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2,065 result(s) for "Antiangiogenics"
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Immuno-Metabolism and Microenvironment in Cancer: Key Players for Immunotherapy
Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have changed therapeutic algorithms in several malignancies, although intrinsic and secondary resistance is still an issue. In this context, the dysregulation of immuno-metabolism plays a leading role both in the tumor microenvironment (TME) and at the host level. In this review, we summarize the most important immune-metabolic factors and how they could be exploited therapeutically. At the cellular level, an increased concentration of extracellular adenosine as well as the depletion of tryptophan and uncontrolled activation of the PI3K/AKT pathway induces an immune-tolerant TME, reducing the response to ICIs. Moreover, aberrant angiogenesis induces a hypoxic environment by recruiting VEGF, T cells and immune-suppressive tumor associated macrophages (TAMs). On the other hand, factors such as gender and body mass index seem to affect the response to ICIs, while the microbiome composition (and its alterations) modulates both the response and the development of immune-related adverse events. Exploiting these complex mechanisms is the next goal in immunotherapy. The most successful strategy to date has been the combination of antiangiogenic drugs and ICIs, which prolonged the survival of patients with non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), while results from tryptophan pathway inhibition studies are inconclusive. New exciting strategies include targeting the adenosine pathway, TAMs and the microbiota with fecal microbiome transplantation.
Combining microenvironment normalization strategies to improve cancer immunotherapy
Advances in immunotherapy have revolutionized the treatment of multiple cancers. Unfortunately, tumors usually have impaired blood perfusion, which limits the delivery of therapeutics and cytotoxic immune cells to tumors and also results in hypoxia—a hallmark of the abnormal tumor microenvironment (TME)—that causes immunosuppression. We proposed that normalization of TME using antiangiogenic drugs and/or mechanotherapeutics can overcome these challenges. Recently, immunotherapy with checkpoint blockers was shown to effectively induce vascular normalization in some types of cancer. Although these therapeutic approaches have been used in combination in preclinical and clinical studies, their combined effects on TME are not fully understood. To identify strategies for improved immunotherapy, we have developed a mathematical framework that incorporates complex interactions among various types of cancer cells, immune cells, stroma, angiogenic molecules, and the vasculature. Model predictions were compared with the data from five previously reported experimental studies. We found that low doses of antiangiogenic treatment improve immunotherapy when the two treatments are administered sequentially, but that high doses are less efficacious because of excessive vessel pruning and hypoxia. Stroma normalization can further increase the efficacy of immunotherapy, and the benefit is additive when combined with vascular normalization. We conclude that vessel functionality dictates the efficacy of immunotherapy, and thus increased tumor perfusion should be investigated as a predictive biomarker of response to immunotherapy.
Neoadjuvant therapy with immune checkpoint blockade, antiangiogenesis, and chemotherapy for locally advanced gastric cancer
Despite neoadjuvant/conversion chemotherapy, the prognosis of cT4a/bN+ gastric cancer is poor. Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) and antiangiogenic agents have shown activity in late-stage gastric cancer, but their efficacy in the neoadjuvant/conversion setting is unclear. In this single-armed, phase II, exploratory trial (NCT03878472), we evaluate the efficacy of a combination of ICI (camrelizumab), antiangiogenesis (apatinib), and chemotherapy (S-1 ± oxaliplatin) for neoadjuvant/conversion treatment of cT4a/bN+ gastric cancer. The primary endpoints are pathological responses and their potential biomarkers. Secondary endpoints include safety, objective response, progression-free survival, and overall survival. Complete and major pathological response rates are 15.8% and 26.3%. Pathological responses correlate significantly with microsatellite instability status, PD-L1 expression, and tumor mutational burden. In addition, multi-omics examination reveals several putative biomarkers for pathological responses, including RREB1 and SSPO mutation, immune-related signatures, and a peripheral T cell expansion score. Multi-omics also demonstrates dynamic changes in dominant tumor subclones, immune microenvironments, and T cell receptor repertoires during neoadjuvant immunotherapy. The toxicity and post-surgery complications are limited. These data support further validation of ICI- and antiangiogenesis-based neoadjuvant/conversion therapy in large randomized trials and provide candidate biomarkers.
Anti-Angiogenic Therapy: Current Challenges and Future Perspectives
Anti-angiogenic therapy is an old method to fight cancer that aims to abolish the nutrient and oxygen supply to the tumor cells through the decrease of the vascular network and the avoidance of new blood vessels formation. Most of the anti-angiogenic agents approved for cancer treatment rely on targeting vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) actions, as VEGF signaling is considered the main angiogenesis promotor. In addition to the control of angiogenesis, these drugs can potentiate immune therapy as VEGF also exhibits immunosuppressive functions. Despite the mechanistic rational that strongly supports the benefit of drugs to stop cancer progression, they revealed to be insufficient in most cases. We hypothesize that the rehabilitation of old drugs that interfere with mechanisms of angiogenesis related to tumor microenvironment might represent a promising strategy. In this review, we deepened research on the molecular mechanisms underlying anti-angiogenic strategies and their failure and went further into the alternative mechanisms that impact angiogenesis. We concluded that the combinatory targeting of alternative effectors of angiogenic pathways might be a putative solution for anti-angiogenic therapies.
Gastric cancer
Gastric cancer is the fifth most common cancer and the third most common cause of cancer death globally. Risk factors for the condition include Helicobacter pylori infection, age, high salt intake, and diets low in fruit and vegetables. Gastric cancer is diagnosed histologically after endoscopic biopsy and staged using CT, endoscopic ultrasound, PET, and laparoscopy. It is a molecularly and phenotypically highly heterogeneous disease. The main treatment for early gastric cancer is endoscopic resection. Non-early operable gastric cancer is treated with surgery, which should include D2 lymphadenectomy (including lymph node stations in the perigastric mesentery and along the celiac arterial branches). Perioperative or adjuvant chemotherapy improves survival in patients with stage 1B or higher cancers. Advanced gastric cancer is treated with sequential lines of chemotherapy, starting with a platinum and fluoropyrimidine doublet in the first line; median survival is less than 1 year. Targeted therapies licensed to treat gastric cancer include trastuzumab (HER2-positive patients first line), ramucirumab (anti-angiogenic second line), and nivolumab or pembrolizumab (anti-PD-1 third line).
Therapeutic paradigm of dual targeting VEGF and PDGF for effectively treating FGF-2 off-target tumors
Abstract FGF-2 displays multifarious functions in regulation of angiogenesis and vascular remodeling. However, effective drugs for treating FGF-2 + tumors are unavailable. Here we show that FGF-2 modulates tumor vessels by recruiting NG2 + pricytes onto tumor microvessels through a PDGFRβ-dependent mechanism. FGF-2 + tumors are intrinsically resistant to clinically available drugs targeting VEGF and PDGF. Surprisingly, dual targeting the VEGF and PDGF signaling produces a superior antitumor effect in FGF-2 + breast cancer and fibrosarcoma models. Mechanistically, inhibition of PDGFRβ ablates FGF-2-recruited perivascular coverage, exposing anti-VEGF agents to inhibit vascular sprouting. These findings show that the off-target FGF-2 is a resistant biomarker for anti-VEGF and anti-PDGF monotherapy, but a highly beneficial marker for combination therapy. Our data shed light on mechanistic interactions between various angiogenic and remodeling factors in tumor neovascularization. Optimization of antiangiogenic drugs with different principles could produce therapeutic benefits for treating their resistant off-target cancers.
Experimental and computational analyses reveal dynamics of tumor vessel cooption and optimal treatment strategies
Cooption of the host vasculature is a strategy that some cancers use to sustain tumor progression without—or before—angiogenesis or in response to antiangiogenic therapy. Facilitated by certain growth factors, cooption can mediate tumor infiltration and confer resistance to antiangiogenic drugs. Unfortunately, this mode of tumor progression is difficult to target because the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. Here, we analyzed the dynamics of vessel cooption during tumor progression and in response to antiangiogenic treatment in gliomas and brain metastases. We followed tumor evolution during escape from antiangiogenic treatment as cancer cells coopted, and apparently mechanically compressed, host vessels. To gain deeper understanding, we developed a mathematical model, which incorporated compression of coopted vessels, resulting in hypoxia and formation of new vessels by angiogenesis. Even if antiangiogenic therapy can block such secondary angiogenesis, the tumor can sustain itself by coopting existing vessels. Hence, tumor progression can only be stopped by combination therapies that judiciously block both angiogenesis and cooption. Furthermore, the model suggests that sequential blockade is likely to be more beneficial than simultaneous blockade.
The Angiopoietin-2 and TIE Pathway as a Therapeutic Target for Enhancing Antiangiogenic Therapy and Immunotherapy in Patients with Advanced Cancer
Despite significant advances made in cancer treatment, the development of therapeutic resistance to anticancer drugs represents a major clinical problem that limits treatment efficacy for cancer patients. Herein, we focus on the response and resistance to current antiangiogenic drugs and immunotherapies and describe potential strategies for improved treatment outcomes. Antiangiogenic treatments that mainly target vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) signaling have shown efficacy in many types of cancer. However, drug resistance, characterized by disease recurrence, has limited therapeutic success and thus increased our urgency to better understand the mechanism of resistance to inhibitors of VEGF signaling. Moreover, cancer immunotherapies including immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), which stimulate antitumor immunity, have also demonstrated a remarkable clinical benefit in the treatment of many aggressive malignancies. Nevertheless, the emergence of resistance to immunotherapies associated with an immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment has restricted therapeutic response, necessitating the development of better therapeutic strategies to increase treatment efficacy in patients. Angiopoietin-2 (ANG2), which binds to the receptor tyrosine kinase TIE2 in endothelial cells, is a cooperative driver of angiogenesis and vascular destabilization along with VEGF. It has been suggested in multiple preclinical studies that ANG2-mediated vascular changes contribute to the development and persistence of resistance to anti-VEGF therapy. Further, emerging evidence suggests a fundamental link between vascular abnormalities and tumor immune evasion, supporting the rationale for combination strategies of immunotherapy with antiangiogenic drugs. In this review, we discuss the recent mechanistic and clinical advances in targeting angiopoietin signaling, focusing on ANG2 inhibition, to enhance therapeutic efficacy of antiangiogenic and ICI therapies. In short, we propose that a better mechanistic understanding of ANG2-mediated vascular changes will provide insight into the significance of ANG2 in treatment response and resistance to current antiangiogenic and ICI therapies. These advances will ultimately improve therapeutic modalities for cancer treatment.
Exosomes in Angiogenesis and Anti-angiogenic Therapy in Cancers
Angiogenesis is the process through which new blood vessels are formed from pre-existing ones. Exosomes are involved in angiogenesis in cancer progression by transporting numerous pro-angiogenic biomolecules like vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), and microRNAs. Exosomes promote angiogenesis by suppressing expression of factor-inhibiting hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1). Uptake of tumor-derived exosomes (TEX) by normal endothelial cells activates angiogenic signaling pathways in endothelial cells and stimulates new vessel formation. TEX-driven cross-talk of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) with immune cells blocks their anti-tumor activity. Effective inhibition of tumor angiogenesis may arrest tumor progression. Bevacizumab, a VEGF-specific antibody, was the first antiangiogenic agent to enter the clinic. The most important clinical problem associated with cancer therapy using VEGF- or VEFGR-targeting agents is drug resistance. Combined strategies based on angiogenesis inhibitors and immunotherapy effectively enhances therapies in various cancers, but effective treatment requires further research.
Tumor angiogenesis: causes, consequences, challenges and opportunities
Tumor vascularization occurs through several distinct biological processes, which not only vary between tumor type and anatomic location, but also occur simultaneously within the same cancer tissue. These processes are orchestrated by a range of secreted factors and signaling pathways and can involve participation of non-endothelial cells, such as progenitors or cancer stem cells. Anti-angiogenic therapies using either antibodies or tyrosine kinase inhibitors have been approved to treat several types of cancer. However, the benefit of treatment has so far been modest, some patients not responding at all and others acquiring resistance. It is becoming increasingly clear that blocking tumors from accessing the circulation is not an easy task to accomplish. Tumor vessel functionality and gene expression often differ vastly when comparing different cancer subtypes, and vessel phenotype can be markedly heterogeneous within a single tumor. Here, we summarize the current understanding of cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in tumor angiogenesis and discuss challenges and opportunities associated with vascular targeting.