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19,645 result(s) for "Geologic Sediments"
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Microplastics affect sedimentary microbial communities and nitrogen cycling
Microplastics are ubiquitous in estuarine, coastal, and deep sea sediments. The impacts of microplastics on sedimentary microbial ecosystems and biogeochemical carbon and nitrogen cycles, however, have not been well reported. To evaluate if microplastics influence the composition and function of sedimentary microbial communities, we conducted a microcosm experiment using salt marsh sediment amended with polyethylene (PE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyurethane foam (PUF) or polylactic acid (PLA) microplastics. We report that the presence of microplastics alters sediment microbial community composition and nitrogen cycling processes. Compared to control sediments without microplastic, PUF- and PLA-amended sediments promote nitrification and denitrification, while PVC amendment inhibits both processes. These results indicate that nitrogen cycling processes in sediments can be significantly affected by different microplastics, which may serve as organic carbon substrates for microbial communities. Considering this evidence and increasing microplastic pollution, the impact of plastics on global ecosystems and biogeochemical cycling merits critical investigation.
Spatiotemporal dynamics of the archaeal community in coastal sediments: assembly process and co-occurrence relationship
Studies of marine benthic archaeal communities are updating our view of their taxonomic composition and metabolic versatility. However, large knowledge gaps remain with regard to community assembly processes and inter taxa associations. Here, using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing and qPCR, we investigated the spatiotemporal dynamics, assembly processes, and co-occurrence relationships of the archaeal community in 58 surface sediment samples collected in both summer and winter from across ~1500 km of the eastern Chinese marginal seas. Clear patterns in spatiotemporal dynamics in the archaeal community structure were observed, with a more pronounced spatial rather than seasonal variation. Accompanying the geographic variation was a significant distance-decay pattern with varying contributions from different archaeal clades, determined by their relative abundance. In both seasons, dispersal limitation was the most important process, explaining ~40% of the community variation, followed by homogeneous selection and ecological drift, that made an approximately equal contribution (~30%). This meant that stochasticity rather than determinism had a greater impact on the archaeal community assembly. Furthermore, we observed seasonality in archaeal co-occurrence patterns: closer inter-taxa connections in winter than in summer, and unmatched geographic patterns between community composition and co-occurrence relationship. These results demonstrate that the benthic archaeal community was assembled under a seasonal-consistent mechanism but the co-occurrence relationships changed over the seasons, indicating complex archaeal dynamic patterns in coastal sediments of the eastern Chinese marginal seas.
Growth of sedimentary Bathyarchaeota on lignin as an energy source
Members of the archaeal phylum Bathyarchaeota are among the most abundant microorganisms on Earth. Although versatile metabolic capabilities such as acetogenesis, methanogenesis, and fermentation have been suggested for bathyarchaeotal members, no direct confirmation of these metabolic functions has been achieved through growth of Bathyarchaeota in the laboratory. Here we demonstrate, on the basis of gene-copy numbers and probing of archaeal lipids, the growth of Bathyarchaeota subgroup Bathy-8 in enrichments of estuarine sediments with the biopolymer lignin. Other organic substrates (casein, oleic acid, cellulose, and phenol) did not significantly stimulate growth of Bathyarchaeota. Meanwhile, putative bathyarchaeotal tetraether lipids incorporated 13C from 13C-bicarbonate only when added in concert with lignin. Our results are consistent with organoautotrophic growth of a bathyarchaeotal group with lignin as an energy source and bicarbonate as a carbon source and shed light into the cycling of one of Earth’s most abundant biopolymers in anoxic marine sediment.
Cryptic CH 4 cycling in the sulfate-methane transition of marine sediments apparently mediated by ANME-1 archaea
Methane in the seabed is mostly oxidized to CO with sulfate as the oxidant before it reaches the overlying water column. This microbial oxidation takes place within the sulfate-methane transition (SMT), a sediment horizon where the downward diffusive flux of sulfate encounters an upward flux of methane. Across multiple sites in the Baltic Sea, we identified a systematic discrepancy between the opposing fluxes, such that more sulfate was consumed than expected from the 1:1 stoichiometry of methane oxidation with sulfate. The flux discrepancy was consistent with an oxidation of buried organic matter within the SMT, as corroborated by stable carbon isotope budgets. Detailed radiotracer experiments showed that up to 60% of the organic matter oxidation within the SMT first produced methane, which was concurrently oxidized to CO by sulfate reduction. This previously unrecognized \"cryptic\" methane cycling in the SMT is not discernible from geochemical profiles due to overall net methane consumption. Sedimentary gene pools suggested that nearly all potential methanogens within and beneath the SMT belonged to ANME-1 archaea, which are typically associated with anaerobic methane oxidation. Analysis of a metagenome-assembled genome suggests that predominant ANME-1 do indeed have the enzymatic potential to catalyze both methane production and consumption.
Rapid metabolism fosters microbial survival in the deep, hot subseafloor biosphere
A fourth of the global seabed sediment volume is buried at depths where temperatures exceed 80 °C, a previously proposed thermal barrier for life in the subsurface. Here, we demonstrate, utilizing an extensive suite of radiotracer experiments, the prevalence of active methanogenic and sulfate-reducing populations in deeply buried marine sediment from the Nankai Trough subduction zone, heated to extreme temperature (up to ~120 °C). The small microbial community subsisted with high potential cell-specific rates of energy metabolism, which approach the rates of active surface sediments and laboratory cultures. Our discovery is in stark contrast to the extremely low metabolic rates otherwise observed in the deep subseafloor. As cells appear to invest most of their energy to repair thermal cell damage in the hot sediment, they are forced to balance delicately between subsistence near the upper temperature limit for life and a rich supply of substrates and energy from thermally driven reactions of the sedimentary organic matter.
Distribution of sediment bacterial and archaeal communities in plateau freshwater lakes
Both Bacteria and Archaea might be involved in various biogeochemical processes in lacustrine sediment ecosystems. However, the factors governing the intra-lake distribution of sediment bacterial and archaeal communities in various freshwater lakes remain unclear. The present study investigated the sediment bacterial and archaeal communities in 13 freshwater lakes on the Yunnan Plateau. Quantitative PCR assay showed a large variation in bacterial and archaeal abundances. Illumina MiSeq sequencing illustrated high bacterial and archaeal diversities. Bacterial abundance was regulated by sediment total organic carbon and total nitrogen, and water depth, while nitrate nitrogen was an important determinant of bacterial diversity. Proteobacteria , Acidobacteria , Actinobacteria , Bacteroidetes , Chlorobi , Chloroflexi , Cyanobacteria , Firmicutes , Gemmatimonadetes , Nitrospirae , Planctomycetes , and Verrucomicrobia were the major components of sediment bacterial communities. Proteobacteria was the largest phylum, but its major classes and their proportions varied greatly among different lakes, affected by sediment nitrate nitrogen. In addition, both Euryarchaeota and Crenarchaeota were important members in sediment archaeal communities, while unclassified Archaea usually showed the dominance.
Microbial community and geochemical analyses of trans-trench sediments for understanding the roles of hadal environments
Hadal trench bottom (>6000 m below sea level) sediments harbor higher microbial cell abundance compared with adjacent abyssal plain sediments. This is supported by the accumulation of sedimentary organic matter (OM), facilitated by trench topography. However, the distribution of benthic microbes in different trench systems has not been well explored yet. Here, we carried out small subunit ribosomal RNA gene tag sequencing for 92 sediment subsamples of seven abyssal and seven hadal sediment cores collected from three trench regions in the northwest Pacific Ocean: the Japan, Izu-Ogasawara, and Mariana Trenches. Tag-sequencing analyses showed specific distribution patterns of several phyla associated with oxygen and nitrate. The community structure was distinct between abyssal and hadal sediments, following geographic locations and factors represented by sediment depth. Co-occurrence network revealed six potential prokaryotic consortia that covaried across regions. Our results further support that the OM cycle is driven by hadal currents and/or rapid burial shapes microbial community structures at trench bottom sites, in addition to vertical deposition from the surface ocean. Our trans-trench analysis highlights intra- and inter-trench distributions of microbial assemblages and geochemistry in surface seafloor sediments, providing novel insights into ultradeep-sea microbial ecology, one of the last frontiers on our planet.
Chemical and microbial diversity covary in fresh water to influence ecosystem functioning
Invisible to the naked eye lies a tremendous diversity of organic molecules and organisms that make major contributions to important biogeochemical cycles. However, how the diversity and composition of these two communities are interlinked remains poorly characterized in fresh waters, despite the potential for chemical and microbial diversity to promote one another. Here we exploited gradients in chemodiversity within a common microbial pool to test how chemical and biological diversity covary and characterized the implications for ecosystem functioning. We found that both chemodiversity and genes associated with organic matter decomposition increased as more plant litterfall accumulated in experimental lake sediments, consistent with scenarios of future environmental change. Chemical and microbial diversity were also positively correlated, with dissolved organic matter having stronger effects on microbes than vice versa. Under our experimental scenarios that increased sediment organic matter from 5 to 25% or darkened overlying waters by 2.5 times, the resulting increases in chemodiversity could increase greenhouse gas concentrations in lake sediments by an average of 1.5 to 2.7 times, when all of the other effects of litterfall and water color were considered. Our results open a major new avenue for research in aquatic ecosystems by exposing connections between chemical and microbial diversity and their implications for the global carbon cycle in greater detail than ever before.
A Habitable Fluvio-Lacustrine Environment at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
The Curiosity rover discovered fine-grained sedimentary rocks, which are inferred to represent an ancient lake and preserve evidence of an environment that would have been suited to support a martian biosphere founded on chemolithoautotrophy. This aqueous environment was characterized by neutral pH, low salinity, and variable redox states of both iron and sulfur species. Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen, and phosphorus were measured directly as key biogenic elements; by inference, phosphorus is assumed to have been available. The environment probably had a minimum duration of hundreds to tens of thousands of years. These results highlight the biological viability of fluvial-lacustrine environments in the post-Noachian history of Mars.
Temperature and cyanobacterial bloom biomass influence phosphorous cycling in eutrophic lake sediments
Cyanobacterial blooms frequently occur in freshwater lakes, subsequently, substantial amounts of decaying cyanobacterial bloom biomass (CBB) settles onto the lake sediments where anaerobic mineralization reactions prevail. Coupled Fe/S cycling processes can influence the mobilization of phosphorus (P) in sediments, with high releases often resulting in eutrophication. To better understand eutrophication in Lake Taihu (PRC), we investigated the effects of CBB and temperature on phosphorus cycling in lake sediments. Results indicated that added CBB not only enhanced sedimentary iron reduction, but also resulted in a change from net sulfur oxidation to sulfate reduction, which jointly resulted in a spike of soluble Fe(II) and the formation of FeS/FeS2. Phosphate release was also enhanced with CBB amendment along with increases in reduced sulfur. Further release of phosphate was associated with increases in incubation temperature. In addition, CBB amendment resulted in a shift in P from the Fe-adsorbed P and the relatively unreactive Residual-P pools to the more reactive Al-adsorbed P, Ca-bound P and organic-P pools. Phosphorus cycling rates increased on addition of CBB and were higher at elevated temperatures, resulting in increased phosphorus release from sediments. These findings suggest that settling of CBB into sediments will likely increase the extent of eutrophication in aquatic environments and these processes will be magnified at higher temperatures.