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34 result(s) for "Rajczak, Kristen"
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Melania Trump: First Lady of the United States
\"Melania Trump has traveled far during her lifetime. She grew up in Slovenia, then moved to the modeling world of Milan, Italy. From there, her travels took her to the United States, where she met and married Donald Trump. When he became president in 2017, Melania became the only First Lady to be a naturalized citizen and only the second ever to be born overseas. With fun facts and color photos, this detailed biography allows you to follow Melania on her journey from model to mom and First Lady.\" (Melania Trump: First Lady of the United States) Read about the life of Melania Trump.
Late-nite bites; Upper King Street has options when you have a case of the midnight munchies
Let's say it's 11 p.m., you just got out of work downtown, you're famished and you've decided you don't want to stop at the Waffle House on the other side of the bridge. Or it's past midnight, and you realize you didn't eat dinner. Or maybe it's 2 a.m. and you've had one whiskey sour too many. You need some food. \"It's a worldly menu, a little bit of something from everywhere,\" he said. \"If you want to be a little adventurous, you can. If you want to get what you know, it's on there.\" Listing fried mushrooms, onion rings and corn dogs, the Recovery Room's menu seems geared toward those who need food before driving home. \"It's definitely a late-night bar,\" bartender Chris Mercer said. \"We get slammed around midnight. I think a lot of people go to the other bars and then come here after.\"
ON THE ROAD AGAIN; Summer travels with family inspire cellist's 'Block Ice & Propane'
\"I've been looking at these pictures so many years that it's hard to know where my memory picks up and they drop off,\" he said. \"I notice with my daughter, who's 11, that the videos of herself as a kid, she starts substituting them for memories.\" \"People all have stories of their own family trips, and so the reactions I get range from, 'Oh gosh, I did that,' to, 'I remember when my father would pile us into the station wagon,' \" Friedlander said. \"For me, it was a pickup truck with a camper shell on top.\" \"When she was 3 years old, she was walking the Freedom Trail,\" [Lynne Hardwick] said. \"She still gripes about that, 'My little feet were sore mom.' I say, 'That's all right, you were getting an education.' \"
SOUND OF THE FUTURE;Conductor Villaume waltzes into his 10th year with talented young orchestra
To kick off his tenth anniversary season, [Emmanuel Villaume] will conduct a challenging program that includes Maurice Ravel's \"La Valse,\" Richard Strauss' \"Also Sprach Zarathustra,\" as well as Johann Strauss II's overture to \"Die Fledermaus\" and Carl Maria von Weber's overture to \"Der Freischutz.\" In \"La Valse,\" Ravel interpreted the Viennese dance as an orchestral poem expressing the aftermath of World War I. The \"back third\" of \"Also Sprach Zarathustra\" also is a waltz, but Villaume said it is overlooked. The introduction of the piece, called \"Sunrise,\" is best known as the theme from \"2001: A Space Odyssey.\" The waltz appears again in the overture of the operetta \"Die Fledermaus,\" as \"a moment of absolute happiness and enjoyment.\" The fourth selection, the overture from Weber's 1821 opera \"Der Freischutz,\" to provide context for the other works, demonstrating the Romantic aesthetic of contrasting light and darkness, Villaume said.
A history of the Thoroughbred horse, a high-spirited and fast breed known for its racing prowess.
Shetland ponies
A history of the sturdy Shetland pony, bred to survive hard work in harsh weather on the Shetland Islands which lie to the northeast of Scotland. Shetland ponies today are popular as pets and companion animals.