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Little Miss Shy
Hargreaves, Roger, 1934-1988
Hargreaves, Roger, 1934-1988. Little Miss series
Bashfulness Juvenile fiction.
Conduct of life Juvenile fiction.
Bashfulness Fiction.
Miss Shy is terrified of leaving her house and meeting people until Mr. Funny whisks her off to his party.
Mr Tiger
Axford reviews Mr Tiger by Davide Cali and illustrated by Miguel Tanco.
Journal Article
Shrinking violets : the secret life of shyness
A deeply perceptive and beautifully written cultural history of shyness, from one of our most astute observers of the everyday.
You Don't Have to Be Loud
Band reviews You Don't Have to Be Loud by Ben Brooks.
Journal Article
Crunch, the shy dinosaur
Dunlap, Cirocco, 1985- author
Pizzoli, Greg, illustrator
Bashfulness Juvenile fiction.
Apatosaurus Juvenile fiction.
Dinosaurs Juvenile fiction.
Advises the reader on how to interact with a very shy dinosaur.
Social Phobia By Melina Rostami from Gumley house school
Social phobia
Journal Article
Hector's favorite place
Rooks, Jo, author
Bashfulness Juvenile literature.
Self-confidence Juvenile literature.
Friendship Juvenile literature.
\"Hector is a shy hedgehog and aims to help kids who may not want to venture out and try new activities for fear of making mistakes. It also highlights that friendships could be affected if a child keeps saying no to invitations from friends\"-- Provided by publisher.
Developmental Bibliotherapy with Extremely Shy Children: Asiri Utangaç Ãocuklarla Gelisimsel Bibliyoterapi
Extremely shy children may find themselves somehow isolated from society and feel alone. This may cause them to experience different problems at home, at school and in the community. If this situation continues in the following years, the difficulties they experience in life will increase and the probability of their emergence as mental problems such as childhood loneliness, social anxiety disorders, depression and anxiety disorders that negatively affect their quality of life will increase. Thus, it is important to intervene in childhood shyness, social isolation, loneliness, and behavioral inhibition in order to eliminate possible problems that may be experienced in childhood and at the same time to prevent the continuation of the situation in adolescence and adulthood. Developmental bibliotherapy can be used in the context of both prevention and early intervention studies for shyness in early childhood with extremely shy children. In this context, the aim of this study is to provide an in-depth perspective on the concepts of extreme shyness and bibliotherapy, and to present an example of a developmental bibliotherapy session that can be experienced with extremely shy children who are between five to eight years old in early childood period and a sample book list that can be used in the sessions..\" Keywords: Extremely shy, bibliotherapy, developmental bibliotherapy, child books Asiri utangaç olan çocuklar kendilerini bir sekilde toplumdan uzak, yalniz bulabilirler. Bu durum onlarin evde, okulda ve toplumda farkli problemler yasamasina neden olabilir. Eger bu durumun ilerleyen yillarda sürekliligi olursa hayatta yasadiklari güçlükler artacak ve çocukluktaki yalnizlik, sosyal anksiyete bozukluklari, depresyon, kaygi bozukluklari gibi hayat kalitesini olumsuz etkileyen ruhsal problemler olarak ortaya çikma olasiligi artacaktir. Bu durum çocuklukta ve yetiskinlikte sürmesini engellemek adina önem arz etmektedir. Asiri utangaç çocuklarla erken çocukluk döneminde utangaçliga yönelik gerek önleme gerekse erken müdahale çalismalari baglaminda gelisimsel bibliyoterapi son dönemlerde kullanilan yöntemlerden biridir. Bu baglamda, bu çalismanin amaci, asiri utangaçlik ve bibliyoterapi kavramlarina derinlemesine bir bakis açisi saglamak ve erken çocukluk döneminde yer alan bes-sekiz yas araliginda yer alan asiri utangaç çocuklarla uygulanabilecek bir gelisimsel bibliyoterapi oturumu örnegi ve oturumlarda kullanilabilecek örnek kitap listesi sunmaktir. Anahtar sözcükler: Asiri utangaçlik, bibliyoterapi, gelisimsel bibliyoterapi, çocuk kitaplari
Journal Article