powers that can unite whole universes, and begins a difficult and dangerous journey to find it.
The secret commonwealth
Twenty-year-old college undergraduate Lyra is once again thrown together with Malcom Polstead, now a professor, after Lyra and her daemon, Pantalaimon, receive secrets from a dying man about a daemon-haunted city and the origins of Dust.
The subtle knife
Will is 12 years old, and he's just killed a man. Now he's on his own, on the run, determined to discover the truth about his father's disappearance.
The amber spyglass
For all those who are dying to learn the fate of Will and Lyra, hoping for the return of Iorek Byrnison, longing to know the truth about Dust, and waiting to face the ultimate clash of opposing powers, this book has the answers.
La belle sauvage
The much-anticipated new work from the author of The Golden Compass is coming at last! Renowned storyteller Philip Pullman returns to the parallel world of Lyra Belacqua and His Dark Materials for a thrilling and epic adventure in which daemons, alethiometers, and the Magisterium all play a part. The Book of Dust will be a work in three parts, like His Dark Materials (The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, The Amber Spyglass). The book is set ten years before The Golden Compass and centers on the much-loved character Lyra and her daemon Pantalaimon. Philip Pullman offers these tantalizing details: \"I've always wanted to tell the story of how Lyra came to be living at Jordan College, and in thinking about it, I discovered a long story that began when she was a baby and will end when she's grown up. This volume and the next will cover two parts of Lyra's life: starting at the beginning of her story and returning to her twenty years later. As for the third and final part, my lips are sealed. \"So, second: is it a prequel' Is it a sequel' It's neither. In fact, The Book of Dust is ... 'n 'equel.' It doesn't stand before or after His Dark Materials, but beside it. It's a different story, but there are settings that readers of His Dark Materials will recognize, and characters they've met before. Also, of course, there are some characters who are new to us, including an ordinary boy (a boy we have glimpsed in an earlier part of Lyra's story, if we were paying attention) who, with Lyra, is caught up in a terrifying adventure that takes him into a new world. \"Third: why return to Lyra's world' Dust. Questions about that mysterious and troubling substance were already causing strife ten years before His Dark Materials, and at the center of The Book of Dust is the struggle between a despotic and totalitarian organization, which wants to stifle speculation and inquiry, and those who believe thought and speech should be free. The idea of Dust suffused His Dark Materials. Little by little through that story the idea of what Dust was became clearer and clearer, but I always wanted to return to it and discover more.\" The books of the His Dark Materials trilogy were showered with praise, and the Cincinnati Enquirer proclaimed, \"Pullman has created the last great fantasy masterpiece of the twentieth century.\" With The Book of Dust, Philip Pullman embarks on an equally grand adventure, sure to be hailed as the first great fantasy masterpiece of the twenty-first century