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7,363 result(s) for "Fortune."
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The fortune-tellers
A carpenter in the West African country of Cameroon goes to a fortune teller and finds the predictions about his future coming true in an unusual way.
Fortune and Misfortune in the Ancient near East
No detailed description available for \"Fortune and Misfortune in the Ancient Near East\".
After War Times
T. Thomas Fortune was a leading African American publisher, editor, and journalist of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, who was born a slave in antebellum Florida lived through emancipation, and rose to become a literary lion of his generation. In T. Thomas Fortune's “ After War Times,” Daniel R. Weinfeld brings together a series of twenty-three autobiographical articles Fortune wrote about his formative childhood during Reconstruction and subsequent move to Washington, DC.   By 1890 Fortune had founded a predecessor organization to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, known as the National Afro-American League, but his voice found its most powerful expression and influence in poetry, prose, and journalism. It was as a journalist that Fortune stirred national controversy by issuing a passionate appeal to African American southerners: “ I propose to start a crusade,” he proclaimed in June 1900, “ to have the negroes of the South leave that section and to come north or go elsewhere. It is useless to remain in the South and cry Peace! Peace! When there is no peace.” The movement he helped propel became known as “ the Great Migration.”   By focusing on Thomas’ s ruminations about his disillusion with post– Civil War Florida, Weinfeld highlights the sources of Fortune’ s deep disenchantment with the South, which intensified when the Reconstruction order gave way to Jim Crow– era racial discrimination and violence. Even decades after he left the South, Fortune’ s vivid memories of incidents and personalities in his past informed his political opinions and writings. Scholars and readers interested in Southern history in the aftermath of the Civil War, especially the experiences of African Americans, will find much of interest in this vital collection of primary writings.
Fooled by randomness : the hidden role of chance in life and in the markets
This is a book about luck. More specifically, it is a book about how we perceive luck, twist it around and regard it as intention or purpose.
Sustainability Reporting and Assurance: A Historical Analysis on a World-Wide Phenomenon
Sustainability reporting and assurance of sustainability reports have been used by organizations in an attempt to provide accountability to their stakeholders. A better understanding of current practices is important to provide a base for comparative and trend analyses. This paper aims to consolidate and provide information on sustainability reporting, assurance of sustainability reports and types of assurance providers. Another aim of this paper is to provide a descriptive analysis of these practices for a global sample, comparing results with previous studies, and suggesting opportunities for future research. To accomplish these objectives, a literature review was performed, an analysis of the organizations included in the Fortune Global 500 2010 was completed, and results were presented and consolidated by country. These results demonstrate that all organizations analysed provided some type of information in relation to their social or environmental performance in their official website. The percentage of organizations issuing a sustainability report has been increasing in the last few years. However, the percentage of organizations assuring their sustainability report has stagnated. Types of assurance engagements include those performed by accountants and non-accountants, and new practices have emerged, namely the \"mixed approach\" and the \"stakeholder or specialist review\". The analysis also shows that the practices of issuing sustainability reports and having them assured have become a world-wide phenomenon, occurring in developed, and emerging economies around the world.
The hidden oracle of India : the mystery of India's Naadi palm leaf readers
\"When the authors stumbled across the Naadi palm-leaf readers of India they were in India for a wedding. While there they found their destiny and made the shocking discovery that our lives have been determined and mapped out centuries before. This book covers the authors' revelatory journey to the Naadis, to be told the precise details of their past, present and predictions of their future, which had been recorded in Sanskrit on palm leaves millennia ago, passed down by initiates to await long-destined appointments with those who come to find them.How does it feel to find out your soul's true mission has been documented in detail on an ancient 'leaf' that relates to you alone, and then to learn your future? Angela Donovan found it a deeply uplifting experience, but for her husband Andrew it was a life-changing moment that left him reeling, his lifelong skepticism challenged and destroyed. The book speaks to both the spiritually minded and the skeptical. This book gives an inspiring look into one of the greatest mystical secrets of India - the hidden oracle. It tells readers how to find the Naadis for themselves\"--Publisher's description.