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27 result(s) for "John Paul II, Pope, 1920-2005 Interviews"
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Crossing the threshold of hope
Sixteen years into his papacy, an on the eve of the millennium, Pope John Paul 11 brings to an accessible level the great theological concerns of our lives. He goes to the heart of his personal beliefs and speaks with passion about the existence of God; about the dignity of man; about pain, suffering, and evil; about hope; about the relationship of Christianity to other faiths and that of Catholicism to to other branches of Christianity to other faiths and that of Catholicism to other branches of the Christian faith. (From verso).
So Different Yet So Similar: A Tale of Two Academic Libraries in the United States and Poland
The aim of this article is to present a comparison between two academic libraries: Indiana University Libraries in the United States and the Library of Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biala Podlaska, Poland. This comparison is based on data that each of these libraries published in statistical reports. Much of the information used in the article was obtained during interviews with librarians that took place during the author's visit to the Indiana University Libraries in Bloomington. The comparison shows that, despite the differences in the size of the universities, both libraries pursue their missions, increase their collections, and offer services to their users in a similar manner. Visiting libraries in different countries is important to exchange knowledge and experiences between professional librarians. Librarians can subsequently use this knowledge to improve and enhance work in their home institutions.
1979 and the Birth of the 21st Century: An Interview with Christian Caryl
To make his case, Caryl, a senior fellow at the Legatum Institute and a contributing editor at Foreign Policy, highlights five seemingly unconnected events that took place in 1979: the Iranian Revolution, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Pope John Paul II's visit to Poland, Margaret Thatcher's election as British prime minister, and the start of Deng Xiaoping's economic reforms in China. Before 1979, the idea of an \"Islamic revolution\" sounded oxymoronic; few in the West had any inkling of the gathering power of political Islam until the revolution in Iran and the rise of the Afghan mujahedin. Caryl: The end of the Cold War and the disappearance of the Soviet Union; a capitalist China; the transformation of Islam into a revolutionary political ideology; a world of global markets and \"neoliberal orthodoxy.\"
La Crosse diocese wants priest canonized
The Roman Catholic Diocese of La Crosse on Wednesday officially kicked off its cause for Walijewski, a priest who served in both central Wisconsin and South America, to become a saint.
La Crosse Diocese kicks off cause for central Wisconsin priest's sainthood
  The Roman Catholic Diocese of La Crosse on Wednesday officially kicked off its cause for Walijewski, a priest who served in both central Wisconsin and South America, to become a saint. To learn more The Diocese of La Crosse started the Father Joseph Walijewski Legacy Guild to promote his cause for beatification and canonization, and it now has more than 1,000 members.
Diocese's effort for central Wis. priest's sainthood gets under way
The Roman Catholic Diocese of La Crosse on Wednesday officially kicked off its cause for Walijewski, a priest who served in both central Wisconsin and South America, to become a saint. To learn more The Diocese of La Crosse started the Father Joseph Walijewski Legacy Guild to promote his cause for beatification and canonization, and it now has more than 1,000 members.
La Crosse diocese wants priest canonized
The group includes priests and laypeople, and will be responsible for tasks including interviewing witnesses and producing documents that eventually will be sent to Rome for consideration.
Start of the journey
The Roman Catholic Diocese of La Crosse on Wednesday officially kicked off its cause for Walijewski, a priest who served in both central Wisconsin and South America, to become a saint. To learn more The Diocese of La Crosse started the Father Joseph Walijewski Legacy Guild to promote his cause for beatification and canonization, and it now has more than 1,000 members.