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8,008 result(s) for "Zhu, Bin"
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Stabilization and structuralization: transformations of China's labor market from the perspective of new institutionalism (2006–2017)
Precarious work in China has drawn increasing attention, and this paper examines its changing trends from 2006 to 2017. It finds that as the state intensifies its intervention in the labor market, employers face a conflicting institutional environment with the demands of the technological environment. Employers meet the legitimacy requirements of state policy by increasing the number of stable jobs on the one hand and reducing the labor costs of unstable workers on the other hand to smooth out the increase in labor costs caused by the increase in stable workers, resulting in a stronger segmentation of the “stable–unstable” dichotomy. These two processes are more pronounced in the private sector because of the stronger tensions between legitimization and performance maximization.
Shaping triple-conducting semiconductor BaCo0.4Fe0.4Zr0.1Y0.1O3-δ into an electrolyte for low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells
Interest in low-temperature operation of solid oxide fuel cells is growing. Recent advances in perovskite phases have resulted in an efficient H+/O2-/e- triple-conducting electrode BaCo0.4Fe0.4Zr0.1Y0.1O3-δ for low-temperature fuel cells. Here, we further develop BaCo0.4Fe0.4Zr0.1Y0.1O3-δ for electrolyte applications by taking advantage of its high ionic conduction while suppressing its electronic conduction through constructing a BaCo0.4Fe0.4Zr0.1Y0.1O3-δ-ZnO p-n heterostructure. With this approach, it has been demonstrated that BaCo0.4Fe0.4Zr0.1Y0.1O3-δ can be applied in a fuel cell with good electrolyte functionality, achieving attractive ionic conductivity and cell performance. Further investigation confirms the hybrid H+/O2- conducting capability of BaCo0.4Fe0.4Zr0.1Y0.1O3-δ-ZnO. An energy band alignment mechanism based on a p-n heterojunction is proposed to explain the suppression of electronic conductivity and promotion of ionic conductivity in the heterostructure. Our findings demonstrate that BaCo0.4Fe0.4Zr0.1Y0.1O3-δ is not only a good electrode but also a highly promising electrolyte. The approach reveals insight for developing advanced low-temperature solid oxide fuel cell electrolytes. Solid oxide fuel cells enable efficient electricity generation at high temperatures. Here the authors incorporate a mixed ion-electron semiconductor into another semiconductor to form a p-n junction to suppress electron conduction and enhance ion conduction, leading to a low-temperature electrolyte.
Scalable and hierarchically designed polymer film as a selective thermal emitter for high-performance all-day radiative cooling
Traditional cooling systems consume tremendous amounts of energy and thus aggravate the greenhouse effect . Passive radiative cooling, dissipating an object's heat through an atmospheric transparency window (8-13 μm) to outer space without any energy consumption, has attracted much attention . The unique feature of radiative cooling lies in the high emissivity in the atmospheric transparency window through which heat can be dissipated to the universe. Therefore, for achieving high cooling performance, the design and fabrication of selective emitters, with emission strongly dominant in the transparency window, is of essential importance, as such spectral selection suppresses parasitic absorption from the surrounding thermal radiation. Recently, various materials and structures with tailored spectrum responses have been investigated to achieve the effect of daytime radiative cooling . However, most of the radiative cooling materials reported possess broad-band absorption/emission covering the whole mid-infrared wavelength . Here we demonstrate that a hierarchically designed polymer nanofibre-based film, produced by a scalable electrostatic spinning process, enables selective mid-infrared emission, effective sunlight reflection and therefore excellent all-day radiative cooling performance. Specifically, the C-O-C (1,260-1,110 cm ) and C-OH (1,239-1,030 cm ) bonding endows the selective emissivity of 78% in 8-13 μm wavelength range, and the design of nanofibres with a controlled diameter allows for a high reflectivity of 96.3% in 0.3-2.5 μm wavelength range. As a result, we observe ~3 °C cooling improvement of this selective thermal emitter as compared to that of a non-selective emitter at night, and 5 °C sub-ambient cooling under sunlight. The impact of this hierarchically designed selective thermal emitter on alleviating global warming and temperature regulating an Earth-like planet is also analysed, with a significant advantage demonstrated. With its excellent cooling performance and a scalable process, this hierarchically designed selective thermal emitter opens a new pathway towards large-scale applications of all-day radiative cooling materials.
Extended BMS algebra of celestial CFT
A bstract We elaborate on the proposal of flat holography in which four-dimensional physics is encoded in two-dimensional celestial conformal field theory (CCFT). The symmetry underlying CCFT is the extended BMS symmetry of (asymptotically) flat space­ time. We use soft and collinear theorems of Einstein-Yang-Mills theory to derive the OPEs of BMS field operators generating superrotations and supertranslations. The energy­ momentum tensor, given by a shadow transform of a soft graviton operator, implements superrotations in the Virasoro subalgebra of 𝔟𝔪𝔰 4 . Supertranslations can be obtained from a single translation generator along the light-cone direction by commuting it with the energy-momentum tensor. This operator also originates from a soft graviton and generates a flow of conformal dimensions. All supertranslations can be assembled into a single primary conformal field operator on celestial sphere.
The self-centered philanthropist: family involvement and corporate social responsibility in private enterprises
Although corporate social responsibility (CSR) has attracted increasing attention in recent years, systematic studies on the CSR of Chinese enterprises are absent from academic publications. This study examines the effects of family involvement in the CSR of private enterprises. Using private enterprise data in China, the article reveals that, on the one hand, family involvement will improve CSR investment toward community stakeholders; on the other hand, family involvement has a negative effect on the CSR of contractual stakeholders. With the influence of “ chaxu geju ,” the author argues that Chinese families tend to shift between different logics of behavior when faced with people with whom they have different types of relationships and incorporate this behavioral mode into company practices when they engage themselves in management and business affairs.
Extended super BMS algebra of celestial CFT
A bstract We study two-dimensional celestial conformal field theory describing four- dimensional N =1 supergravity/Yang-Mills systems and show that the underlying symmetry is a supersymmetric generalization of BMS symmetry. We construct fermionic conformal primary wave functions and show how they are related via supersymmetry to their bosonic partners. We use soft and collinear theorems of supersymmetric Einstein-Yang- Mills theory to derive the OPEs of the operators associated to massless particles. The bosonic and fermionic soft theorems are shown to form a sequence under supersymmetric Ward identities. In analogy with the energy momentum tensor, the supercurrents are shadow transforms of soft gravitino operators and generate an infinite-dimensional super- symmetry algebra. The algebra of sbms 4 generators agrees with the expectations based on earlier work on the asymptotic symmetry group of supergravity. We also show that the supertranslation operator can be written as a product of holomorphic and anti-holomorphic supercurrents.
Regulation of GSTu1-mediated insecticide resistance in Plutella xylostella by miRNA and lncRNA
The evolution of resistance to insecticides is well known to be closely associated with the overexpression of detoxifying enzymes. Although the role of glutathione S-transferase (GST) genes in insecticide resistance has been widely reported, the underlying regulatory mechanisms are poorly understood. Here, one GST gene (GSTu1) and its antisense transcript (lnc-GSTu1-AS) were identified and cloned, and both of them were upregulated in several chlorantraniliprole-resistant Plutella xylostella populations. GSTu1 was confirmed to be involved in chlorantraniliprole resistance by direct degradation of this insecticide. Furthermore, we demonstrated that lnc-GSTu1-AS interacted with GSTu1 by forming an RNA duplex, which masked the binding site of miR-8525-5p at the GSTu1-3'UTR. In summary, we revealed that lnc-GSTu1-AS maintained the mRNA stability of GSTu1 by preventing its degradation that could have been induced by miR-8525-5p and thus increased the resistance of P. xylostella to chlorantraniliprole. Our findings reveal a new noncoding RNA-mediated pathway that regulates the expression of detoxifying enzymes in insecticide-resistant insects and offer opportunities for the further understanding of the mechanisms of insecticide and drug resistance.
Cultural reproduction or cultural mobility? Unequal education achievement among Chinese college students
This article investigates the influence of family class background on college students’ education achievement by using the Beijing College Students Panel Survey. Statistical analyses show that elite class offspring are more likely to form student cadres and have higher English proficiency but lower grades. One reason for lower grades is that they do not devote enough time and energy to school. Another reason, however, is that the effect of cultural capital is weakened in a subjective, standardized system of examination and evaluation. Moreover, cultural capital has a greater effect when combined with other resources, meaning that elite-class children benefit more from cultural capital, which is consistent with the cultural reproduction theory.
Probability interpretations play an important role in understanding decision makers’ (DMs) behaviour in decision making. In this paper, we extend hesitant fuzzy sets to probability-hesitant fuzzy sets (P-HFSs) to enhance their modeling ability by taking DMs’ probabilistic preferences into consideration. Based on P-HFSs, we propose the concept of probability-hesitant fuzzy preference relation (P-HFPR) to collect the preferences. We then develop a consensus index to measure the consensus degrees of P-HFPR, and a stochastic method to improve the consensus degrees. All these results are essential for further research on P-HFSs.