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15 result(s) for "Stacey, Weston M"
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A Strategic Opportunity for Magnetic Fusion Energy Development
The realities of energy development and the perception of and support for magnetic fusion in the US are briefly summarized as background for proposing a strategic opportunity for magnet fusion energy development as fusion neutron sources for subcritical advanced burner (transmutation) reactors for the destruction of long-lived transuranics in spent nuclear fuel.
Application of Neural Ordinary Differential Equations for Tokamak Plasma Dynamics Analysis
In the quest for controlled thermonuclear fusion, tokamaks present complex challenges in understanding burning plasma dynamics. This study introduces a multi-region multi-timescale transport model, employing Neural Ordinary Differential Equations (Neural ODEs) to simulate the intricate energy transfer processes within tokamaks. Our methodology leverages Neural ODEs for the numerical derivation of diffusivity parameters from DIII-D tokamak experimental data, enabling the precise modeling of energy interactions between electrons and ions across various regions, including the core, edge, and scrape-off layer. These regions are conceptualized as distinct nodes, capturing the critical timescales of radiation and transport processes essential for efficient tokamak operation. Validation against DIII-D plasmas under various auxiliary heating conditions demonstrates the model's effectiveness, ultimately shedding light on ways to enhance tokamak performance with deep learning.
Critique's of several scholarly articles about various aspects of science and technology are presented.
Mark Schneider's work on the wide variation in the economic value of postsecondary educational programs, as described in The Value of Sub-baccalaureate Credentials, is of great importance because it reflects new labor market realities that affect nearly everyone in the US. Before the 1980s, high school was enough to provide middle-class earnings for most people. In the 1970s, for example, nearly three in four workers had a high school education or less, and the majority of these workers were still in the middle class. Degrees and other postsecondary credentials have multiplied and diversified to include traditional degrees measured in years of seat time; bite-sized credentials that take a few months; boot camps, badges, stackable certificates, and massive open online courses that take a few weeks; and test-based certifications and licenses based on proven competencies completely unmoored from traditional classroom training.
The ITER Decision and U.S. Fusion R&D
To keep pace with the cutting edge of fusion research, the US must participate in the construction of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor.
The ITER decision and U.S. fusion R&D: to keep pace with the cutting edge of fusion research, the United States must participate in the planned international research reactor. (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor)
The US stands to benefit from its involvement in the construction and implementation phase of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). Aside from providing opportunity for advancing the development of fusion plasma science, such an offer of host site will also mean expertise in fusion engineering and will be a significant contribution to the local economy. Science and technology will also gain from the participation of US firms in the production of ITER parts in terms of the resulting applications and fusion devices.