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7,350 result(s) for "Globalization Economic aspects."
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All politics is global
Has globalization diluted the power of national governments to regulate their own economies? Are international governmental and nongovernmental organizations weakening the hold of nation-states on global regulatory agendas? Many observers think so. But in All Politics Is Global, Daniel Drezner argues that this view is wrong. Despite globalization, states--especially the great powers--still dominate international regulatory regimes, and the regulatory goals of states are driven by their domestic interests. As Drezner shows, state size still matters. The great powers--the United States and the European Union--remain the key players in writing global regulations, and their power is due to the size of their internal economic markets. If they agree, there will be effective global governance. If they don't agree, governance will be fragmented or ineffective. And, paradoxically, the most powerful sources of great-power preferences are the least globalized elements of their economies. Testing this revisionist model of global regulatory governance on an unusually wide variety of cases, including the Internet, finance, genetically modified organisms, and intellectual property rights, Drezner shows why there is such disparity in the strength of international regulations.
Outsourcing Economics
Outsourcing Economics has a double meaning. First, it is a book about the economics of outsourcing. Second, it examines the way that economists have understood globalization as a pure market phenomenon, and as a result have 'outsourced' the explanation of world economic forces to other disciplines. Markets are embedded in a set of institutions - labor, government, corporate, civil society, and household - that mold the power asymmetries that influence the distribution of the gains from globalization. In this book, William Milberg and Deborah Winkler propose an institutional theory of trade and development starting with the growth of global value chains - international networks of production that have restructured the global economy and its governance over the past twenty-five years. They find that offshoring leads to greater economic insecurity in industrialized countries that lack institutions supporting workers. They also find that offshoring allows firms to reduce domestic investment and focus on finance and short-run stock movements.
Outside the box : how globalization changed from moving stuff to spreading ideas
\"Marc Levinson offers a brief history of globalization through the stories of the fascinating people and companies that built global supply chains. In Small World he will follow the thread of the balance between people in the private sector pursuing new ways to make goods and do business and governments eliminating barriers. These two spheres-the private sector and government-did not go global in tandem, and many developments in one sphere were far more impactful in the other than imagined at the time. The book will narrate the development of global supply chains in response to trends in both, telling stories ranging from a Prussian-born trader in New Jersey in the 1760s who dreamed of building a vertically-integrated metals empire, to new megaships too big to call on most of the world's ports leaving half empty, as globalization entered a new stage in its history around 2006. Bringing the story up to the present, Levinson engagingly illustrates how we're not experiencing the end of globalization, only its transformation. As one type of globalization is declining, a new one is on the rise\"-- Provided by publisher.
Globalizing Justice
The claim that people in developed countries have vast, unmet obligations to help people in developing countries is usually based on duties of kindness or a global extrapolation of justice among compatriots. This book constructs a different basis, the need for responsible engagement in transnational interactions in which power is currently abused. After arguing for an undemanding principle of beneficence and deriving duties of justice among compatriots from their special relations, the book develops standards of responsible conduct in current global interactions that determine: what must be done to avoid exploitation in transnational manufacturing, what framework for world trade and investment would be fair, what response to the challenge of global warming is adequate and equitable, what responsibilities to help meet basic needs arise when foreign powers steer the course of development, and what obligations are created by uses of violence to sustain global power. Through detailed empirical inquiries, the book argues that there has been a massive failure to live up to these standards, creating demanding duties to avoid undue advantage and repair abuses of power, on the part of developed countries in general and especially the United States. The book describes policies that would meet these obligations, leading obstacles, and the role of social movements in reducing injustice, especially a global form of social democracy expressing the book's perspective
Transnational and immigrant entrepreneurship in a globalized world
Transnational and Immigrant Entrepreneurship in a Globalized Worldbrings together leading international scholars from a cross-disciplinary basis to examine the economic, social, regulatory, technological, and theoretical issues related to the impact of transnational entrepreneurs on business and economic development.
Contagious capitalism
One of the core assumptions of recent American foreign policy is that China's post-1978 policy of \"reform and openness\" will lead to political liberalization. This book challenges that assumption and the general relationship between economic liberalization and democratization. Moreover, it analyzes the effect of foreign direct investment (FDI) liberalization on Chinese labor politics.