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13 result(s) for "Muscles Juvenile literature."
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20 fun facts about the muscular system
\"Muscles do far more than help us lift heavy things off the ground. Muscles make the heart work well and move food through the stomach. They allow us to walk, swim, and even draw! In the fun fact file format, this book introduces readers to the most interesting aspects of the muscular system, including information from the science curriculum, through engaging and sometimes gross tidbits!\"-- Provided by publisher.
Juvenile dermatomyositis associated with autoantibodies to small ubiquitin-like modifier activating enzyme: a report of 4 cases from North India and a review of literature
Background Juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) is the commonest inflammatory myositis in children. The clinical phenotype is often characterized by the presence of myositis-specific antibodies (MSA). Antibodies to small ubiquitin-like modifier activating enzyme (SAE) are amongst the rarest MSA reported in children. Materials and methods A review of medical records of all patients diagnosed to have JDM during the period January 1992–April 2022 in our institute was done. Case records of children with JDM who had significant positivity for anti-SAE antibody by myositis immunoblot were analysed in detail. Results Of the 140 children with JDM, MSA immunoblot was carried out in 53 patients—4 (7.5%) amongst these had significant positivity for anti-SAE antibodies. Median age of onset of symptoms was 5.5 years (range: 5–11 years). Clinical features at presentation included fever, photosensitivity, heliotrope rash, and Gottron papules. Clinically significant proximal muscle weakness was noted in 3/4 patients; 1 had no discernible weakness but had radiological evidence of myositis. None of the 4 patients had evidence of interstitial lung disease or calcinosis. All patients were treated with intravenous pulse methylprednisolone: subcutaneous weekly methotrexate and hydroxychloroquine. One patient received mycophenolate mofetil because of a relapse of muscle disease, while none received cyclophosphamide or biologics. Median follow-up duration was 21.5 months (range: 6–39 months). Conclusion Anti-SAE antibodies were found in 4/53 (7.5%) of North Indian children with JDM. All 4 patients had predominant cutaneous manifestations followed by muscle disease. Response to treatment was brisk and sustained. None had developed calcinosis in the follow-up. Key messages 1. We report high prevalence of anti-SAE antibody positivity (7.5%) in North Indian cohort of JDM. 2. Cutaneous disease precedes muscle weakness in children with anti-SAE positive JDM. 3. No evidence of interstitial lung disease/calcinosis was seen in these children.
Juvenile polyposis syndrome might be misdiagnosed as familial adenomatous polyposis: a case report and literature review
Juvenile polyposis syndrome (JPS) is a rare disorder characterized by the presence of multiple juvenile polyps in the gastrointestinal tract, and germline mutations in SMAD4 or BMPR1A. Due to its rarity and complex clinical manifestation, misdiagnosis often occurs in clinical practice. A 42-year-old man with multiple pedunculated colorectal polyps and concomitant rectal adenocarcinoma was admitted to our hospital. His mother had died of colon cancer. He was diagnosed with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) and underwent total proctocolectomy and ileal pouch anal anastomosis. Two polyps were selected for pathological examination. One polyp had cystically dilated glands with slight dysplasia. The other polyp displayed severe dysplasia and was diagnosed as adenoma. Three years later, his 21-year-old son underwent a colonoscopy that revealed more than 50 pedunculated colorectal juvenile polyps. Both patients harbored a germline pathogenic mutation in BMPR1A. Endoscopic resection of all polyps was attempted but failed. Finally, the son received endoscopic resection of polyps in the rectum and sigmoid colon, and laparoscopic subtotal colectomy. Ten polyps were selected for pathological examination. All were revealed to be typical juvenile polyps, with cystically dilated glands filled with mucus. Thus, the diagnosis of JPS was confirmed in the son. A review of the literatures revealed that patients with JPS can sometimes have adenomatous change. Most polyps in patients with JPS are benign hamartomatous polyps with no dysplasia. A review of 767 colorectal JPS polyps demonstrated that 8.5% of the polyps contained mild to moderate dysplasia, and only 0.3% had severe dysplasia or cancer. It is difficult to differentiate juvenile polyps with dysplasia from adenoma, which could explain why juvenile polyps have been reported to have adenomatous changes in patients with JPS. Therefore, patients with JPS, especially those with concomitant dysplasia and adenocarcinoma, might be easily diagnosed as FAP in clinical practice. Juvenile polyp with dysplasia is often diagnosed as adenoma, which might lead to the misdiagnosis of JPS as FAP. The differential diagnosis of JPS versus FAP, should be based on comprehensive evaluation of clinical presentation, endoscopic appearance and genetic investigations; not on the presence or absence of adenoma.
My muscles
\"A boy named Lucas has injured his calf muscle in PE class. Lucas and his classmate Mia discuss the body's muscles\"-- Provided by publisher.
Juvenile polymyositis associated with ureteral necrosis: a diagnostic and therapeutic dilemma—case report and review of the literature
We describe an 11-year-old girl, diagnosed with juvenile polymyositis (JPM), who developed right ureteral obstruction secondary to necrosis. We emphasize the dilemmas regarding optimal timing for surgical intervention and medical treatment. Vascular involvement, which could be a part of juvenile dermatomyositis, may also be a feature of JPM. We discuss the association between vasculopathy and ureteral necrosis and review the literature regarding similar conditions. Whether the ureteral necrosis is a specific feature of vasculopathy, or a result of visceral calcinosis, needs to be further explored.
Osteoporosis in HFE2 juvenile hemochromatosis. A case report and review of the literature
Juvenile hemochromatosis (JH) is a severe form of hemochromatosis, which involves rapid iron overload and leads to organ damage, typically before the age of 30. We report a single case of a 25-year-old man suffering from juvenile hemochromatosis, with aggressive clinical manifestations, typically characterized by transaminasemia and progressive erectile dysfunction, due to hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. The clinical case appears interesting, as the patient also had secondary osteoporosis accompanied by increased bone resorption, which prevalently affected trabecular bone. Approximately 6 months after normalization of serum ferritin levels was achieved by frequent phlebotomies, he became eugonadal and bone mineral density of the lumbar spine increased. Our observations suggest that osteoporosis might occur in the state of JH even at a young age, mainly due to the deprivation of sex steroids and the direct tissue toxicity of iron.