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328,253 result(s) for "Manslaughter"
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No turning back : a novel
Anna Gravess whole life has recently been turned upside down. A new mother, shes just gone back to her job as a radio presenter and is busy navigating a new schedule of late night feeding and early morning wake ups while also dealing with her newly separated husband. Then the worst happens. While Anna is walking on the beach with her daughter, shes attacked by a crazed teenager. Terrified, Anna reacts instinctively to protect her baby. But her life falls apart when the schoolboy dies from his injuries. The police believe Annas story, until the autopsy results reveal something more sinister. A frenzied media attack sends Anna into a spiral of self-doubt. Her precarious mental state is further threatened when she receives a chilling message from someone claiming to be the \"Ophelia Killer,\" a serial killer who preyed on the town twenty years agoand who abruptly stopped when Annas father committed suicide. Is Anna as innocent as she claims? And is murder forgivable, if committed to save your childs life?
GMC’s push for erasure of paediatrician is questionable
The General Medical Council's High Court appeal for the erasure of Hadiza Bawa-Garba, 1 is not aimed at improving patient care if it discourages duty of candour. Competing interests: I am honorary secretary of the Association of British Neurologists and a member of the Board of Trustees at the Royal College of Physicians, London.
GMC erasure case: we must improve systems to mitigate inevitable mistakes
[...]all doctors-even the most intelligent, accomplished, dedicated, and caring of us-make mistakes. [...]these inevitable mistakes ought to be mitigated by adequate systems; they are more likely to occur, and more likely to go uncorrected, when they arise in systems that are inadequate and overstressed.
Margaret McCartney: Clinical errors need a systemic response
[...]doctors in clinical practice have been speaking out for years about their distress at the unmanageability of good and safe practice in the NHS-and many, including me, feel ineffective. [...]near misses are recognised by all practising clinical doctors. Manslaughter charges against healthcare professionals in the past few years have focused on individual clinical errors, not on the professionals who are in charge of making decisions about how systems are run or funded. 3 Pinning blame on one person allows us to believe that the bad apple has been removed from the barrel and that all is now well.
Clinical errors: I’ve asked the GMC to investigate me
The High Court upheld the appeal of the General Medical Council in the case of Hadiza Bawa-Garba, who has now been struck off the medical register because her clinical errors were determined to amount to gross negligence manslaughter. 1 Over four decades of practice, I have made clinical errors including delayed diagnosis and errors in treatment. None declared. 1 Dyer C. Paediatrician convicted of manslaughter must be erased from register, rules High Court.
Hazlitt's Prizefight Revisited: Pierce Egan and Jon Bee's Boxiana-Style Perspective
[...]there was an opportunistic element about the arrangement of fights, and 'the Fancy' would often favour venues situated near county borders.