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124 result(s) for "Woodson, Jacqueline"
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Between Madison and Palmetto
When Margaret's best friend Maizon returns from boarding school and joins her in the eighth grade, they try to resume their friendship while dealing with personal problems and watching their Brooklyn neighborhood undergo changes.
Jacqueline Woodson, Author - United States
\"For young people who are very stressed about the future, who have this sense of disempowerment, who don't know what's coming next, my big quest is for them to remain hopeful. When you come to literature, it does allow you an escape from the world if that's what you need, but it also changes you. You're different than when you started that book.\"
Last summer with Maizon
Eleven-year-old Margaret tries to accept the inevitable changes that come one summer when her father dies and her best friend Maizon goes away to a private boarding school.
When a new, white student nicknamed \"The Jesus Boy\" joins her sixth grade class in the winter of 1971, Frannie's growing friendship with him makes her start to see some things in a new light.
Peace, Locomotion
Through letters to his little sister, who is living in a different foster home, sixth-grader Lonnie, also known as \"Locomotion,\" keeps a record of their lives while they are apart, describing his own foster family, including his foster brother who returns home after losing a leg in the Iraq War.
Lecture: What Gets Left Behind: Stories from the Great Migration
It is Apr 1, 2017, and I stand before you on this first evening of National Poetry Month as someone's mother, someone's daughter, someone's life-partner, another woman's grandchild, niece, cousin, friend--this list goes on. I stand before you as a poet, a novelist, a gatherer of memories. I stand before you with all of my many selves in one place--South Carolina. A state (and state of mind) I have always loved, have always called home. But it is a home that, like millions of African Americans, I left a long time ago. In the early 70s, my younger brother along with hundreds of other economically poor young people of color in this country were poisoned by lead-based paint. Today, history is repeating itself with the water in Flint, Michigan. During the Jim Crow era, they came for people of color via our bathrooms. Today, they're coming for our trans sisters and brothers the same way. Our water, our air, our land, our bodies.
From the notebooks of Melanin Sun
Almost-fourteen-year-old Melanin Sun's comfortable, quiet life is shattered when his mother reveals she has fallen in love with a woman.