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19,254 result(s) for "LITERARY WORKS"
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Infographic guide to literature
The Infographic Guide to Literature graphically represents facts about literature, from Shakespeare and Austen to Nabakov and Orwell, to George R. R. Martin and E. L. James. With fascinating stats and all the facts on your favourite writers, poets and playwrights, it features infamous tales from behind the scenes of the literary world. Celebrating the power of words with graphs, Venn diagrams, and charts, this book provides a unique overview of your favourite figures in literature, boasting over 100 original artworks and illustrations and at-a-glance facts to amaze and astound.
Thomas Hardy : The Poems
\"Gillian Steinberg offers an approachable introduction to the poems of one of the most prolific and influential English writers, through an examination of wide-ranging selections from his work. \"-- Provided by publisher.
The Paradox of Publicity: How Awards Can Negatively Affect the Evaluation of Quality
Although increases in status often lead to more favorable inferences about quality in subsequent evaluations, in this paper, we examine a setting in which an increase to an actor's status results in less favorable quality evaluations, contrary to what much of sociological and management theory would predict. Comparing thousands of reader reviews on of 64 Englishlanguage books that either won or were short-listed for prestigious book awards between 2007 and 2011, we find that prizewinning books tend to attract more readers following the announcement of an award and that readers' ratings of award-winning books tend to decline more precipitously following the announcement of an award relative to books that were named as finalists but did not win. We explain this surprising result, focusing on two mechanisms whereby signals of quality that tend to promote adoption can subsequently have a negative impact on evaluation. First, we propose that the audience evaluating a high-status actor or object tends to shift as a result of a public status shock, like an award, increasing in number but also in diverse tastes. We outline how this shift might translate into less favorable evaluations of quality. Second, we show that the increase in popularity that tends to follow a status shock is off-putting to some, also resulting in more negative evaluations. We show that our proposed mechanisms together explain the negative effect of status on evaluations in the context of the literary world.
France : inspiration du jour : an artist's sketchbook
\"Experience the creative inspiration of France. Beloved artist Rae Dunn offers a look inside her unique travel sketchbooks--rich with evocative watercolors, dreamy photographs, and hand-lettered notes from her sojourns in Paris and the South of France. A celebration of the feast for the senses that is this beautiful region, France : Inspiration du Jour is also a window onto the artistic process and the magic of inspiration at work\"--Provided by publisher.
Allegory and the Poetic Self
The rise of an influential new family of poetry in the Middle Ages This book is the first collective examination of late medieval intimate first-person narratives that blur the lines between author, narrator, and protagonist and usually feature personification allegory and courtly love tropes, creating an experimental new family of poetry. In this volume, contributors analyze why the allegorical first-person romance embedded itself in the vernacular literature of Western Europe and remained popular for more than two centuries. The editors identify and discuss three predominant forms within this family: debate poetry, dream allegories, and autobiographies. Contributors offer textual analyses of key works from late medieval German, French, Italian, and Iberian literature, with discussion of developments in England, as well. Allegory and the Poetic Self offers a sophisticated, theoretically current discussion of relevant literature. This exploration of medieval \"I\" narratives offers insights not just into the premodern period but also into Western literature's subsequent traditions of self-analysis and identity crafting through storytelling.