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6,020 result(s) for "Zhong, Shi"
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الأدب الصيني في القرن العشرين
يشتمل الأدب الصيني في القرن العشرين على جزء من الأدب الصيني في العصر الحديث، وعلى المحتوى الكامل للأدب الصيني المعاصر، ناهيك عن الأدب الصيني في العصر الحاضر الذي يشهد تطورا حاليا. فهو يشمل الأدب في المرحلة التي امتدت من حركة 4 مايو عام 1919 إلى تأسيس الصين الجديدة في عام 1949. تجسد فصول هذا الكتاب ومباحثه ملامح تغيرات الأدب الصيني وتحولاته في القرن العشرين.
Non-Coding RNA in Acute Ischemic Stroke: Mechanisms, Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets
Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) are a class of functional RNAs that regulate gene expression in a post-transcriptional manner. NcRNAs include microRNAs, long non-coding RNAs and circular RNAs. They are highly expressed in the brain and are involved in the regulation of physiological and pathophysiological processes, including cerebral ischemic injury, neurodegeneration, neural development, and plasticity. Stroke is one of the leading causes of death and physical disability worldwide. Acute ischemic stroke (AIS) occurs when brain blood flow stops, and that stoppage results in reduced oxygen and glucose supply to cells in the brain. In this article, we review the latest progress on ncRNAs in relation to their implications in AIS, as well as their potential as diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers. We also review ncRNAs acting as possible therapeutic targets in future precision medicine. Finally, we conclude with a brief discussion of current challenges and future directions for ncRNAs studies in AIS, which may facilitate the translation of ncRNAs research into clinical practice to improve clinical outcome of AIS.
هذه هي الصين : قوة تسير نحو العالم
يركز كتاب \"هذه هي الصين\" على سرد قصص تنمية الصين في العصر الجديد. وقد غير الدكتور تشانغ وي وي طريقته المعروفة بالتوجيه والإرشاد في البرامج الأيديولوجية والنظرية في الماضي، وعبر عنها بلغة شعبية سائغة، وحجج منطقية صارمة، وبيانات حقيقية، وتصادمات صريحة للأفكار، وتقنيات عرض مبتكرة لمساعدة الجمهور على فهم النموذج الصيني والطريق الصيني، وتعزيز ثقتهم بمستقبل الصين.
Genome wide analysis of the apple MYB transcription factor family allows the identification of MdoMYB121 gene confering abiotic stress tolerance in plants
The MYB proteins comprise one of the largest families of transcription factors (TFs) in plants. Although several MYB genes have been characterized to play roles in secondary metabolism, the MYB family has not yet been identified in apple. In this study, 229 apple MYB genes were identified through a genome-wide analysis and divided into 45 subgroups. A computational analysis was conducted using the apple genomic database to yield a complete overview of the MYB family, including the intron-exon organizations, the sequence features of the MYB DNA-binding domains, the carboxy-terminal motifs, and the chromosomal locations. Subsequently, the expression of 18 MYB genes, including 12 were chosen from stress-related subgroups, while another 6 ones from other subgroups, in response to various abiotic stresses was examined. It was found that several of these MYB genes, particularly MdoMYB121, were induced by multiple stresses. The MdoMYB121 was then further functionally characterized. Its predicted protein was found to be localized in the nucleus. A transgenic analysis indicated that the overexpression of the MdoMYB121 gene remarkably enhanced the tolerance to high salinity, drought, and cold stresses in transgenic tomato and apple plants. Our results indicate that the MYB genes are highly conserved in plant species and that MdoMYB121 can be used as a target gene in genetic engineering approaches to improve the tolerance of plants to multiple abiotic stresses.
ثقافة الطعام الصيني
الصين دولة ذات حضارة عريقة وتاريخ طويل، ظلت خلال هذا التاريخ الطويل محتفظة بالكثير من عاداتها وتقاليدها ولغتها حتى ملابس أهلها. يعيش على أرضها ستة وخمسين قومية تتمتع كل قومية منها بعادات وتقاليد وثقافة خاصة. هذا الكتاب رحلة ثقافية شيقة إذ يسلط الضوء على جانب من أهم جوانب الثقافة الصينية ألا وهو \"ثقافة الطعام الصيني. فيلقى الضوء على تاريخ الأطعمة الصينية وثقافتها وتقسيمات المطبخ الصيني وعادات وثقافة الأطعمة الخاصة بالأعياد والمناسبات التقليدية، وثقافة الأطعمة الخاصة بالديانات المختلفة في الصين بما فيها البوذية والطاوية والإسلام والمسيحية وعادات الطعام عند القوميات الصينية، ويهتم بتقديم بعض الجوانب المهمة بثقافة الشاي الصيني وأنواعه وطرق وآداب تناوله هذا الكتاب وجبة دسمة من المعلومات الخاصة بثقافة الأطعمة الصينية التي شهدت خلال السنوات الأخيرة انتشارا واسعا على مستوى العالم بما في ذلك المنطقة العربية.
The gut microbiome in atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
The gut microbiota has been linked to cardiovascular diseases. However, the composition and functional capacity of the gut microbiome in relation to cardiovascular diseases have not been systematically examined. Here, we perform a metagenome-wide association study on stools from 218 individuals with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ACVD) and 187 healthy controls. The ACVD gut microbiome deviates from the healthy status by increased abundance of Enterobacteriaceae and Streptococcus spp. and, functionally, in the potential for metabolism or transport of several molecules important for cardiovascular health. Although drug treatment represents a confounding factor, ACVD status, and not current drug use, is the major distinguishing feature in this cohort. We identify common themes by comparison with gut microbiome data associated with other cardiometabolic diseases (obesity and type 2 diabetes), with liver cirrhosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Our data represent a comprehensive resource for further investigations on the role of the gut microbiome in promoting or preventing ACVD as well as other related diseases.The gut microbiota may play a role in cardiovascular diseases. Here, the authors perform a metagenome-wide association study on stools from individuals with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and healthy controls, identifying microbial strains and functions associated with the disease.
Anaerobic hydrocarbon degradation in candidate phylum 'Atribacteria' (JS1) inferred from genomics
The hydrocarbon-enriched environments, such as oil reservoirs and oil sands tailings ponds, contain a broad diversity of uncultured microorganisms. Despite being one of the few prokaryotic lineages that is consistently detected in both production water from oil reservoirs and stable hydrocarbon-degrading enrichment cultures originated from oil reservoirs, the physiological and ecological roles of candidate phylum \"Atribacteria\" (OP9/JS1) are not known in deep subsurface environments. Here, we report the expanded metabolic capabilities of Atribacteria as inferred from genomic reconstructions. Seventeen newly assembled medium-to-high-quality metagenomic assembly genomes (MAGs) were obtained either from co-assembly of two metagenomes from an Alaska North Slope oil reservoir or from previous studies of metagenomes coming from different environments. These MAGs comprise three currently known genus-level lineages and four novel genus-level groups of OP9 and JS1, which expands the genomic coverage of the major lineages within the candidate phylum Atribacteria. Genes involved in anaerobic hydrocarbon degradation were found in seven MAGs associated with hydrocarbon-enriched environments, and suggest that some Atribacteria could ferment short-chain n-alkanes into fatty acid while conserving energy. This study expands predicted metabolic capabilities of Atribacteria (JS1) and suggests that they are mediating a key role in subsurface carbon cycling.
أفكار حول تعميق الإصلاح
يناقش الكتاب سلسلة من الإيضاحات الهامة قدمها الرئيس الصيني والأمين العام للجنة المركزية للحزب الشيوعي الصيني، شي جين بينغ، وتدور حول أفكار الإصلاح وتوسيع الانفتاح على نحو شامل في الصين. يضم الكتاب أكثر من 70 وثيقة هامة على صورة كلمات شي جين بينغ وخطاباته وتعليقاته وتوجيهاته وينقسم الكتاب إلى 12 موضوعا خاصا تتضمن 274 قطعة من مقتطفات الأقوال، نشر بعضها لأول مرة.
Enterprise digital transformation and production efficiency: mechanism analysis and empirical research
In the post-industrial period, traditional Chinese enterprises are facing the awkward situation of being 'big but not strong', with their core technologies being controlled by others. The digital transformation of enterprises has not only reshaped business models and industrial boundaries, but also boosted the high-quality development of China's economy. This paper reviews the existing literature and discovers that digital technology promotes enterprise production efficiency through cost reduction, efficiency improvement, and innovation. Based on the data of listed manufacturing companies in the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges from 2009 to 2017, this paper constructs a differences in differences (DID) model to empirically study the relationship between digital transformation and production efficiency. The results revealed that the implementation of digital transformation plays a significant role in promoting economic benefits and the results of the lag regression method are still robust. Based on this, combined with the actual situation of Chinese enterprises, this paper proposes countermeasures and suggestions to promote the development of enterprise digital transformation. The conclusion is of great significance for Chinese enterprises to occupy a dominant position in the new wave of global industrial revolution.