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15 result(s) for "Smith, Steven D., editor"
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Diversity-Sensitive Personality Assessment
Diversity-Sensitive Personality Assessment is a comprehensive guide for clinicians to consider how various aspects of client diversity—ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, nationality, religion, regionalism, socioeconomic status, and disability status—can impact assessment results, interpretation, and feedback. Chapters co-written by leading experts in the fields of diversity and personality assessment examine the influence of clinician, client, interpersonal, and professional factors within the assessment context. This richly informed and clinically useful volume encourages clinicians to delve into the complex ways in which individuals’ personal characteristics, backgrounds, and viewpoints intersect. This book fills an important gap in the personality assessment literature and is an essential resource for clinicians looking to move beyond surface-level understandings of diversity in assessment.
Hispanic Spaces, Latino Places
Hispanics/Latinos are the largest ethnic minority in the United States—but they are far from being a homogenous group. Mexican Americans in the Southwest have roots that extend back four centuries, while Dominicans and Salvadorans are very recent immigrants. Cuban Americans in South Florida have very different occupational achievements, employment levels, and income from immigrant Guatemalans who work in the poultry industry in Virginia. In fact, the only characteristic shared by all Hispanics/Latinos in the United States is birth or ancestry in a Spanish-speaking country. In this book, sixteen geographers and two sociologists map the regional and cultural diversity of the Hispanic/Latino population of the United States. They report on Hispanic communities in all sections of the country, showing how factors such as people’s country/culture of origin, length of time in the United States, and relations with non-Hispanic society have interacted to create a wide variety of Hispanic communities. Identifying larger trends, they also discuss the common characteristics of three types of Hispanic communities—those that have always been predominantly Hispanic, those that have become Anglo-dominated, and those in which Hispanics are just becoming a significant portion of the population.
Outlines in Orthopaedic Surgery
Pocket-size, user-friendly roadmap to learning the basic skills of orthopaedic surgery! Surgery requires a combination of knowledge and skill acquired through years of direct observation, mentorship, and practice. The learning curve can be steep, frustrating, and intimidating for many medical students and junior residents. Too often, books and texts that attempt to translate the art of surgery are far too comprehensive for this audience and counterproductive to learning important basic skills to succeed. Outlines in Orthopaedic Surgery by Valentin Antoci and Adam Eltorai is the orthopaedic volume in a series of textbooks that offer a simplified roadmap to surgery. The text serves as starting point for learning orthopaedic surgery techniques, with room for adding notes, details, and pearls collected during the journey. This unique resource outlines key steps for common orthopaedic procedures, laying a solid foundation of basic knowledge from which trainees can easily build and expand. Thirty-five chapters are systematically organized and formatted by subspecialty, starting with an introduction, followed by sections covering surgery of the hand, shoulder and elbow, joint arthroplasty, sports orthopaedics, spine surgery, orthopaedic trauma, foot and ankle, and pediatrics. Each chapter includes symptoms and signs, surgical pathology, diagnostic modalities, differential diagnosis, treatment options, indications for surgical intervention, step-by-step procedures, pitfalls, and prognosis. Key Features * Concise text and bullets provide quick procedural outlines essential for understanding procedural steps * The generously illustrated text encompasses a full spectrum of musculoskeletal disorders related to degenerative changes, injuries, and congenital conditions * Treatment of a variety of fractures including both bones of the forearm, Monteggia and olecranon, lateral malleolus/bimalleolar ankle, and supracondylar humeral and intramedullary fixation of forearm fractures in pediatric patients This is an ideal, easy-to-read resource for medical students and junior residents to utilize during orthopaedic surgery rotations and for quick consultation during the early years of practice. It will also benefit allied health professionals who need a quick guide on core orthopaedic surgery procedures.
Flattering the Demos
To understand the movements of democratic society one must appreciate fictional narratives and not depend on rationalistic argumentation and scientific analyses. This book examines the effects of storytelling in democratic culture and political life, as it articulates our aspirations, communicates our fears, and criticizes our reality.
Species at Risk
Protecting endangered species of animals and plants is a goal that almost everyone supports in principle—but in practice private landowners have often opposed the regulations of the Endangered Species Act, which, they argue, unfairly limits their right to profit from their property. To encourage private landowners to cooperate voluntarily in species conservation and to mitigate the economic burden of doing so, the government and nonprofit land trusts have created a number of incentive programs, including conservation easements, leases, habitat banking, habitat conservation planning, safe harbors, candidate conservation agreements, and the “no surprise” policy. In this book, lawyers, economists, political scientists, historians, and zoologists come together to assess the challenges and opportunities for using economic incentives as compensation for protecting species at risk on private property. They examine current programs to see how well they are working and also offer ideas for how these programs could be more successful. Their ultimate goal is to better understand how economic incentive schemes can be made both more cost-effective and more socially acceptable, while respecting a wide range of views regarding opportunity costs, legal standing, biological effectiveness, moral appropriateness, and social context.
Dixie's Great War
Examining the First World War through the lens of the American South How did World War I affect the American South? Did southerners experience the war in a particular way? How did regional considerations and, more generally, southern values and culture impact the wider war effort? Was there a distinctive southern experience of WWI? Scholars considered these questions during \"Dixie's Great War,\" a symposium held at the University of Alabama in October 2017 to commemorate the centenary of the American intervention in the war. With the explicit intent of exploring iterations of the Great War as experienced in the American South and by its people, organizers John M. Giggie and Andrew J. Huebner also sought to use historical discourse as a form of civic engagement designed to facilitate a community conversation about the meanings of the war. Giggie and Huebner structured the panels thematically around military, social, and political approaches to the war to encourage discussion and exchanges between panelists and the public alike. Drawn from transcriptions of the day's discussions and lightly edited to preserve the conversational tone and mix of professional and public voices, Dixie's Great War: World War I and the American South captures the process of historians at work with the public, pushing and probing general understandings of the past, uncovering and reflecting on the deeper truths and lessons of the Great War-this time, through the lens of the South. This volume also includes an introduction featuring a survey of recent literature dealing with regional aspects of WWI and a discussion of the centenary commemorations of the war. An afterword by noted historian Jay Winter places \"Dixie's Great War\"-the symposium and this book-within the larger framework of commemoration, emphasizing the vital role such forums perform in creating space and opportunity for scholars and the public alike to assess and understand the shifting ground between cultural memory and the historical record. 
The Tennessee Campaign of 1864
Few American Civil War operations matched the controversy, intensity, and bloodshed of Confederate general John Bell Hood’s ill-fated 1864 campaign against Union forces in Tennessee. In the first-ever anthology on the subject, The Tennessee Campaign of 1864, edited by Steven E. Woodworth and Charles D. Grear, fourteen prominent historians and emerging scholars examine the three-month operation, covering the battles of Allatoona, Spring Hill, and Franklin, as well as the decimation of Hood’s army at Nashville. Contributors explore the campaign’s battlefield action, including how Major General Andrew J. Smith’s three aggressive divisions of the Army of Tennessee became the most successful Federal unit at Nashville, how vastly outnumbered Union troops held the Allatoona Pass, why Hood failed at Spring Hill and how the event has been perceived, and why so many of the Army of Tennessee’s officer corps died at the Battle of Franklin, where the Confederacy suffered a disastrous blow. An exciting inclusion is the diary of Confederate major general Patrick R. Cleburne, which covers the first phase of the campaign. Essays on the strained relationship between Ulysses S. Grant and George H. Thomas and on Thomas’s approach to warfare reveal much about the personalities involved, and chapters about civilians in the campaign’s path and those miles away show how the war affected people not involved in the fighting. An innovative case study of the fighting at Franklin investigates the emotional and psychological impact of killing on the battlefield, and other implications of the campaign include how the courageous actions of the U.S. Colored Troops at Nashville made a lasting impact on the African American community and how preservation efforts met with differing results at Franklin and Nashville. Canvassing both military and social history, this well-researched volume offers new, illuminating perspectives while furthering long-running debates on more familiar topics. These in-depth essays provide an expert appraisal of one of the most brutal and notorious campaigns in Civil War history.
The Best American Essays 2013
Curated by the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Wild, this volume shares intimate perspectives from some of today's most acclaimed writers. As Cheryl Strayed explains in her introduction, \"the invisible, unwritten last line of every essay should be and nothing was ever the same again.\" The reader, in other words, should feel the ground shift, if even only a bit. In this edition of the acclaimed anthology series, Strayed has gathered twenty- six essays that each capture an inexorable, tectonic shift in life. Personal and deeply perceptive, this collection examines a broad range of life experiences—from a man's relationship with Mormonism to a woman's search for a serial killer; from listening to the music of Joni Mitchell to surviving five months at sea; from triaging injured soldiers to giving birth to a daughter; and much more. The Best American Essays 2013 includes entries by Alice Munro, Zadie Smith, John Jeremiah Sullivan, Dagoberto Gilb, Vicki Weiqi Yang, J.D. Daniels, Michelle Mirsky, and others.