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2 result(s) for "Zavala Alonso MSc, PhD, Norma Verónica"
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Identification of the Most Appropriate Site for the Cold Test in Molar Teeth
A test frequently used to complement endodontic diagnoses is the cold test; however, in the last 20 years, authors have reported incorrect results within pulp sensitivity tests. Specifically, a high frequency of false results in posterior teeth, were found. The aim of this study was to identify the most appropriate site for the cold test in molar teeth with a need for endodontic treatment, calculating predictive values, accuracy and reproducibility. A cross-sectional study was performed, evaluating 390 subjects. A total of 152 subjects of both genders from the ages of 15-65 years old participated. The ideal standard was established by direct pulp inspection, and the cold test agent used was 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane. The patients were divided into four groups in relation to the molar tooth: (1) mandibular first molar, (2) mandibular second molar, (3) maxillary first molar, and (4) maxillary second molar. 169 teeth and 676 sites were studied. (a) The most appropriate sites for cold test were the middle third of the buccal surface and cervical third of the buccal surface in the mandibular molars with the following results: Middle third of the first molar: Accuracy 0.93, positive predictive value 0.90 and negative predictive value 0.96. Middle third of the second molar: Accuracy 0.93, positive predictive value 1.00 and negative predictive value 0.90. In relation to third cervical the results were: First molar: Accuracy 0.93, positive predictive value 0.89 and negative predictive value 0.97 y second molar: Accuracy 0.93, positive predictive value 1.00 and negative predictive value 0.90. (b) The highest reproducibility was observed in the middle third of the buccal surface with cervical third of the buccal surface in the mandibular second molar (1.00). The most appropriate site and reproducibility of the sites are auxiliary to complement endodontic diagnose with the cold test.
Characterization of Enamel After the Use of Oral Hygiene Auxiliaries with Whiteners
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the use of the combined auxiliaries of oral hygiene with whitening agents on the micro-hardness and micro-morphology of dental enamel. Materials and Methods. 40 human incisors were used and sectioned to obtain 4x4mm samples and divided into four study groups. Group 1: Electric brushing with Toothpaste (BTP); Group 2: Electric brushing with Toothpaste+mouthwash (BTP+MW); Group 3: Electric brushing with Toothpaste+whitening pen (BTP+WP); Group 4: Electric brushing with Toothpaste+mouth wash+whitening pen (BTP+MW+WP). Samples were submitted toVickers micro-hardness test and visualized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results. All groups, with the exception of group 1, showed a decrease in micro-hardness values after applying the treatments (p<0.05). Likewise, when comparing the values after the treatments between the groups, significant statistical differences were found in all of comparisons except for those of groups 2 and 4. SEM images showed changes in the morphology in all the study groups with the exception of group 1. Conclusion. Significant changes such as decrease in micro-hardness as well as in the topography of the enamel surface such as elevations, craters, porosities and etching patterns were founded after the use of the combination of auxiliaries of oral hygiene with whitening agents.