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2,419 result(s) for "Fairy tales Fiction."
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Margaret Hillert's Pinocchio
\"An easy format retelling of the classic fairytale, Pinocchio; a puppet that becomes a real boy. Original edition revised with new illustrations. Includes reading activities and a word list\"-- Provided by publisher.
True and Untrue and Other Norse Tales
A selection of Norwegian folktales chosen by Sigrid Undset, True and Untrue and Other Norse Tales is based on the classic folklore collected by Pieter Christian Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe. These wonderful stories tell of worlds similar to our own, worlds with love and hate, sorrow and joy, humor and pathos. Beginning with brothers named True and Untrue, the book takes readers through tales of princes and princesses, giants and trolls, husbands and wives, and a castle that is \"East o' the Sun and West o' the Moon.\" Strikingly illustrated by Frederick T. Chapman while under fire in Italy during the Second World War and with a remarkable foreword by Undset, True and Untrue and Other Norse Tales has a story for everyone.
Boy, snow, bird : a novel
\"A reimagining of the Snow White story set in the United States during the 1950s and 1960s\"-- Provided by publisher.
A Calabash of Cowries
A Calabash of Cowries: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times is a collection of tales featuring the Orishas and the wonders of the natural world. Suitable for adults and children, artists and teachers, readers of all cultures will discover in these retellings of traditional tales a resource that illuminates the mythic and the real, the ancient past and the emerging present. An offering of spiritual wisdom and cultural celebration through stories that have and will continue to endure the test of time.
In the first ninety-five years of her life, Dorothy Dora Whipple has seen a lot of history, and in this book that history, along with the endangered Ojibwe language, sees new life. A bilingual record of Dorothy's stories, ranging from personal history to cultural teachings,Chi-mewinzha(long ago) presents this venerable elder's words in the original Ojibwe, painstakingly transcribed, and in English translation to create an invaluable resource for learning this cherished language. The events of Dorothy Dora Whipple's life resonate with Ojibwe life and culture through the twentieth century, from tales of growing up among the Anishinaabeg of the Leech Lake Reservation in the 1920s and 1930s to an account of watching an American Indian Movement protest in Minneapolis during the 1970s. In between, we encounter modern dilemmas (like trying to find a place to make a tobacco offering in an airport) and traditional stories (such as the gigantic beings who were seen in the waterchi-mewinzha). Dorothy's own recollections-sometimes amusing, sometimes poignant-offer insight into the daily realities, both intimate and emblematic, of Native American life. Dorothy remembers an older sister coming home from boarding school, no longer speaking Ojibwe-and no longer able to communicate with her siblings. This collection resists such a fate, sharing the language so critical to a people's identity and offering a key text to those who would learn, preserve, and speak Ojibwe.
Straw into gold : fairy tales re-spun
A collection of ten classic fairy tales, reimagined with fresh perspectives and unexpected twists, giving glimpses into happily, and not as happily, ever afters.
Whatever gets you through the night
\"I fear each passing night that I will not receive my maintenance dose of suspense, and then I will cease to exist.\"--Whatever Gets You through the Night Whatever Gets You through the Night is an irreverent and deeply funny retelling of the Arabian Nights and a wildly inspired exploration of the timeless art of storytelling. Award-winning writer Andrei Codrescu reimagines how Sheherezade saved Baghdad's virgins and her own life through a heroic feat of storytelling--one that kept the Persian king Sharyar hanging in agonizing narrative and erotic suspense for 1001 nights. For Sheherezade, the end of either suspense or curiosity means death, but Codrescu keeps both alive in this entertaining tale of how she learned to hold a king in thrall, setting with her endless invention an unsurpassable example for all storytellers across the ages.