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70,714 result(s) for "Music and science."
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The music instinct : how music works and why we can't do without it
The Music Instinct Philip Ball provides the first comprehensive, accessible survey of what is known--and what is still unknown--about how music works its magic, and why, as much as eating and sleeping, it seems indispensable to humanity. --from publisher description
Rhythm, Music, and the Brain
With the advent of modern cognitive neuroscience and new tools of studying the human brain \"live,\" music as a highly complex, temporally ordered and rule-based sensory language quickly became a fascinating topic of study. The question of \"how\" music moves us, stimulates our thoughts, feelings, and kinesthetic sense, and how it can reach the human experience in profound ways is now measured with the advent of modern cognitive neuroscience. The goal of Rhythm, Music and the Brain is an attempt to bring the knowledge of the arts and the sciences and review our current state of study about the brain and music, specifically rhythm. The author provides a thorough examination of the current state of research, including the biomedical applications of neurological music therapy in sensorimotor speech and cognitive rehabilitation. This book will be of interest for the lay and professional reader in the sciences and arts as well as the professionals in the fields of neuroscientific research, medicine, and rehabilitation.
Can Music Supplant Math in Environmental Planning?
Can music supplant mathematics for planning environmental systems? The author's research and experience as presented here would indicate as much. First, an optimization problem is formulated where the number of ecological reserves is to be minimized while conserving all species in a region. Next, the author describes a music-inspired optimization algorithm called \"harmony search\" by focusing on the analogy between music performance and problem optimization. Finally, computational results are shown.
Science club. Series 1, episode 6, Music
Dara O Briain and his expert team examine the science behind music. James May explores how music is linked to our emotions and Mark Miodownik takes apart an electric guitar. ABOUT THE SERIES Experts and a lively audience join Dara O Briain to tackle the biggest concepts in science and discover the great ideas that are changing the world we live in. In each episode, they explore a specific topic inside and out, digging into every corner and leaving no stone unturned. From statistics to deep science and even deeper questions, they cover subjects including space, music and reproduction.
Music and feeling : the art of unconscious calculation
This book is for music lovers who want to learn about the science of music. It will show the reader what music is made of, how musical sounds become melodies, and how music training imprints on the human brain. The book addresses a wide audience, from the general public to parents of young children, music therapists, music teachers, philosophers, and psychologists. It highlights the role of music in child development and in healing. Readers will also find some interesting facts about the history of music and the basics of the science of emotion.
In Musicologia—meaning \"musical reasoning\" as distinct from a mere love of music—author and composer Robin Maconie takes aim against the fashionable misconception that music is empty of meaning, or \"auditory cheesecake.\" Fresh and penetrating insights draw attention to the influence of musical analogy in the history of science and philosophy from ancient Greece to modern times. Since music has always existed, it is an expression of human consciousness. The discoveries of Pythagoras, Zeno, Kepler, Newton, and Einstein would not have been possible without a tradition of musical acoustics. The story of Musicologia unfolds in thirty-one chapters from primordial considerations of silence, communication, selfhood, balance, and motion to focus on more recent and specific issues of chaos, order, relativity, and artificial intelligence, showing that even the most controversial aspects of modern art music form part of a wider endeavor to engage with universal propositions of science and philosophy.
Strange Brew
\"Strange Brew\" is the title of a 1967 hit song from Cream’s album Disraeli Gears, which featured the most psychedelic cover art ever. The song is what postmodern scholars, influenced by Fredric Jameson, would call a pastiche: its lyrics combine images of love, witchcraft, and getting stoned with a note-for-note rendition of Albert King’s traditional blues song \"Oh Pretty Woman.\" The song’s title is a metaphor suggesting that words and music can mix to become a kind of magic potion. Strange.