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2,102 result(s) for "International commercial arbitration."
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Challenges and Recusals of Judges and Arbitrators in International Courts and Tribunals
Challenges and Recusal of Judges and Arbitrators in International Courts and Tribunals provides an in-depth analysis of a fundamental control mechanism of international dispute resolution in the context of some of the main international courts and tribunals. The book also assesses specific grounds and standards for challenging judges and arbitrators, and includes both regional and personal perspectives.
International Trade Disputes and EU Liability
The European Union has become the respondent of several international trade disputes. This book examines the right to compensation for damage resulting from retaliatory measures imposed under the system of the World Trade Organization in disputes triggered by the EU. Anne Thies evaluates the implications of the EU's membership in the WTO for its domestic system of rights and judicial protection. Emphasising the necessity of maintaining EU standards of protection independently of the external dimension of EU action, the book offers suggestions on how the current gap of protection could be filled while upholding the scope for manoeuvre of the EU institutions on the international plane. In addition, it places the issue in its broader context of the relationship between international law and EU law on the one hand, and the discretion of the EU as a global actor and standards of individual rights protection under EU law on the other.
The Multilateralization of International Investment Law
Attempts at developing a theory of international investment law are complicated by the fact that this field of international law is based on numerous, largely bilateral treaties and is implemented by arbitral panels established on a case-by-case basis. This suggests a fragmented and chaotic state of the law, with different levels of protection depending on the sources and targets of foreign investment flows. This book, however, forwards the thesis that international investment law develops, despite its bilateral form, into a multilateral system of law that backs up the functioning of a global market economy based on converging principles of investment protection. In discussing the function of most-favored-nation clauses, the possibilities of treaty-shopping and the impact of investor-State arbitration with its intensive reliance on precedent and other genuinely multilateral approaches to treaty interpretation, it offers a conceptual framework for understanding the nature and functioning of international investment law as a genuinely multilateral system.
Soft Law in International Commercial Arbitration
This course follows the development of the so-called \"soft law\" from its origins in public international law to commercial arbitration, where it is used today as a label for various instruments and phenomena, covering both procedural aspects and the applicable substantive law: model laws, arbitration rules, guidelines, the UNIDROIT Principles, the lex mercatoria, and others. It presents three particularly well-known sets of guidelines by the International Bar Association and discusses the pros and cons of \"soft law\" instruments and their potential normativity. The analysis suggests that \"soft law\" instruments are typically less well recognised in practice than is generally assumed. The author explains what such instruments can achieve and what minimum requirements they have to fulfil to at least aspire to some legitimacy. He argues ultimately that \"soft law\" instruments can be very useful tools, but they do not carry any normativity.