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36,933 result(s) for "Fracture mechanics"
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Theory of Critical Distances - A New Perspective in Fracture Mechanics
Critical distance methods are extremely useful for predicting fracture and fatigue in engineering components and represent an important development in the theory of fracture mechanics. Despite being in use for over fifty years in some fields, there has never been a book about these methods until now. The increasing use of computer-aided stress analysis has made these methods extremely easy to use in practical situations. This is turn has prompted researchers to re-examine the underlying theory with renewed interest. The book begins with a general introduction to the phenomena of mechanical failure in materials. After a simple explanation of how to use critical distance methods, and a more detailed exposition of the methods including their history and classification, the book continues by showing examples of how critical distance approaches can be applied to predict fracture and fatigue in different classes of materials. Subsequent chapters include some more complex theoretical areas, such as multiaxial loading and contact problems, and a range of practical examples using case studies of real engineering components. This book will be of interest to academic researchers, industrial engineers and research students.
Fracture and life
This book is an interdisciplinary review of the effect of fracture on life, following the development of the understanding of fracture written from a historical perspective. After a short introduction to fracture, the first section of the book covers the effects of fracture on the evolution of the Earth, plants and animals, and man. The second section of the book covers the largely empirical control of fracture from ancient times to the end of the nineteenth century. The final section reviews the development of fracture theory as a discipline and its application during the twentieth century through to the present time.
Knowledge extraction and transfer in data-driven fracture mechanics
Data-driven approaches promise to usher in a new phase of development in fracture mechanics, but very little is currently known about how data-driven knowledge extraction and transfer can be accomplished in this field. As in many other fields, data scarcity presents a major challenge for knowledge extraction, and knowledge transfer among different fracture problems remains largely unexplored. Here, a data-driven framework for knowledge extraction with rigorous metrics for accuracy assessments is proposed and demonstrated through a nontrivial linear elastic fracture mechanics problem encountered in small-scale toughness measurements. It is shown that a tailored active learning method enables accurate knowledge extraction even in a data-limited regime. The viability of knowledge transfer is demonstrated through mining the hidden connection between the selected three-dimensional benchmark problem and a well-established auxiliary two-dimensional problem. The combination of data-driven knowledge extraction and transfer is expected to have transformative impact in this field over the coming decades.
Application of extended Mohr–Coulomb criterion to ductile fracture
The Mohr–Coulomb (M–C) fracture criterion is revisited with an objective of describing ductile fracture of isotropic crack-free solids. This criterion has been extensively used in rock and soil mechanics as it correctly accounts for the effects of hydrostatic pressure as well as the Lode angle parameter. It turns out that these two parameters, which are critical for characterizing fracture of geo-materials, also control fracture of ductile metals (Bai and Wierzbicki 2008; Xue 2007; Barsoum 2006; Wilkins et al. 1980). The local form of the M–C criterion is transformed/extended to the spherical coordinate system, where the axes are the equivalent strain to fracture , the stress triaxiality η, and the normalized Lode angle parameter . For a proportional loading, the fracture surface is shown to be an asymmetric function of . A detailed parametric study is performed to demonstrate the effect of model parameters on the fracture locus. It was found that the M–C fracture locus predicts almost exactly the exponential decay of the material ductility with stress triaxiality, which is in accord with theoretical analysis of Rice and Tracey (1969) and the empirical equation of Hancock and Mackenzie (1976), Johnson and Cook (1985). The M–C criterion also predicts a form of Lode angle dependence which is close to parabolic. Test results of two materials, 2024-T351 aluminum alloy and TRIP RA-K40/70 (TRIP690) high strength steel sheets, are used to calibrate and validate the proposed M–C fracture model. Another advantage of the M–C fracture model is that it predicts uniquely the orientation of the fracture surface. It is shown that the direction cosines of the unit normal vector to the fracture surface are functions of the “friction” coefficient in the M–C criterion. The phenomenological and physical sound M–C criterion has a great potential to be used as an engineering tool for predicting ductile fracture.
ISRM-Suggested Method for Determining the Mode I Static Fracture Toughness Using Semi-Circular Bend Specimen
The International Society for Rock Mechanics has so far developed two standard methods for the determination of static fracture toughness of rock. They used three different core-based specimens and tests were to be performed on a typical laboratory compression or tension load frame. Another method to determine the mode I fracture toughness of rock using semi-circular bend specimen is herein presented. The specimen is semi-circular in shape and made from typical cores taken from the rock with any relative material directions noted. The specimens are tested in three-point bending using a laboratory compression test instrument. The failure load along with its dimensions is used to determine the fracture toughness. Most sedimentary rocks which are layered in structure may exhibit fracture properties that depend on the orientation and therefore measurements in more than one material direction may be necessary. The fracture toughness measurements are expected to yield a size-independent material property if certain minimum specimen size requirements are satisfied.
Studies of dynamic crack propagation and crack branching with peridynamics
In this paper we discuss the peridynamic analysis of dynamic crack branching in brittle materials and show results of convergence studies under uniform grid refinement ( m -convergence) and under decreasing the peridynamic horizon (δ-convergence). Comparisons with experimentally obtained values are made for the crack-tip propagation speed with three different peridynamic horizons. We also analyze the influence of the particular shape of the micro-modulus function and of different materials (Duran 50 glass and soda-lime glass) on the crack propagation behavior. We show that the peridynamic solution for this problem captures all the main features, observed experimentally, of dynamic crack propagation and branching, as well as it obtains crack propagation speeds that compare well, qualitatively and quantitatively, with experimental results published in the literature. The branching patterns also correlate remarkably well with tests published in the literature that show several branching levels at higher stress levels reached when the initial notch starts propagating. We notice the strong influence reflecting stress waves from the boundaries have on the shape and structure of the crack paths in dynamic fracture. All these computational solutions are obtained by using the minimum amount of input information: density, elastic stiffness, and constant fracture energy. No special criteria for crack propagation, crack curving, or crack branching are used: dynamic crack propagation is obtained here as part of the solution. We conclude that peridynamics is a reliable formulation for modeling dynamic crack propagation.