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52 result(s) for "Zona, Scott"
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Fruit and Seed Dispersal of Salvia L. (Lamiaceae): A Review of the Evidence
The seed dispersal mechanisms of Salvia species are reviewed, with particular attention to quantitative or experimental evidence of dispersal. Despite having rather uniform fruit morphology, Salvia has several dispersal mechanisms: dispersal of mericarps by water (hydrochory), wind (anemochory), animals (zoochory) or gravity (barochory). Cases of myrmecochory are highlighted, along with dispersal by the plant itself via springy or hygroscopic pedicels. Despite having no visible means of dispersal, many Salvia species disperse for short to medium distances. Many gaps in our knowledge of dispersal exist, despite the fact that knowledge of dispersal mechanisms is critical in evaluating invasive potential, conservation status, usefulness in habitat restoration, and geographic distribution.
Fruit and seed dispersal of Salvia L. : a review of the evidence
The seed dispersal mechanisms of Salvia species are reviewed, with particular attention to quantitative or experimental evidence of dispersal. Despite having rather uniform fruit morphology. Salvia has several dispersal mechanisms: dispersal of mericarps by water (hydrochory), wind (anemochory), animals (zoochory) or gravity (barochory). Cases of mynnecochory are highlighted, along with dispersal by the plant itself via springy or hygroscopic pedicels. Despite having no visible means of dispersal, many Salvia species disperse for short to medium distances. Many gaps in our knowledge of dispersal exist, despite the fact that knowledge of dispersal mechanisms is critical in evaluating invasive potential, conservation status, usefulness in habitat restoration, and geographic distribution.
Are Seeds Consumed by Crocodilians Viable? A Test of the Crocodilian Saurochory Hypothesis
Many animal species are important dispersers of seeds; however, relatively little attention has been paid to the seed-dispersal capabilities of reptiles, and almost nothing is known about the seed-dispersal capabilities of crocodilians. This lack of information is surprising given that seeds have been found in the stomach contents of a majority of crocodilian species. Here we present the first experimental investigation of the seed-dispersal potential of a crocodilian. Using a comparative germination experiment, we tested the viability of Annona glabra (Pond-apple Tree) seeds recovered from the stomach of an Alligator mississippiensis (American Alligator [Alligator]) captured in the Florida Coastal Everglades. We found that seeds from the Alligator's stomach were nonviable under ideal germination conditions and that fresh, non-digested Pond-apple seeds exposed to the same germination conditions were highly viable. The seeds recovered from the Alligator’s stomach were nonviable because they were likely destroyed by stomach acids. Thus, Alligators are likely not dispersers of Pond-apple seeds and may instead act as seed predators. Further research is needed to test the potential of crocodilians as dispersers of other types of seeds from different plant families.
Mainland and Island Populations of Coccothrinax argentata (Arecaceae): Revisiting a Common Garden Experiment in its 18thYear
Coccothrinax argentata (Arecaceae) occurs in southern Florida, both on the mainland and in the islands of the Florida Keys. However, the palms from the mainland and Keys display morphological differences that led taxonomists to recognize them as distinct species in the past. They are now treated as a single, polymorphic species, but the question remains: Are the morphological differences best explained by genetics or environment? In 1999, seedlings grown from seeds collected from different populations were planted in a common garden in a randomized plot design. In 2007, the first research was published comparing genetics based on ISSRs to morphological measurements. The research from 2007 showed evidence for a genetic explanation, but with poor resolution. Here, we present new genetic data using microsatellite regions (SSRs), in combination with morphological data from more mature palms. The results support the recognition of two taxa, which we propose at the rank of subspecies.
Mainland and Island Populations of Coccothrinax argentata (Arecaceae): Revisiting a Common Garden Experiment in its 18th Year
Coccothrinax argentata (Arecaceae) occurs in southern Florida, both on the mainland and in the islands of the Florida Keys. However, the palms from the mainland and Keys display morphological differences that led taxonomists to recognize them as distinct species in the past. They are now treated as a single, polymorphic species, but the question remains: Are the morphological differences best explained by genetics or environment? In 1999, seedlings grown from seeds collected from different populations were planted in a common garden in a randomized plot design. In 2007, the first research was published comparing genetics based on ISSRs to morphological measurements. The research from 2007 showed evidence for a genetic explanation, but with poor resolution. Here, we present new genetic data using microsatellite regions (SSRs), in combination with morphological data from more mature palms. The results support the recognition of two taxa, which we propose at the rank of subspecies.
Three new genera of arecoid palm (Arecaceae) from eastern Malesia
Recent botanical exploration in eastern Malesia has resulted in the discovery of three spectacular palm taxa that have proved difficult to assign to genus. New evidence from molecular phylogenetic research indicates that these taxa should now be recognised as three monotypic genera. Here, we describe these genera as new to science, all of which are members of subtribe Ptychospermatinae (Areceae: Arecoideae). Jailoloa Heatubun & W. J. Baker is restricted to ultramafic vegetation in a single site in Halmahera and is Critically Endangered due to nickel mining. Manjekia W. J. Baker & Heatubun is scattered throughout the limestone vegetation of Biak Island, east of the Bird's Head Peninsula of New Guinea, and is Endangered, although parts of its distribution fall within a protected area. Wallaceodoxa Heatubun & W. J. Baker, named to mark the centenary of Alfred Russel Wallace's death, is found on Gag and Waigeo, two of the Raja Ampat Islands west of the Bird's Head Peninsula, where it is Critically Endangered due to its small and rapidly reducing population. Full morphological descriptions are provided with detailed comparisons with related genera, alongside a revised key to the genera of Ptychospermatinae. These new genera are unexpected additions to the palm flora of Malesia, and demand urgent conservation attention.
Taxonomy is not beholden to its dependencies: a rebuttal to Garnett and Christidis (2017)
Garnett and Christidis (2017) slammed taxonomy for hampering conservation. They painted a picture of capricious taxonomists arbitrarily creating or dismissing species and claimed “the scientific community's failure to govern taxonomy threatens the effectiveness of global efforts to halt biodiversity loss, damages the credibility of science, and is expensive to society”. We reject their premise that taxonomy is but a service in need of governance, rather than an independent—and foundational—scientific discipline.