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8 result(s) for "Gods, Norse Fiction."
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The entirely true story of the unbelievable FIB
When eleven-year-old Pru and new boy ABE discover another world beneath their quiet town, where Viking gods lurk just out of sight, they must race to secure the Eye of Odin, source of all knowledge--and the key to stopping a war that could destroy both human and immortal realms.
Loki and Odin: Old Gods Repurposed by Neil Gaiman, A. S. Byatt, and Klas Östergren
Norse Gods are repurposed by contemporary authors in different modes than those used for classical, Egyptian, African, and Native American gods. Whereas those others mostly lend a trace of heroic glamor or even help the characters in the novels, Odin and Loki are used to darker ends. Their connection to Ragnarok—Odin through knowing of its coming, and Loki for bringing it about—gives them more threatening roles. Gaiman, Byatt, and Östergren all locate their novels’ action in a situation of apparently waning power and threatening doom, and make connections between those two figures and our behaviors, ecological, political, and personal.
The mighty Thor
Tells the story of Asgard's mightiest warrior, Thor, and how he earned the right to wield the magical hammer Mjolnir.
Brownshirt Princess : A Study of the 'Nazi Conscience'
Princess Marie Adelheid of Lippe-Biesterfeld was a rebellious young writer who became a fervent Nazi. Heinrich Vogeler was a well-regarded artist who was to join the German Communist Party. Ludwig Roselius was a successful businessman who had made a fortune from his invention of decaffeinated coffee. What was it about the revolutionary climate following World War I that induced three such different personalities to collaborate in the production of a slim volume of poetry—entitled Gott in Mir—about the indwelling of the divine within the human? Gossman's study situates the poem in the ideological context that made the collaboration possible: pantheism, Darwinism, disillusionment with traditional liberal values, theosophy and völkisch religions, and Lebensreform. The study outlines the subsequent life of the Princess who, until her death in 1993, continued to support and celebrate the ideals and heroes of National Socialism. Brownshirt Princess provides deep insight into the sources and character of the \"Nazi Conscience\", and is invaluable reading for anybody interested in understanding German society during the inter-war and Nazi periods. The University Committee on Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Princeton University, has generously contributed towards the publication of this volume.
9 from the Nine Worlds
\"Characters from the Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard series star in these hilarious and inventive new short stories, each set in a different one of the Nine Worlds from Norse mythology\"-- Provided by publisher.
From the earth to the shadows
Malin's mission to avenge her mother's murder has uncovered dangerous secrets. As a Valkyrie-in-training, Malin must slay immortals who've had their time, to maintain balance between humans and immortals. But her quest could destroy Earth's stability and unleash chaos. Just when she needs to focus, her friend Asher is in grave danger. He's been dragged into the underworld, where vengeful immortals plot revolution. Malin believes her feelings mustn't distract from her goal, but is desperate to rescue him. So she ventures into the darkest of realms, knowing she may not survive. With new allies at her side and new enemies ahead, Malin will face terrible choices. She'll have to keep her head, or be ruled by her heart.
Keeper of myths
When mythological gods posing as tourists begin arriving in Buzz's hometown of Crowmarsh, he and his best friend team up on a dangerous search for a mysterious myth-keeper while endeavoring to unlock their own burgeoning powers.
Odin's ravens
When Ragnarok--the apocalypse--threatens, the human descendants of the gods band together to fight monsters, and Matt Thorsen and his friends must journey to the underworld to save a descendant.