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52 result(s) for "Performing arts Vocational guidance."
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Instant Magento Shipping How-To
Filled with practical, step-by-step instructions and clear explanations for the most important and useful tasks. Instant Magento Shipping How-To is a step-by-step guide to learn and understand the different shipping configurations and settings of Magento.This book is perfect for Magento store owners who wish to explore the possibilities of extending their shipping options for both themselves through order processing, and their customers through promotions and multiple shipping methods. It's also great for any store owner wishing to gain a bit more insight into the technical workings of Magento's administration panel.
The actor's business plan : a career guide for the acting life
\"The Acting Business is a self-directed practical guide specifically for actors graduating from theatre programs with BFAs, MFAs, or BAs to assist them in moving towards success using the same kind of business/career planning so frequently offered to graduates in non-arts programs. This introduction to the acting industry provides actors with essential knowledge and examples of casting breakdowns, letters, marketing tools and a five-year career plan. Interviews with casting directors and agents are included from throughout the US offering advice and opinions on auditions, showreels, pictures, resumes and networking, as well as important issues such as typecasting and ethnicity. The Guide also gives a regional breakdown of the acting industry in America and how it is different across the various regions and cities. To suit teaching needs, the book can easily adapt to either a ten-week or a thirteen-week syllabus. Offering support as a personal career coach, empowering the actor to take concrete steps towards their career goals, The Acting Business: A Career Guide is a must-have book for all first-time actors\"-- Provided by publisher.
Performing Arts
\"With greater leisure time and discretionary income, the performing arts have become quite popular. There are three major categories of performing arts--music, dance and drama.\" (Children's World) Learn more about a career in the performing arts. A basic job profile, educational requirements, helpful personal attributes and prospective employers are outlined.
One of the world's foremost acting teachers -- who taught such actors as Rachel McAdams, Tatiana Maslany, Scott Speedman, and Sarah Gadon to name but a few -- shares 30-plus years of insight into the art of acting.
“Knowing That I’m Not Necessarily Alone in My Struggles”: UK Autistic Performing Arts Professionals’ Experiences of a Mentoring Programme
This research examined whether professional mentoring could have a positive effect on the occupational self-efficacy of autistic performing arts professionals. We compared the outcomes of one group who received mentoring to a waitlist control group. 26 participants took part in this study: 15 autistic mentees and 11 mentors, three of whom were also autistic. The mentoring programme was well received and felt to be beneficial by the participating mentees and mentors, particularly regarding gains in mentees’ occupational self-efficacy. Professional mentoring also addressed several work-oriented challenges identified by autistic performing arts professionals such as feelings of isolation in the industry and need for consultation and advice on both a professional level, and for mentees with autistic mentors, also a neurodivergent one.
Shadows of the Australian performing arts ecology
In 1977 in Ankara, Turkey's capital city, I starred in my first theatrical production, a series of Nasredin Hoja tales. Nasredin Hoja - a philosopher, a Sufi - is remembered for his funny anecdotes in a series of Aesop-like fables that each contain a moral and a message. Nasredin Hoja is the wise fool who famously sat on his donkey backwards and, when asked why, replied: 'it's not me that sits on my donkey backwards, it's my donkey that is facing the wrong way'.