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60,127 result(s) for "Homosexuality"
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America for beginners
A widow from India travels to California to learn the truth about what happened to the son who was declared dead shortly after he revealed his sexual orientation to their traditional family.
Undercurrents engages the critical rubric of queer to examine Hong Kong's screen and media culture during the transitional and immediate postcolonial period. Helen Hok-Sze Leung draws on theoretical insights from a range of disciplines to reveal parallels between the crisis and uncertainty of the territory's postcolonial transition and the queer aspects of its cultural productions. She explores Hong Kong cultural productions � cinema, fiction, popular music, and subcultural projects � and argues that while there is no overt consolidation of gay and lesbian identities in Hong Kong culture, undercurrents of diverse and complex expressions of gender and sexual variance are widely in evidence. Undercurrents uncovers a queer media culture that has been largely overlooked by critics in the West and demonstrates the cultural vitality of Hong Kong amidst political transition.
The good Arabs : poems
\"Swinging from post-explosion Beirut to a Montreal balcony in summer, the verse and prose poems in The good Arabs ground the reader in place, language, and the body. Peeling and rinsing radishes. Dancing as a pre-teen to Nancy Ajram. Being drenched in stares on the city bus. The collection is an interlocking and rich offering of the speaker's communities, geographical surroundings both expansive and precise, and family both biological and chosen. The good Arabs gifts the reader with insight into cycles and repetition in ourselves and our broken nations. This genre-defying collection maps Arab and trans identity through the immensity of experience felt in one body, the sorrow of citizens let down by their countries, and the garbage crisis in Lebanon. Ultimately, it shows how we might love amid dismay, adore the pungent and the ugly, and exist in our multiplicity across spaces.\"-- Provided by publisher.
Homosexuality - or hungochani as it is known in Zimbabwe - has been denounced by many politicians and church leaders as an example of how Western decadence has corrupted African traditions. However, a bold new gay rights movement has emerged in several of the countries of the region since the 1980s, offering an exciting new dimension in the broad struggle for human rights and democracy unfolding on the continent.
\"[The author] invites us into the brilliant mind of Alec Pryor, a character inspired by Alan Turing. Turing, father of artificial intelligence and pioneer of radical new techniques to break the Nazi Enigma cipher during World War II, was later persecuted by the British state for 'gross indecency with another male' and forced to undergo chemical castration. Set during the devastating period before Turing's suicide, Murmur evokes an extraordinary life, the beauty and sorrows of love, and the nature of consciousness\" -- Provided by publisher.
La opacidad del cruising: ruinas, parques y otros escenarios del deseo
En base a los expedientes del Juzgado de Peligrosidad y Rehabilitación Social de Valencia (1971-1978), en este artículo se trazan los territorios y códigos velados del cruising que facilitaban encuentros sexuales consensuados y protegidos por la noche, las ruinas y el anonimato. Este mapeo desvela cómo las redes y la cultura \"marica\" se extendían desde los parques a los pisos privados y la centralidad de los gestos en un lenguaje coreografiado de reconocimiento mutuo. A través de los encuentros furtivos en espacios apartados de la visibilidad normativa, se construyeron sociabilidades paralelas para los iniciados, que podían así reconciliar sus impulsos eróticos con sus obligaciones diarias. El cruising se insertaba en los ritmos cotidianos de la vida urbana a través de las estrategias de la opacidad. De modo similar, los arrestados recurrían a un relato estereotipado sobre sus acciones, presentándose a sí mismos como autómatas de la noche para evitar desvelar la realidad de sus deseos y motivaciones. Para problematizar el mecanicismo propio de estos relatos, el artículo concluye con una polifonía de testimonios orales que muestran como la (des)valoración del cruising por parte de los partícipes guardaba relación con cómo vivenciaban su propia agencia en la promiscuidad.