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169,460 result(s) for "Approaches"
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Surgical Approaches for Total Hip Arthroplasty
Total hip arthroplasty (THA) has become one of the most reliable and patient-requested surgical interventions in all medicine. The procedure can be performed using a variety of surgical approaches, but the posterior approach, direct lateral approach, and direct anterior approach are by far the most common across the globe. This article highlights the history and technique for each of these common approaches. A review of outcomes and complications for each approach are also provided. Each approach has its own unique advantages and disadvantages, but all can be safely and successful utilized for THA. Strong, convincing, high-quality studies comparing the different approaches are lacking at this time. Surgeons are therefore recommended to choose whichever approach they are most comfortable and experienced using. Though not described here, THA can also be done using the anterolateral approach (also known as the Watson Jones approach) as well as the two-incision approach. In addition, recently, some surgeons are utilizing the so-called direct superior approach for THA. While these approaches are far less commonly utilized, they are recognized as viable alternatives to traditional approaches.
Job crafting refers to changes to a job that workers make with the intention of improving the job for themselves. It may include structural (i.e., physical and procedural), social, and cognitive forms. We draw on two studies to develop a role–resource approach–avoidance taxonomy that integrates and extends the dominant role- and resource-based perspectives of job crafting according to characteristics of approach and avoidance. Study 1 used both qualitative and quantitative methods to analyze job crafting activities described during employee interviews to understand the nature and outcomes of specific job crafting activities. Study 2 provides quantitative support for the specific job crafting types emerging from Study 1, and further explores job crafting outcomes. Approach role crafting includes role expansion and social expansion, while avoidance role crafting includes work-role reduction. Role crafting outcomes include: increased enrichment, increased engagement, and decreased strain through changes in work role boundaries. Approach resource crafting includes work organization, adoption, and metacognition, while avoidance resource crafting includes withdrawal crafting. Resource crafting outcomes include: increased performance, increased engagement, and reduced strain through the development, acquisition, and conservation of resources. Avoidance crafting positively relates to work withdrawal and tends to have fewer relationships with positive outcomes compared to approach crafting.
Optimization of a supply portfolio in the context of supply chain risk management: literature review
The aim of this paper is to review the literature in the field of supplier selection under supply chain risk management. Collected papers from 2003 to 2014 are analyzed and classified, first, according to the characteristics of the problem they deal with, secondly, according to the approach they propose, and thirdly, according to the techniques they use. The papers have been grouped into five categories: the first group relates to quantitative approaches to supplier selection, the second concerns qualitative approaches, the third consists of hybrid approaches that blend two or more different approaches together, the fourth relates to simulation approaches and the last group to artificial intelligence. The techniques used in each category are outlined. The different approaches and their associated techniques are analyzed and some recommendations are made on improving their efficiency and performance. This paper is thus a systematic scope review of journal articles and conference papers issued during this period. It brings together a collection of 124 papers on the topic of supplier selection under supply chain risk management.
Approaches to strategy formulations: A content analysis of definitions of strategy
Abstract The importance of strategy has led scholars, consultants and managers to explore the term more intensively. From some of the important words used in the definitions of strategy, differences in various approaches to strategy formulation can be analysed and specific approaches can be identified. Keeping this in view, 273 strategy definitions were analysed using major nouns appearing in these definitions. The study obtained six distinct approaches to strategy formulation namely: the planning approach – related to long-term planning and execution to achieve organisation goals; fit approach – concerned with matching internal strengths and weakness with that of external opportunities and threats; emergent approach – involving adapting to change when needed; positioning approach – involving placing company in such a position so that it gains maximum advantage vis-à-vis its competitors; resource-based approach – identifying and utilizing key resources efficiently and finally, stakeholders' approach – protecting the interest of stakeholders. Using Content analysis, this study shows that each of the approaches emerged and dominated at different periods. This study also shows that during the last four decades, the positioning approach has been the most dominant approach followed by the resource-based approach.