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4,104 result(s) for "ايران"
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Social Change in Medieval Iran 132-628 AH (750-1231 AD)
This study contributes to the history of social changes in Iran during the Abbasid Caliphate (AH 132–656, AD 750–1258) by foregrounding the perspective of Persian language historians – from Abu Ali Bal'ami (AH 363, AD 974), the first known Persian historian, to Atamelak Joveyni (AH 623–681, AD 1226–1283), the great historian of the Mongol Era. By applying the insights of Anthony Giddens and the theory of structuration to address the interactions of social agents and structures, this book provides a coherent narrative of social transformation in medieval Iran.
Iran and Palestine
Examining the nature of relations between Iran and Palestine, this book investigates the relationship between state and authorities in the Middle East. Analysing the connections of the Iranian revolutionary movements, both the Left’s and the Islamic camps’ perspectives are scrutinized. To provide a historical background to the post-revolutionary period, the genealogy of pro-Palestinian sentiments before 1979 are traced additionally. Demonstrating the pro-Palestinian stance of post-revolutionary Iran, the study focuses on the roots of the ideological outlook and the interest of the state. Despite a growing body of literature on the Iranian Revolution and its impacts on the region, Iran’s connection with Palestine has been overlooked. This new volume fills the gap in the literature and enables readers to unpack the history of the two states. This unique and comprehensive coverage of Iran and Palestine’s relationship is a key resource for scholars and students interested in international relations, politics, Islamic and Middle East studies.
The Politics of the Past
Politics of the past: The Representation of the Ancient Empires by Iran’s Modern States' examines the highly problematic politics of the past surrounding the archaeology of ancient empires in Iran. Being indigenous, the authors regard the relations between archaeological remains, (negative) heritage, and modern strategies of suppression. The chapters provide a detailed analysis of how the practice of archaeology could be biased and ideologically charged. Discussing their own personal and professional experiences, the authors exemplify the real (ethical) dilemmas that archaeologists confront in the Middle East, calling for reflectivity and awareness among the archaeologists of the region. The text is accompanied by visual deconstruction of ancient rock reliefs to indicate the possibility of alternative histories.
Film, Ethnien und Kulturpolitik im Iran
Der Iran ist ein Land voller spannender kultureller, sozialer, sprachlicher und individueller Entwicklungen. Der Titel des Buches soll Filme, Ethnien und die Kulturpolitik miteinander verbinden können. Dabei ist es wichtig in Erfahrung zu bringen, dass Visualität heute eine vordergründige Rolle bei der Darstellung, Produktion/Reproduktion, Verbesserung und Verschlechterung der Lebenslage von Individuen, Ethnien und dergleichen spielen kann. Diese Arbeit ordnet sich auf Grund der Thematik des modernen Films in die Neu-Iranistik, der Islamwissenschaft und der Ethnologie ein. Das Werk richtet sich im Allgemeinen an Leser, die sich für den Iran und den iranischen Kulturraum interessieren. Besonders sind mit diesem Werk Wissenschaftler und Forscher angesprochen, die aus einem soziologischen, anthropologischen, ethnologischen, kulturpolitischen und nicht zuletzt filmischen Perspektive gesellschaftliche Fragestellungen zum Iran verfolgen möchten.
سراج زيت \جراغ روغنى\ من إيران خلال العصر الصفوي محفوظ في متحف الروضة المقدسة بقم
عرفت إيران منذ فترة مبكرة من تاريخها صناعة وتشكيل أدوات على هيئة أشكال الطيور والحيوانات، وهو التقليد الذي استمر بعد انتشار الإسلام فيها، ومن بين ما وصلنا من هذا النمط عدة أدوات للإضاءة، يلفت النظر منها سراج ينسب إلى العصر الصفوي (907-1135 ه / 1501-1722 م) محفوظ في متحف الروضة المقدسة بقم تم صياغته على هيئة طائر. وتهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تناوله بالشرح والتحليل من خلال محورين؛ الأول وصفي يهدف إلى التوثيق والتعرف على التصميم العام والخصائص الواضحة له. والثاني تحليلي يتتبع النماذج السابقة واللاحقة على العصر الصفوي بهدف تأريخه في ضوء المقارنة مع نماذج أخرى، بالإضافة إلى تحديد وظيفته والمسمى الدقيق له، وبيان العلاقة بين الشكل والوظيفة، والربط ما بين تشكيله على هيئة طائر يجمع ما بين جسم الحمام ومنقار العقاب والثقافة السائدة في إيران الصفوية، وأثر المعتقدات الشيعية للاثني عشرية في صياغته وما قد يرمز إليه طائر الحمام عبر استقراء المصادر التاريخية والفقهية.
The Nature of Oman's Relations with Iran
يعود تاريخ العلاقة بين سلطنة عمان والجمهورية الإسلامية الإيرانية إلى قدم الحضارات التي قامت ضمن حدودهما. بقيت هذه العلاقة ضمن الإطار التجاري الاقتصادي إلى أن اتخذت شكلا آخر بسبب الاحتلال الفارسي للسواحل العمانية والذي انتهى بنهاية القرن الأول قبل الميلاد وذلك بعد معركة سلوت. سيتم التركيز في هذه الدراسة على العلاقات بين البلدين في الوقت الراهن فقط، فمن وجهة النظر العمانية: تظهر ضرورة الاعتراف بإيران كدولة ذات تاريخ عميق وحضارة متجذرة وليست مجرد دولة حديثة النشأة والولادة وهو ما ترتب عليه إيمان السلطنة العميق بأهمية الدور الذي تلعبه إيران في المنطقة. لذا فإن السلطنة حريصة كل الحرص على إبراز ذلك الدور بكل السبل الممكنة من منطلق إعطاء كل ذي حق حقه. من ناحية أخرى، يتبين وبكل وضوح أن التأثير العماني قد وصل إلى الأراضي الإيرانية يتبين وبكل وضوح أن التأثير العماني قد وصل إلى الأراضي الإيرانية متمثلا في رسالة الإسلام التي حملها التجار والرحالة العمانيين الذين أبحروا عن طريق المضيق الذهبي (هرمز) حتى الحدود الإيرانية. فضلا عن استقرار بعض القبائل العربية والفارسية- على حد سواء- في السواحل الشمالية للسلطنة، حيث كان التعايش السلمي هو سيد الموقف حتى يومنا هذا. أيضا. تتوجب الإشارة إلى أن العلاقات العمانية الإيرانية تقوم على عدة مبادئ تتضمن الاحترام المتبادل، وعدم التدخل في الشؤون الداخلية بالإضافة إلى التعاون في المجال الأمني واللوجستي خاصة في سبعينيات القرن الماضي حيث وصلت ذروتها بزيارة شاه إيران في ١٩٧٧ إلى سلطنة عمان. وما يدل على أهمية إيران الاستراتيجية للسلطنة هي الاتفاقيات التي عقدتها السلطنة لحماية نفسها من خطر التمدد الشيوعي والتي كانت إيران طرفا في كثير منها.
A Single Roll of the Dice
Have the diplomatic efforts of the Obama administration toward Iran failed? Was the Bush administration's emphasis on military intervention, refusal to negotiate, and pursuit of regime change a better approach? How can the United States best address the ongoing turmoil in Tehran? This book provides a definitive and comprehensive analysis of the Obama administration's early diplomatic outreach to Iran and discusses the best way to move toward more positive relations between the two discordant states. Trita Parsi, a Middle East foreign policy expert with extensive Capitol Hill and United Nations experience, interviewed 70 high-ranking officials from the U.S., Iran, Europe, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Brazil-including the top American and Iranian negotiators-for this book. Parsi uncovers the previously unknown story of American and Iranian negotiations during Obama's early years as president, the calculations behind the two nations' dealings, and the real reasons for their current stalemate. Contrary to prevailing opinion, Parsi contends that diplomacy has not been fully tried. For various reasons, Obama's diplomacy ended up being a single roll of the dice. It had to work either immediately-or not at all. Persistence and perseverance are keys to any negotiation. Neither Iran nor the U.S. had them in 2009.
Koreans in Iran
Iran and Korea are both at the top of the headlines these days. Do they have anything to do with each other? As tensions rise again, few of us are aware that the two Koreas and Iran are engaging in many ways, and have been for more than fifty years. Despite the nations' seeming dissimilarities, Koreans have been quite active in Iran since the 1960s - under the Pahlavi Dynasty, President Ahmadinejad, and today. The author, an Iranian expert on Iranian-East Asian relations, looks into the reasons why significant political, cultural, and above all commercial ties came into being, and he provides facts and figures showing which industries and products are most involved.
China and Iran
Iran's nuclear aspirations increasingly dominate its relations with the United States and Europe. China remains one of Iran's strongest allies on the Security Council, and also its most likely supplier of technology and assistance, built on decades of close economic and military relations. Iran is enjoying strong new influence in the Middle East and Asia following record oil profits and Shi'i victories in Iraqi parliamentary elections. Like Iran, China fought for decades to increase its self-reliance and geopolitical influence after painful experiences under European colonialism, which spurred nationalist revolutions. With China and Iran: Ancient Partners in a Post-Imperial World, John Garver breaks new ground on the relationship between the People's Republic of China and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Grounding his survey in the twin concepts of civilization and power, Garver explores the relationship between these two ancient and proud peoples, each of which consider the other a peer and a partner in their mutual determination to build a post-Western-dominated Asia. Successive governments of both China and Iran have recognized substantial national capabilities in each other, capabilities that allow the countries to achieve their own national interests through cooperation. These interests have varied - from countering Soviet expansionism to resisting U.S. unilateralism - but the cooperative relationship between the two nations has remained constant. In his compelling analysis, Garver explores the evolution of Sino-Iranian relations through several phases, including Iran under the shah and before the 1979 revolution; from the 1979 revolution to 1989, a year marked both by the end of the Iran-Iraq war and the beginning of conflict in Sino-U.S. relations; and from 1989 to 2004. China and Iran includes discussion of the current debates at the International Atomic Energy Agency over Iran's nuclear programs and China's role in assisting these programs and in supporting Iran in international debates. Garver examines China's involvement in Iran's efforts to modernize its military, including China's offer of weapons, capital goods, and engineering services in exchange for Iranian oil, suggesting links between this energy exchange and China's support for Iran in political arenas. In today's political climate, where China is recognized as a rising and increasingly influential global power and Iran as one of the most powerful nations in the Middle East, this book presents a crucial analysis of a topic of utmost importance to scholars and the general public today.