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16 result(s) for "Rodger, Ellen, author"
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A refugee's journey from Nigeria
\"When the violence by militant terrorist group Boko Haram increases in her village in Nigeria, Baseema and her family make the difficult decision to seek refuge in another country. With limited places to go and few people who are able to help, Baseema is unsure of her future. She hopes to find safety in a country where she will be allowed to go to school, and live without constant fear. Interspersed with facts about Nigeria and its people, this narrative tells a story common to many refugees fleeing the country. Readers will learn about the conflict there and how they can help refugees in their communities and around the world who are struggling to find permanent homes\"-- Provided by publisher.
A refugee's journey from South Sudan
\"Ataui and her family live in South Sudan. They have never known what safety feels like. When she and two siblings leave their home, they don't know that they will never return, [but instead take up residence at a refugee camp]\"
A refugee's journey from the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Eight-year-old Etienne and his family live in The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Kidnapped by a rebel army and forced to be a child soldier, Etienne finally escapes and is sent to a camp for freed child soldiers. He is reunited with his family who then flee the country, arriving as refugees in Canada. Interspersed with facts about the DRC and its people, this narrative tells a story common to many refugees fleeing the country. Readers will learn about the experiences of child soldiers and how they can help refugees in their communities and around the world who are struggling to find permanent homes.
A refugee's journey from Ukraine
\"Miron's life in Ukraine is happy until a war breaks out in his city, Donetsk. Surrounded by political instability and increasing violence, Miron and his family decide to flee to find safety in a more stable part of Ukraine. But life as an internally displaced person is not stable. He and his family aren't sure if true safety lies ahead for them. Interspersed with facts about Ukraine and its people, this narrative tells a story common to many refugees fleeing the country. Readers will learn about the conflict there and how they can help refugees in their communities and around the world who are struggling to find permanent homes\"-- Provided by publisher.
Top secret science in medicine
\"Medical and pharmaceutical research is big business. This fascinating book reveals the competition in the corporate and academic worlds to be the first to find a new procedure or product that could change the world. Features include Dark Science Secrets, which reveal stories of unethical and deadly medical experiments from the past.\"-- Provided by publisher.
Ancient Mesopotamia inside out
\"This important book explores the culture and achievements of ancient Mesopotamia through the examination of artifacts that have survived through the centuries. Each primary-source artifact offers the reader significant clues to the civilization's technologies, cultural traditions, foods, and conflicts\"--Provided by publisher.
Ancient Egypt inside out
\"This awesome book explores the culture and achievements of ancient Egypt through the examination of artifacts that have survived through the centuries. Each primary-source artifact offers the reader significant clues to the civilization's technologies, cultural traditions, foods, and conflicts\"--Provided by publisher.
A refugee's journey from Myanmar
Syed lives in Myanmar, a country that has experienced many years of violence. As a part of the Rohingya minority group, his family is considered unwelcome in their homeland. When his father perishes during their journey from the country, Syed must reach a refugee camp on his own.
Top secret science in cybercrime and espionage
\"Spying and surveillance has always relied on cutting-edge science to push the boundaries. The same techniques are often used today by hackers to commit online data security breaches. This intriguing book will captivate readers who have an interest in spymaker gadgets, computer science, and biometric data for online identification and security.\"-- Provided by publisher.
My new home after the Democratic Republic of the Congo
\"Etienne is a former child soldier from the Democratic Republic of Congo with a secret fear he will never be safe. His father and brother are missing and presumed dead. After he escapes his captors, his mother decides they have lost enough. They are lucky enough to have family in Canada and are reunited with them as refugees. The story is interspersed with facts about the trauma some refugees deal with and the uncertain welcome from countries struggling with opposition to refugees\"-- Provided by publisher.