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315,121 result(s) for "Distance"
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Emerging technologies in distance education
A showcase of the work of research scholars and innovative practitioners the world over who use emerging interactive technologies for teaching and learning at a distance. This book highlights the pedagogical, organizational, cultural, social, and economic factors that influence the integration of emerging technologies in education.
The rise of the ultra runners : a journey to the edge of human endurance
\"Once the reserve of only the most hardcore enthusiasts, ultra running is now a thriving global industry, with hundreds of thousands of competitors each year. But is the rise of this most brutal and challenging sport--with races that extend into hundreds of miles, often in extreme environments--an antidote to modern life, or a symptom of a modern illness? [A]uthor Adharanand Finn travels to the heart of the sport to investigate the reasons behind its rise and discover what it takes to join the ranks of these ultra athletes. Through encounters with the extreme and colorful characters of the ultramarathon world, and his own experiences of running ultras everywhere from the deserts of Oman to the Rocky Mountains, Finn offers a fascinating account of people testing the boundaries of human endeavor.\"-- Provided by publisher.
Mitigate the effects of home confinement on children during the COVID-19 outbreak
[...]in addition to innovative courses for a better learning experience, promotional videos can be useful to motivate children to have a healthy lifestyle at home by increasing physical activities, having a balanced diet, regular sleep pattern, and good personal hygiene.8 To make these educational materials truly effective, they must be age-appropriate and attractive. Schools can actively promote a health-conscious schedule, good personal hygiene, encourage physical activities, appropriate diet, and good sleep habits, and integrate such health promotion materials into the school curriculum.3 A Chinese child studies from home during the COVID-19 outbreak Fan Jiang In the event of home confinement, parents are often the closest and best resource for children to seek help from. Good parenting skills become particularly crucial when children are confined at home. Besides monitoring child performance and behaviour, parents also need to respect their identity and needs, and they need to help children develop self-discipline skills.
Rotation Averaging
This paper is conceived as a tutorial on rotation averaging, summarizing the research that has been carried out in this area; it discusses methods for single-view and multiple-view rotation averaging, as well as providing proofs of convergence and convexity in many cases. However, at the same time it contains many new results, which were developed to fill gaps in knowledge, answering fundamental questions such as radius of convergence of the algorithms, and existence of local minima. These matters, or even proofs of correctness have in many cases not been considered in the Computer Vision literature. We consider three main problems: single rotation averaging, in which a single rotation is computed starting from several measurements; multiple-rotation averaging, in which absolute orientations are computed from several relative orientation measurements; and conjugate rotation averaging, which relates a pair of coordinate frames. This last is related to the hand-eye coordination problem and to multiple-camera calibration.
The Business of Innovating Online
The Business of Innovating Online responds to a critical need for concrete narratives of innovation success that can serve as a foundation for administrators and leaders who are in need of practical guidance as they scale and grow their online learning organizations. Through specific examples and practical suggestions from experienced e-learning leaders, readers will be introduced to concrete strategies for how to create a climate of creativity and innovation that can lead to more successful and scalable online programs and initiatives. The Business of Innovating Online demystifies the relationship between business, creativity, and innovation by describing the logistics required to create an agile online education enterprise. Topics discussed will include: Defining innovation and creativity for online education and e-learning Knowing when and how to innovate Creating a culture of innovation Effectively leading innovation Collaborative innovation Making innovation stick and transitioning innovative strategies into day-to-day practice Assuring quality in the midst of innovation Staffing structures/administrative stability to support creativity and innovation The Business of Innovating Online provides both novice and experienced online education administrators with a comprehensive overview of a range of online innovations, how they came to be created, the components that led to their success, and concrete steps that they can take to create a more innovative culture for their own e-learning organization.