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130 result(s) for "Husband and wife Drama"
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Un Caprice
Extrait : MATHILDE seule, travaillant au filet. Encore un point, et j'ai fini. (Elle sonne ; un domestique entre.) Est-on venu de chez Janisset ? LE DOMESTIQUE : Non, madame, pas encore. MATHILDE : C'est insupportable ; qu'on y retourne ; depechez-vous. (Le domestique sort.) J'aurais du prendre les premiers glands venus ; il est huit heures ; il est a sa toilette ; je suis sur qu'il va venir ici avant que tout ne soit pret. Ce sera encore un jour de retard. (Elle se leve). A PROPOS DES EDITIONS LIGARAN : Les editions LIGARAN proposent des versions numeriques de grands classiques de la litterature ainsi que des livres rares, dans les domaines suivants : * Fiction : roman, poesie, theatre, jeunesse, policier, libertin. * Non fiction : histoire, essais, biographies, pratiques.
August: Osage County
Winner of the 2008 Pulitzer Prize for Drama and the 2008 Tony Award for Best New Play. Now a major motion picture! \"A tremendous achievement in American playwriting: a tragicomic populist portrait of a tough land and a tougher people.\" -TimeOut New York \"Tracy Letts'August: Osage Countyis what O'Neill would be writing in 2007. Letts has recaptured the nobility of American drama's mid-century heyday while still creating something entirely original.\"-New York magazine \"I don't care ifAugust: Osage Countyis three-and-a-half hours long. I wanted more.\" -Howard Shapiro,Philadelphia Inquirer \"This original and corrosive black comedy deserves a seat at the table with the great American family plays.\"-Time One of the most bracing and critically acclaimed plays in recent history,August: Osage Countyis a portrait of the dysfunctional American family at its finest-and absolute worst. When the patriarch of the Weston clan disappears one hot summer night, the family reunites at the Oklahoma homestead, where long-held secrets are unflinchingly and uproariously revealed. The three-act, three-and-a-half-hour mammoth of a play combines epic tragedy with black comedy, dramatizing three generations of unfulfilled dreams and leaving not one of its thirteen characters unscathed. August: Osage Countyhas been produced in more than twenty countries worldwide and is now a major motion picture starring Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Chris Cooper, Dermot Mulroney, Sam Shepard, Juliette Lewis, and Ewan McGregor. Tracy Lettsis the author ofKiller Joe,Bug, andMan from Nebraska, which was a finalist for the 2004 Pulitzer Prize for Drama. His plays have been performed throughout the country and internationally. A performer as well as a playwright, Letts is a member of the Steppenwolf Theatre Company, whereAugust: Osage Countypremiered.
Nikolai Ivanov is losing his mind. His life used to be full of possibility, but now he's moneyless on an old farm with his mendicant uncle and his inexplicably happy if slightly criminal cousin. He's in debt to his neighbours, nothing much makes sense to him anymore, and worst of all, his wife is dying. But one afternoon at a local birthday party, a glimmer of a new life reveals itself...%##CHAR13##%%##CHAR13##%Written when he was 27, Ivanov is Anton Chekhov's first full-length play. Eamon Flack's adaptation was written specially for Belvoir. Updated to the present, and set in a 'Russia' that may or may not resemble modern Australia, this is the first professional production of Chekhov's marvellous, overlooked comedy.
Genre Shifting in Restoration Adaptations of Cervantes’s “El curioso impertinente”
Miguel de Cervantes’s narrative “El curioso impertinente” [“The Curious Impertinent”] inserted into the first part of Don Quixote, fascinated the English playwrights of the seventeenth century. This tragic story about curiosity, fidelity, voyeurism and male homosociality was adapted in plots or subplots of several plays written in the Jacobean and Restoration periods, though often, however, averting the tragic ending and adding comedic elements. As regards Restoration adaptations, two good examples are Aphra Behn’s The Amorous Prince; or The Curious Husband (1671) and John Crowne’s The Married Beau; or, The Curious Impertinent (1694). Behn’s play is a tragicomedy built around a romantic intrigue that attempts to exploit both the serious and comic potentials of the story, and provides a happy ending of reconciliation and multiple marriages thanks to the resolute intervention of the female characters. Crowne’s work, however, largely downplays the seriousness of the plot and turns the action around more conceited and superficial characters, who provide several laughter-raising situations. In The Married Beau the comedic happy ending is favoured not through witty intrigue but through repentance. This article intends to analyse this genre shift and, more particularly, how Crowne adapts Cervantes’s story to the English comic stage of the 1690s. La novela “El curioso impertinente” de Miguel de Cervantes, incluida en la primera parte de Don Quijote, fascinó a los dramaturgos ingleses del siglo XVII. Esta historia trágica sobre curiosidad, fidelidad y homosocialidad masculina fue adaptada en varias obras de teatro del periodo jacobeo y de la Restauración, aunque a menudo evitando el final trágico y añadiendo elementos cómicos. Por lo que se refiere a la Restauración, este es el caso, por ejemplo, de The Amorous Prince; or, The Curious Husband (1671) de Aphra Behn y The Married Beau; or, The Curious Impertinent (1694) de John Crowne. La obra de Behn es una tragicomedia construida alrededor de un enredo romántico que intenta aprovechar los potenciales trágico y cómico de la historia y proporciona un final feliz de reconciliación y múltiples matrimonios gracias a la resuelta intervención de los personajes femeninos. Sin embargo, Crowne se deshace considerablemente de la trama seria y hace que la acción gire en torno a personajes vanidosos y superficiales que dan lugar a varias situaciones divertidas. En The Married Beau el final feliz viene facilitado no a través del enredo sino por el arrepentimiento. Este artículo analiza este cambio de género literario y, en particular, cómo Crowne adapta la historia de Cervantes a la comedia inglesa de finales del siglo XVII.
Le Chandelier
Extrait : JACQUELINE, dans son lit. Entre MAITRE ANDRE en robe de chambre. MAITRE ANDRE : Hola, ma femme ! he, Jacqueline ! he, hola, Jacqueline, ma femme ! La peste soit de l'endormie. He, he, ma femme, eveillez-vous ! Hola, hola ! levez-vous, Jacqueline. Comme elle dort ! Hola, hola, hola, he, he, he, ma femme, ma femme, ma femme ! c'est moi, Andre, votre mari, qui ai a vous parler de choses serieuses. He, he, pstt, pstt, hem ! brum ! frum ! pstt ! A PROPOS DES EDITIONS LIGARAN : Les editions LIGARAN proposent des versions numeriques de grands classiques de la litterature ainsi que des livres rares, dans les domaines suivants : * Fiction : roman, poesie, theatre, jeunesse, policier, libertin. * Non fiction : histoire, essais, biographies, pratiques.