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15 result(s) for "Wallace, Susan, author"
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Motivating unwilling learners in further education : the key to improving behaviour
This book offers a range of practical strategies for engaging your learners and reigniting the spark of successful classroom teaching. It provides an up-to-date selection of strategies and scenarios for managing behaviour and motivating unwilling learners, including tips for supporting students and meeting curriculum requirements.
Understanding the further education sector
Those working towards QTLS are required to demonstrate a critical understanding of the Further Education (FE) sector and the role of the FE practitioner. This book clearly identifies, particularly for the student teacher with no prior experience, the social, cultural and political context of the sector's beginnings and explores how this continues to shape and constrain the sector's status and purpose, and the role and status of its teachers. The text encourages critical thinking about possible routes for change and future development. As increasing numbers of QTLS students are being encouraged to gain part of their qualification at M level, the need for an accessible and critical sourcebook about the FE sector, such as this, is essential.
Inclusion in further education
For all those teaching or training to teach within the Further Education (FE) sector, this book provides a critical understanding of the complex concept of inclusion and its implementation in a range of different contextual settings. It encourages the reader to revisit their own beliefs and assumptions concerning inclusion in relation to their own practice, and a range of learning features including clear objectives, case studies, critical thinking tasks and chapter reflections ensures deep understanding. The increasing importance of inclusion, and the growing provision of Higher Education courses in FE, means that an accessible book which facilitates a critical understanding of inclusion policy and develops relevant academic competence is both timely and essential.
Teaching and supporting adult learners
This publication enables those teaching adult learners to gain an understanding of the difficulties that students may experience while developing their own professional practice in order to create effective, focused and inclusive teaching strategies for this group.
AMONG the gray pyramids of Egypt stands one that was anciently cased in red granite,and, while resting in its shadow, one day, I heard this tale told of the builder of the Red Pyramid: Many and many a hundred years ago, centuries before there was any Christmas, the King of Egypt sat on the ivory throne in his Palace-hall,, guarded by soldiers armed and dumb.
Joan Richardson's hefty biography corrects the persistent notion that Stevens' life was split between business and poetry by showing that the divisions in his life were deeper and more cruel than that. Richardson, a professor of English at City University of New York, has a sharp eye for the psychologically significant detail. She amasses these details to convey Stevens' see-saw life, the uncomfortable alternation between the striving Puritan male and the \"lady-like\" finicky poet. This is the third biographical study in four years. Peter Brazeau's oral history, \"Parts of a World: Wallace Stevens Remembered\" (1983), used multiple and often contradictory perspectives to impart a sense of this complex and reticent man. In \"Wallace Stevens: A Mythology of Self\" (1985), Milton Bates explored Stevens' \"fables of identify,\" those postures and personae by which Stevens transformed the biographical facts of his life.
Mentoring in the Lifelong Learning Sector
Provides guidance, support and training materials for those involved in mentoring within the Lifelong Learning Sector; fully revised and updated in this second edition.
The professional teacher in further education
This essential text provides an accessible and up to date critical analysis of professionalism for student teachers and practitioners within the Further Education (FE) sector. Professional values, knowledge, understanding and skills form the core of the standards against which teachers are measured and the framework for the teacher’s development, starting with initial qualifications and progressing through a career long process of continual professional development (CPD). The book introduces a range of theoretical models and examples of professionalism. It examines the critical importance of self-awareness and understanding of others as the basis for effective professional relationships with learners. The application of professional values, knowledge and skills, both in the teaching role and in the wider academic community, is discussed. Throughout the reader is encouraged to relate the theories to their own professional values and practice and to reflect on their own levels of professionalism and CPD requirements.
Scaling Methods
Scaling Methods is written for professionals in the behavioral sciences who analyze data that results from subjective responses. Other books on scaling attitudes or measuring perceptions focus on the psychometrician's view of measurement. This book focuses on the users' view by concentrating on effective ways to analyze data rather than the mathematical details of how each program works. The methods included handle the majority of data analysis problems encountered and are accompanied by a software solution. Each chapter features the theory surrounding that methodology, an example, a real-world application, and a computer solution. This book introduces the major uni- and multi-dimensional scaling method techniques most common in educational, social, and psychological research. Using four primary methods of data collection-ordering, categorical rating, free clustering, and similarity judgments-Scaling Methods, Second Edition explains how such data can be represented in ways that illustrate relationships among the data and help reveal underlying dimensional structures. Each method serves as an independent unit so readers can pick and choose from a variety of easy-to-use procedures and more advanced techniques. The new edition features a new chapter on order analysis and a CD-ROM that provides stand-alone, as well as SAS supported demonstrations of multi-dimensional scaling techniques, plus programs to get raw data into matrix form. The text is written for researchers, practitioners, and advanced students in education and the social and behavioral sciences interested in analyzing data resulting from subjective responses, especially in the measurement of attitudes. Each chapter is self-contained making this an excellent resource for use in the classroom or as a self-study tool. A first course in statistics is a helpful prerequisite.