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28 result(s) for "Poetry History and criticism Juvenile literature."
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Beowulf as Children’s Literature
The single largest category of Beowulf representation and adaptation, outside of direct translation of the poem, is children’s literature. Over the past century and a half, more than 150 new versions of Beowulf directed to child and teen audiences have appeared, in English and in many other languages. In this collection of original essays, Bruce Gilchrist and Britt Mize examine the history and processes of remaking Beowulf for young readers. Inventive in their manipulations of story, tone, and genre, these adaptations require their authors to make countless decisions about what to include, exclude, emphasize, de-emphasize, and adjust. This volume considers the many forms of children’s literature, focusing primarily on picture books, illustrated storybooks, and youth novels, but taking account also of curricular aids, illustrated full translations of the poem, and songs. Contributors address issues of gender, historical context, war and violence, techniques of narration, education, and nationalism, investigating both the historical and theoretical dimensions of bringing Beowulf to child audiences.
Love Poetry : \How Do I Love Thee?\
\"Explores love-themed poetry, including famous American and European poets and their poems, as well as literary criticism, poetic technique, explication, and prompts for further study\"-- Provided by publisher.
Conceptualizing Cruelty to Children in Nineteenth-Century England
Moving nimbly between literary and historical texts, Monica Flegel provides a much-needed interpretive framework for understanding the specific formulation of child cruelty popularized by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) in the late nineteenth century. Flegel considers a wide range of well-known and more obscure texts from the mid-eighteenth century to the early twentieth, including philosophical writings by Locke and Rousseau, poetry by Coleridge, Blake, and Caroline Norton, works by journalists and reformers like Henry Mayhew and Mary Carpenter, and novels by Frances Trollope, Charles Dickens, Wilkie Collins, and Arthur Morrison. Taking up crucial topics such as the linking of children with animals, the figure of the child performer, the relationship between commerce and child endangerment, and the problem of juvenile delinquency, Flegel examines the emergence of child abuse as a subject of legal and social concern in England, and its connection to earlier, primarily literary representations of endangered children. With the emergence of the NSPCC and the new crime of cruelty to children, new professions and genres, such as child protection and social casework, supplanted literary works as the authoritative voices in the definition of social ills and their cure. Flegel argues that this development had material effects on the lives of children, as well as profound implications for the role of class in representations of suffering and abused children. Combining nuanced close readings of individual texts with persuasive interpretations of their influences and limitations, Flegel's book makes a significant contribution to the history of childhood, social welfare, the family, and Victorian philanthropy.
Beauty poetry : \she walks in beauty\
\"Explores beauty-themed poetry, including famous American and European poets and their poems, as well as literary criticism, poetic technique, explication, and prompts for further study\"--Provided by publisher.
From Tongue to Text
The connection between childhood and poetry runs deep. And yet, poetry written for children has been neglected by criticism and resists prevailing theories of children’s literature. Drawing on Walter Ong’s theory of orality and on Iain McGilChrist’s work on brain function, this book develops a new theoretical framework for the study of children’s poetry. From Tongue to Text argues that the poem is a multimodal form that exists in the borderlands between the world of experience and the world of language and between orality and literacy – places that children themselves inhabit. Engaging with a wide range of poetry from nursery rhymes and Christina Rossetti to Michael Rosen and Carol Ann Duffy, Debbie Pullinger demonstrates how these ‘tactful’ works are shaped by the dynamics of orality and textuality.
World poetry : \evidence of life\
\"Discover some of the poetry of famed world poets, including: Sin-leqi-unninni, Vyasa, Homer, Du Fu, Omar Khayyam, Rumi, Dante, Bashهo, Shevchenko, Tagore, Ahkmatova, Lorca, Neruda, Walcott, and Cohen\"--Provided by publisher.
A New Parliament of Fouls: The 2015 Lion and the Unicorn Award for Excellence in North American Poetry
The ever-changing trio of L&U Poetry Award judges (who welcome Kate Pendlebury to their ranks this year) like to imagine that by explaining what is good about a collection of poems-and pointing out what is weak-we might inspire editors and publishers to stop paying quite so much attention to the noisy, algorithm-driven dictates of market- ing departments and to listen instead to the quieter song of the poems worth reading and remembering. [...]while we liked the thoughtful head tilt and playful hop, hop of this book (Girls Standing on Lawns), the melancholy song of that one (Brown Girl Dreaming), and the beautiful plumage of yet another (Moví la mano / I Moved My Hand ), in the end we named just two honor books: [...]the remaining books-the overwhelming majority of which were verse novels (or biographies or histories)-led us to the troubling thought that the literary tastes of editors and publishers were becoming increasingly subordinate to the number-driven stats of marketing departments (so if verse novels sell, sell verse novels).
Early British poetry : \words that burn\
Examines early British poetry from the 7th century into the 19th century, including short biographies of poets like William Shakespeare and John Donne.
The poetics of eros in Ancient Greece
The Poetics of Eros in Ancient Greeceoffers the first comprehensive inquiry into the deity of sexual love, a power that permeated daily Greek life. Avoiding Foucault's philosophical paradigm of dominance/submission, Claude Calame uses an anthropological and linguistic approach to re-create indigenous categories of erotic love. He maintains that Eros, the joyful companion of Aphrodite, was a divine figure around which poets constructed a physiology of desire that functioned in specific ways within a network of social relations. Calame begins by showing how poetry and iconography gave a rich variety of expression to the concept of Eros, then delivers a history of the deity's roles within social and political institutions, and concludes with a discussion of an Eros-centered metaphysics. Calame's treatment of archaic and classical Greek institutions reveals Eros at work in initiation rites and celebrations, educational practices, the Dionysiac theater of tragedy and comedy, and in real and imagined spatial settings. For men, Eros functioned particularly in the symposium and the gymnasium, places where men and boys interacted and where future citizens were educated. The household was the setting where girls, brides, and adult wives learned their erotic roles--as such it provides the context for understanding female rites of passage and the problematics of sexuality in conjugal relations. Through analyses of both Greek language and practices, Calame offers a fresh, subtle reading of relations between individuals as well as a quick-paced and fascinating overview of Eros in Greek society at large.