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1,484 result(s) for "Buttresses"
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Dam failure analysis and flood disaster simulation under various scenarios
The aim of this study is to analyze the effects of a possible dam failure under various scenarios and to generate a flood hazard map for two consecutive dams located in a study area with a dense-residential region and a heavy-traffic highway. Two consecutive dams consist of Elmalı 2, a concrete-buttress dam and Elmalı 1, an earth-fill gravity dam in the upstream and downstream, respectively. Hydrologic Engineering Center-River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) was used to develop a dam failure model. Dam failure scenarios were examined regarding three main criteria: the Breach Formation Time (BFT), the Number of Failed Buttresses (NFB) of Elmalı 2, and the Reservoir Volume Ratio (RVR) of Elmalı 1. Accordingly, flood peak depth (H ), peak flow rate (Q ), peak velocity (v ), and time to reach the peak (t ) are discussed. The results showed that BFT and NFB of Elmalı 2 were highly effective on these values, whereas RVR of Elmalı 1 had no significant effect. Moreover, the total area affected by potential floods was calculated with a comparative areal change analysis using flood inundation and flood hazard maps obtained. Estimated damage costs indicate that in the worst-case scenario, more than 500 buildings will be affected in the region.
The Paris Climate Agreement and future sea-level rise from Antarctica
The Paris Agreement aims to limit global mean warming in the twenty-first century to less than 2 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels, and to promote further efforts to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius . The amount of greenhouse gas emissions in coming decades will be consequential for global mean sea level (GMSL) on century and longer timescales through a combination of ocean thermal expansion and loss of land ice . The Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) is Earth's largest land ice reservoir (equivalent to 57.9 metres of GMSL) , and its ice loss is accelerating . Extensive regions of the AIS are grounded below sea level and susceptible to dynamical instabilities that are capable of producing very rapid retreat . Yet the potential for the implementation of the Paris Agreement temperature targets to slow or stop the onset of these instabilities has not been directly tested with physics-based models. Here we use an observationally calibrated ice sheet-shelf model to show that with global warming limited to 2 degrees Celsius or less, Antarctic ice loss will continue at a pace similar to today's throughout the twenty-first century. However, scenarios more consistent with current policies (allowing 3 degrees Celsius of warming) give an abrupt jump in the pace of Antarctic ice loss after around 2060, contributing about 0.5 centimetres GMSL rise per year by 2100-an order of magnitude faster than today . More fossil-fuel-intensive scenarios result in even greater acceleration. Ice-sheet retreat initiated by the thinning and loss of buttressing ice shelves continues for centuries, regardless of bedrock and sea-level feedback mechanisms or geoengineered carbon dioxide reduction. These results demonstrate the possibility that rapid and unstoppable sea-level rise from Antarctica will be triggered if Paris Agreement targets are exceeded.
Evolution of dynamical networks enhances catalysis in a designer enzyme
Activation heat capacity is emerging as a crucial factor in enzyme thermoadaptation, as shown by the non-Arrhenius behaviour of many natural enzymes. However, its physical origin and relationship to the evolution of catalytic activity remain uncertain. Here we show that directed evolution of a computationally designed Kemp eliminase reshapes protein dynamics, which gives rise to an activation heat capacity absent in the original design. These changes buttress transition-state stabilization. Extensive molecular dynamics simulations show that evolution results in the closure of solvent-exposed loops and a better packing of the active site. Remarkably, this gives rise to a correlated dynamical network that involves the transition state and large parts of the protein. This network tightens the transition-state ensemble, which induces a negative activation heat capacity and non-linearity in the activity-temperature dependence. Our results have implications for understanding enzyme evolution and suggest that selectively targeting the conformational dynamics of the transition-state ensemble by design and evolution will expedite the creation of novel enzymes.
Streptomyces: implications and interactions in plant growth promotion
With the impending increase of the world population by 2050, more activities have been directed toward the improvement of crop yield and a safe environment. The need for chemical-free agricultural practices is becoming eminent due to the effects of these chemicals on the environment and human health. Actinomycetes constitute a significant percentage of the soil microbial community. The Streptomyces genus, which is the most abundant and arguably the most important actinomycetes, is a good source of bioactive compounds, antibiotics, and extracellular enzymes. These genera have shown over time great potential in improving the future of agriculture. This review highlights and buttresses the agricultural importance of Streptomyces through its biocontrol and plant growth-promoting activities. These activities are highlighted and discussed in this review. Some biocontrol products from this genus are already being marketed while work is still ongoing on this productive genus. Compared to more focus on its biocontrol ability, less work has been done on it as a biofertilizer until recently. This genus is as efficient as a biofertilizer as it is as a biocontrol.
Vulnerability of Antarctica’s ice shelves to meltwater-driven fracture
Atmospheric warming threatens to accelerate the retreat of the Antarctic Ice Sheet by increasing surface melting and facilitating 'hydrofracturing'.sup.1-7, where meltwater flows into and enlarges fractures, potentially triggering ice-shelf collapse.sup.3-5,8-10. The collapse of ice shelves that buttress.sup.11-13 the ice sheet accelerates ice flow and sea-level rise.sup.14-16. However, we do not know if and how much of the buttressing regions of Antarctica's ice shelves are vulnerable to hydrofracture if inundated with water. Here we provide two lines of evidence suggesting that many buttressing regions are vulnerable. First, we trained a deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) to map the surface expressions of fractures in satellite imagery across all Antarctic ice shelves. Second, we developed a stability diagram of fractures based on linear elastic fracture mechanics to predict where basal and dry surface fractures form under current stress conditions. We find close agreement between the theoretical prediction and the DCNN-mapped fractures, despite limitations associated with detecting fractures in satellite imagery. Finally, we used linear elastic fracture mechanics theory to predict where surface fractures would become unstable if filled with water. Many regions regularly inundated with meltwater today are resilient to hydrofracture--stresses are low enough that all water-filled fractures are stable. Conversely, 60 [plus or minus] 10 per cent of ice shelves (by area) both buttress upstream ice and are vulnerable to hydrofracture if inundated with water. The DCNN map confirms the presence of fractures in these buttressing regions. Increased surface melting.sup.17 could trigger hydrofracturing if it leads to water inundating the widespread vulnerable regions we identify. These regions are where atmospheric warming may have the largest impact on ice-sheet mass balance.
Mechanism of glycogen synthase inactivation and interaction with glycogenin
Glycogen is the major glucose reserve in eukaryotes, and defects in glycogen metabolism and structure lead to disease. Glycogenesis involves interaction of glycogenin (GN) with glycogen synthase (GS), where GS is activated by glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) and inactivated by phosphorylation. We describe the 2.6 Å resolution cryo-EM structure of phosphorylated human GS revealing an autoinhibited GS tetramer flanked by two GN dimers. Phosphorylated N- and C-termini from two GS protomers converge near the G6P-binding pocket and buttress against GS regulatory helices. This keeps GS in an inactive conformation mediated by phospho-Ser641 interactions with a composite \"arginine cradle\". Structure-guided mutagenesis perturbing interactions with phosphorylated tails led to increased basal/unstimulated GS activity. We propose that multivalent phosphorylation supports GS autoinhibition through interactions from a dynamic \"spike\" region, allowing a tuneable rheostat for regulating GS activity. This work therefore provides insights into glycogen synthesis regulation and facilitates studies of glycogen-related diseases.
How the ocean melts Antarctic ice
The floating ice shelves around Antarctica are key to buttressing land-based ice. Observations, simulations and analyses from around Antarctica now identify mechanisms that lead to basal melting of these vulnerable shelves.
The far reach of ice-shelf thinning in Antarctica
Floating ice shelves, which fringe most of Antarctica’s coastline, regulate ice flow into the Southern Ocean1–3. Their thinning4–7 or disintegration8,9 can cause upstream acceleration of grounded ice and raise global sea levels. So far the effect has not been quantified in a comprehensive and spatially explicit manner. Here, using a finite-element model, we diagnose the immediate, continent-wide flux response to different spatial patterns of ice-shelf mass loss. We show that highly localized ice-shelf thinning can reach across the entire shelf and accelerate ice flow in regions far from the initial perturbation. As an example, this ‘tele-buttressing’ enhances outflow from Bindschadler Ice Stream in response to thinning near Ross Island more than 900 km away. We further find that the integrated flux response across all grounding lines is highly dependent on the location of imposed changes: the strongest response is caused not only near ice streams and ice rises, but also by thinning, for instance, well-within the Filchner–Ronne and Ross Ice Shelves. The most critical regions in all major ice shelves are often located in regions easily accessible to the intrusion of warm ocean waters10–12, stressing Antarctica’s vulnerability to changes in its surrounding ocean.
Lead isotopes in silver reveal earliest Phoenician quest for metals in the west Mediterranean
When and why did the Phoenicians initiate long-term connections between the Levant and western Europe? This is one of the most hotly debated questions in ancient Mediterranean history and cultural research. In this study, we use silver to answer this question, presenting the largest dataset of chemical and isotopic analyses of silver items from silver hoards found in Phoenician homeland sites. Intertwining lead isotope analysis of silver items with precise archaeological context and chronology, we provide analytical evidence for the onset of Phoenician westward expansion. We suggest that the quest for silver instigated a long, exploratory phase, first in Anatolia (Asia Minor) and Sardinia, and subsequently in the Iberian Peninsula. This phase preceded the establishment of sustainable, flourishing Phoenician colonies in the West by over a century. In so doing, our results buttress the “precolonization” theory, accord it a firm chronological framework, and demonstrate that the quest for silver (and probably other metals) was an incentive for Phoenician westward expansion. Furthermore, our results show that the Phoenicians introduced innovative silver production methods to historic Europe.
The neglected role of abandoned cropland in supporting both food security and climate change mitigation
Abstract Despite the looming land scarcity for agriculture, cropland abandonment is widespread globally. Abandoned cropland can be reused to support food security and climate change mitigation. Here, we investigate the potentials and trade-offs of using global abandoned cropland for recultivation and restoring forests by natural regrowth, with spatially-explicit modelling and scenario analysis. We identify 101 Mha of abandoned cropland between 1992 and 2020, with a capability of concurrently delivering 29 to 363 Peta-calories yr -1 of food production potential and 290 to 1,066 MtCO 2 yr -1 of net climate change mitigation potential, depending on land-use suitability and land allocation strategies. We also show that applying spatial prioritization is key to maximizing the achievable potentials of abandoned cropland and demonstrate other possible approaches to further increase these potentials. Our findings offer timely insights into the potentials of abandoned cropland and can inform sustainable land management to buttress food security and climate goals.