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1,050 result(s) for "Historical geography Maps."
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Historical atlas of the ancient world
This new atlas of the ancient world illustrates the political, economic, social and cultural developments in the ancient Near East, the Mediterranean world, the Byzantine Empire, the Islamic world and the Holy Roman Empire from the 3rd millennium BC until the 15th century AD. The atlas has 170 large color maps that document the main historical developments. Each map is accompanied by a text that outlines the main historical developments. These texts include bibliographies and 65 additional maps, tables, and stemmata that provide further elucidation.
The Routledge Atlas of Central Eurasian Affairs
Providing concisely written entries on the most important current issues in Central Asia and Eurasia, this atlas offers relevant background information on the region's place in the contemporary political and economic world. Features include: Profiles of the constituent countries of Central Asia, namely Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan Profiles of Mongolia, western China, Tibet, and the three Caucasus states of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia Timely and significant original maps and data for each entry A comprehensive glossary, places index and subject index of major concepts, terms and regional issues Bibliography and useful websites section Designed for use in teaching undergraduate and graduate classes and seminars in geography, history, economics, anthropology, international relations, political science and the environment as well as regional courses on the Former Soviet Union, Central Asia, and Eurasia, this atlas is also a comprehensive reference source for libraries and scholars interested in these fields.
Historical atlas of northeast Asia, 1590-2010
Four hundred years ago, indigenous peoples occupied the vast region that today encompasses Korea, Manchuria, the Mongolian Plateau, and Eastern Siberia. Over time, these populations struggled to maintain autonomy as Russia, China, and Japan sought hegemony over the region. Especially from the turn of the twentieth century onward, indigenous peoples pursued self-determination in a number of ways, and new states, many of them now largely forgotten, rose and fell as great power imperialism, indigenous nationalism, and modern ideologies competed for dominance. This atlas tracks the political configuration of Northeast Asia in ten-year segments from 1590 to 1890, in five-year segments from 1890 to 1960, and in ten-year segments from 1960 to 2010, delineating the distinct history and importance of the region. The text follows the rise and fall of the Qing dynasty in China, founded by the semi-nomadic Manchus; the Russian colonization of Siberia; the growth of Japanese influence; the movements of peoples, armies, and borders; and political, social, and economic developments—reflecting the turbulence of the land that was once the world's \"cradle of conflict.\" Compiled from detailed research in English, Chinese, Japanese, French, Dutch, German, Mongolian, and Russian sources, the Historical Atlas of Northeast Asia incorporates information made public with the fall of the Soviet Union and includes fifty-five specially drawn maps, as well as twenty historical maps contrasting local and outsider perspectives. Four introductory maps survey the region's diverse topography, climate, vegetation, and ethnicity.
Historical atlas of the British Isles
\"Illustrated with 150 full-colour maps and plans that range many topics, such as agricultural, political and industrial revolutions\"--The publisher.
The Routledge Atlas of the Arab–Israeli Conflict
A Powerful Visual History of the Arab–Israeli Conflict ‘Because the cartographic format of the book is so straightforward, readers of any level of sophistication or interest can benefit. An excellent primer.’ Library Journal ‘Each map includes precise explanatory data. A basic appendage to any analysis of Middle East history and politics.’ Middle East Review ‘This is a very thorough history. The great advantage of presenting history through maps is the unusual clarity it brings to the most complex issues. I would recommend that anyone troubled by the conflicting claims of both sides in this bitter struggle study the book closely. Just look and you’ll learn a lot, without polemics or manifestos to confuse the issue.’ Jerusalem Post Magazine The Routledge Atlas of the Arab–Israeli Conflict traces the tangled and sometimes bitter history of the Arab–Jewish struggle from the early twentieth century to the present. It also illustrates the current moves towards finding peace, and the efforts to bring the conflict to an end through negotiation and agreed boundaries. In 227 maps, the evolving history of the conflict is graphically portrayed, including: The prelude and background to the conflict – from the presence of Jews in Palestine before the Arab conquest to the attitude of Britain to the Arabs and Jews since 1915 The Jewish national home – from the early Jewish settlements and the Zionist plan for Palestine in 1919 to the involvement of the Arab world from 1945 to the present day The intensification of the conflict – from the Arab response to the United Nations partition plan of November 1947 to the declaration of Israeli independence in May 1948 The State of Israel – from the Israeli War of Independence and the Suez and Six Day Wars to the October War (the Yom Kippur War), the first and second Intifadas, the suicide-bomb campaign, the Israel–Hezbollah War of 2006, Operation Cast Lead against the Gaza Strip in 2009, the Gaza Flotilla of 2010 and Nakba Day 2011 The moves to find peace – from the first and second Camp David talks and the death of Yasser Arafat to the continuing search for peace, including the Annapolis Conference, 2007, the work of the Quartet Emissary Tony Blair, 2007–2011, and the ongoing Palestinian search for statehood.
The Routledge Atlas of American History
The Routledge Atlas of American History presents a series of 163 clear and detailed maps, accompanied by informative captions, facts and figures. The complete history of America is unravelled through vivid representations of all the significant landmarks, including: Politics - from the struggle against slavery and the battle for black voting rights to the present day, including the results of the 2008 Presidential election Military Events - from the War of Independence to the conflicts in Korea, Vietnam and the Gulf, including additional new maps covering the war in Iraq and the American campaign in Afghanistan. Social History - including the fate of the American Indians, the growth of female emancipation, and recent population movements and immigration Transport - from nineteenth-century railroads and canals to the growth of air travel and recent ventures into space Economics - from early farming and industry to urbanisation and the ecological struggles of the present day This revised edition is fully updated to cover the 2008 presidential election, and also addresses President Obama's healthcare policy and first overseas travels. New maps have been drawn which detail the problem of pollution, as well as the most recent developments in US relations with Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan.