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91,314 result(s) for "Botany"
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Copacabana is more than a beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Orchidaceae is the most diverse botanical family in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with 79 genera and 250 species. Vegetation in Rio de Janeiro is mostly restricted to small fragments of Atlantic Forest, many of which are located within conservation units and act as refuges for flora. Some of the best-known postcards of the city, such as Corcovado and Sugar Loaf mountains, and the Christ the Redeemer statue, are located within urban conservation units. This work presents the results of a floristic-taxonomic study of Orchidaceae in the Parque Estadual da Chacrinha (PE Chacrinha), a state park located extremely near the famous Copacabana beach in the heart of Rio de Janeiro. Brief morphological descriptions of the species are provided and an identification key for the orchids of PE Chacrinha is presented, based mainly on vegetative morphological characters. Orchidaceae of PE Chacrinha is represented by thirteen genera and 16 species, most of which restricted to Brazil, seven of them are also endemic to the Atlantic Forest, or South America and occur as terricolous or rupicolous. We highlighted the occurrences of Acianthera limae, Epidendrum ammophilum and Prescottia spiranthophylla, species that grow exclusively or predominantly on rocky outcrops. With these findings, our goal is to raise awareness among the local population about the importance of conserving the regional flora; stimulate visits to PE Chacrinha and promote the inclusion of this conservation unit in the tourist itinerary of the city of Rio de Janeiro. Orchidaceae es la familia botánica más diversa en la ciudad de Río de Janeiro, Brasil, con 79 géneros y 250 especies. La vegetación en Río de Janeiro se limita principalmente a pequeños fragmentos de Mata Atlántica, muchos de los cuales se localizan dentro de unidades de conservación y actúan como refugios para la flora. Algunas de las postales más conocidas de la ciudad, como las montañas Corcovado y Pan de Azúcar, y la estatua del Cristo Redentor, se encuentran dentro de unidades de conservación urbanas. Este trabajo presenta los resultados del estudio florístico-taxonómico de Orchidaceae en el Parque Estadual da Chacrinha (PE Chacrinha), un parque estatal ubicado muy cerca de la famosa playa de Copacabana en el corazón de Río de Janeiro. Se proporcionan breves descripciones morfológicas de las especies y una clave de identificación para las Orchidaceae del PE Chacrinha, basadas principalmente en caracteres morfológicos vegetativos. La familia Orchidaceae del PE Chacrinha está representada por trece géneros y 16 especies, la mayoría de las cuales están restringidas a Brasil, siete de ellas son también endémicas de la Mata Atlántica, o Sudamérica y crecen como terrestres o rupícolas. Destacamos la presencia de Acianthera limae, Epidendrum ammophilum y Prescottia spiranthophylla, especies que habitan exclusiva o predominantemente en afloramientos rocosos. Con estos hallazgos, nuestro objetivo es crear conciencia entre la población local sobre la importancia de conservar la flora regional; estimular visitas al PE Chacrinha; y promover la inclusión de esta unidad de conservación en el itinerario turístico de Río de Janeiro.
The big, bad book of botany
\"David Attenborough meets Lemony Snicket in The Big Bad Book of Botany, Michael Largo's entertaining and enlightening one-of-a-kind compendium of the world's most amazing and bizarre plants, their history, and their lore. The Big, Bad Book of Botany introduces a world of wild, wonderful, and weird plants. Some are so rare, they were once more valuable than gold. Some found in ancient mythology hold magical abilities, including the power to turn a person to stone. Others have been used by assassins to kill kings, and sorcerers to revive the dead. Here, too, is vegetation with astonishing properties to cure and heal, many of which have long since been lost with the advent of modern medicine. Organized alphabetically, The Big, Bad Book of Botany combines the latest in biological information with bizarre facts about the plant kingdom's oddest members, including a species that is more poisonous than a cobra and a prehistoric plant that actually 'walked.' Largo takes you through the history of vegetables and fruits and their astonishing agricultural evolution. Throughout, he reveals a astonishing facts, from where the world's first tree grew to whether plants are telepathic. Featuring more than 150 photographs and illustrations, The Big, Bad Book of Botany is a fascinating, fun A-to-Z encyclopedia for all ages that will transform the way we look at the natural world.\"--from publisher's description.
Key to hornworts (Anthocerotophyta) of Colombia / Clave para Antocerotes (Anthocerotophyta) de Colombia
A key is presented to seven genera and fifteen species of hornworts recorded from Colombia. Three species found in Ecuador but not yet in Colombia (Dendroceros crispatus, Phaeomegaceros squamuligerus, and Phaeoceros tenuis) are also included in the key. Se presenta una clave taxonómica para los siete géneros y quince especies de antocerotes registrados en Colombia. Tres especies registradas en Ecuador, pero aún no en Colombia (Dendroceros crispatus, Phaeomegaceros squamuligerus y Phaeoceros tenuis), también son incluidas.
Two new species of Burmeistera (Campanulaceae: Lobelioideae) from Antioquia, Colombia / Dos especies nuevas de Burmeistera (Campanulaceae: Lobelioideae) de Antioquia, Colombia
Burmeistera fistulosa and B. reclinata, both from the department of Antioquia (Colombia), are here described and illustrated. The first species is similar to B. tomentosula, from which it differs by the glabrous surfaces, the petiole 1.4–2 cm long, the lamina elliptic to ovate, the reduced subtending leaves, the calyx lobes 2.5–3.5 x 0.8–1.2 mm, the ventral anthers barbate, and the white, obconic to ellipsoids berries. The second species is similar to B. diazii, from which it differs by the narrowly ovate leaves with 5–6 pairs of secondary veins and higher order veins inconspicuous beneath, the glabrous flowers with calyx lobes 5–9 x 0.6–1 mm, half of the corolla length or less, the barbate ventral anthers, and the white berries suffused with vinaceous lines. Burmeistera fistulosa y B. reclinata, del departamento de Antioquia (Colombia), son descritas e ilustradas como especies nuevas. La primera de estas especies es similar a B. tomentosula, de la cual difiere por sus superficies glabras, el peciolo 1,4–2 cm largo, la lámina elíptica a ovada, las hojas tectrices reducidas, los lóbulos del cáliz 2,5–3,5 x 0,8–1,2 mm, las anteras ventrales barbadas, y las bayas blancas, obcónicas a elipsoides. Por su parte, B. reclinata es similar a B. diazii, de la cual difiere por las hojas angosto-ovadas con 5–6 pares de venas secundarias y venas de orden mayor inconspicuas por el envés, las flores glabras con lóbulos del cáliz 5–9 x 0,6–1 mm, la mitad del largo de la corola o menos, las anteras ventrales barbadas y las bayas blancas con vetas vináceas.