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2,324 result(s) for "Authorship Social aspects."
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Ways of Writing
Writers abounded in seventeenth-century New England. From the moment of colonization and constantly thereafter, hundreds of people set pen to paper in the course of their lives, some to write letters that others recopied, some to compose sermons as part of their life work as ministers, dozens to attempt verse, and many more to narrate a remarkable experience, provide written testimony to a civil court, participate in a controversy, or keep some sort of records-and of these everyday forms of writing there was no limit. Every colonial writer knew of two different modes of publication, each with its distinctive benefits and limitations. One was to entrust a manuscript to a printer who would set type and impose it on sheets of paper that were bound up into a book. The other was to make handwritten copies or have others make copies, possibly unauthorized. Among the colonists, the terms \"publishing\" and \"book\" referred to both of these technologies.Ways of Writingis about the making of texts in the seventeenth century, whether they were fashioned into printed books or circulated in handwritten form. The latter mode of publishing was remarkably common, yet it is much less understood or acknowledged than transmission in print. Indeed, certain writers, including famous ones such as John Winthrop and William Bradford, employed scribal publication almost exclusively; the Antimonian controversy of 1636-38 was carried out by this means until manuscripts relating to the struggle began to be printed in England. Examining printed texts as well as those that were handwritten, David D. Hall explores the practices associated with anonymity, dedications, prefaces, errata, and the like. He also surveys the meaning of authority and authenticity, demonstrating how so many texts were prepared by intermediaries, not by authors, thus contributing to the history of \"social\" or collaborative authorship. Finally, he considers the political contexts that affected the transmission and publication of many texts, revealing that a space for dissent and criticism was already present in the colonies by the 1640s, a space exploited mainly by scribally published texts.
The revolt of the scribe in modern Italian literature
The Revolt of the Scribe in Modern Italian Literatureoffers a perceptive re-assessment of Italian literary culture, focusing on the nature of modernity through the literature of those who revolt against established norms and expectations.
Literary celebrity in Canada
Literary Celebrity in Canadaexplores that space, drawing on current theories of celebrity and questioning their tendency to view fame as an empty phenomenon.
Critical Collaborative Communities
Critical Collaborative Communities describes diverse approaches to writing partnerships, interrogating their strengths and limitations and proposing recommendations. Authors outline how trusting relationships have helped avoid isolation and have led to their self-authorship as academic writers.
That Wonderful Composite Called Author
Did East Asian literatures lack a concept of authorship before their integration into classical modernity? Distinguishing various author functions, which can be distributed among several individuals, this edited volume covers the whole spectrum from composite to individual forms of authorship.