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86,439 result(s) for "Deforestation"
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Economic Policy and Sustainable Development of Regions
The proposed economy is green due to the fact that, according to the authors, it is based on resource and energy conservation and energy efficiency, rational use of natural resources, as well as the disposal of man-made and household waste. Thus, with the energy saving potential in Russia of 40%, respectively, less land will be used for the extraction of fossil hydrocarbons, the area of pollution of adjacent areas during transportation will be reduced, and territories will also be freed up due to the processing of industrial waste and solid waste. All of these measures will help conserve the land and its overlying green spaces. As a result of the unprecedented economic growth of recent decades due to the anthropogenic factor - deforestation, the construction of mines, mines and oil wells, the unprecedented growth of cities, the almost uncontrolled burning of fuel, the expansion of areas occupied by industrial and domestic waste, the useful green surface of the planet (forests, farmland, parks, gardens, swamps) has been significantly reduced. That is, there is a growing imbalance of natural and physical capital. And the green color is a kind of indicator of this disharmony (balance) on the planet, which occurs due to human activity. Therefore, the new economic model should be energy efficient, low carbon, innovative, and necessarily green.
At Loggerheads?
Despite the vast number of books and reports on tropical deforestation, there's confusion about the causes of forest loss and forest poverty, and the effectiveness of policy responses. At Loggerheads seeks to describe ways to reconciles pressures for agricultural expansion in the tropics with the urgent needs for both forest conservation and poverty alleviation. It diagnoses the causes and impacts of forest loss and the reasons for the association of forests and poverty. It looks at how policies - modulated by local conditions - act simultaneously on deforestation and poverty, creating tradeoffs or complementarities, depending on the situation. The report brings to the surface problems that impede adoption of favourable policies, describing institutional and technological innovations that might help overcome these impediments.
What happens if the rain forests disappear?
Using an inquiry approach, this title explores the serious issue of the disappearing rain forests. The book offers accessible scientific explanations that reveal how the Earths processes are interlinked and how one event can trigger a chain reaction throughout the planet that can have consequential effects on both humans and nature.
Where's the elephant?
In this seek-and-find book, a growing city encroaches on the jungle forcing the elephant, parrot, and snake on a journey to find a new home.
Old forests are not replaceable
Governments around the world are too slow and too weak in their commitments to stop deforestation. And promises of restoration will not make up for the loss of old forests.