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4,903 result(s) for "Polarization (Light)"
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Knotting fractional-order knots with the polarization state of light
The fundamental polarization singularities of monochromatic light are normally associated with invariance under coordinated rotations: symmetry operations that rotate the spatial dependence of an electromagnetic field by an angle θ and its polarization by a multiple γθ of that angle. These symmetries are generated by mixed angular momenta of the form Jγ = L + γS, and they generally induce Möbius-strip topologies, with the coordination parameter γ restricted to integer and half-integer values. In this work we construct beams of light that are invariant under coordinated rotations for arbitrary rational γ, by exploiting the higher internal symmetry of ‘bicircular’ superpositions of counter-rotating circularly polarized beams at different frequencies. We show that these beams have the topology of a torus knot, which reflects the subgroup generated by the torus-knot angular momentum Jγ, and we characterize the resulting optical polarization singularity using third- and higher-order field moment tensors, which we experimentally observe using nonlinear polarization tomography. The polarization structure around polarization singularities can exhibit arbitrary fractional rotations when tracing around the singularity, due to an underlying topology of a torus knot imprinted by the chosen ratio of frequencies contained in the light beam.
The optics of life : a biologist's guide to light in nature
\"Optics--a field of physics focusing on the study of light--is also central to many areas of biology, including vision, ecology, botany, animal behavior, neurobiology, and molecular biology. The Optics of Life introduces the fundamentals of optics to biologists and nonphysicists, giving them the tools they need to successfully incorporate optical measurements and principles into their research. S©œnke Johnsen starts with the basics, describing the properties of light and the units and geometry of measurement. He then explores how light is created and propagates and how it interacts with matter, covering topics such as absorption, scattering, fluorescence, and polarization. Johnsen also provides a tutorial on how to measure light as well as an informative discussion of quantum mechanics. The Optics of Life features a host of examples drawn from nature and everyday life, and several appendixes that offer further practical guidance for researchers. This concise book uses a minimum of equations and jargon, explaining the basic physics of light in a succinct and lively manner. It is the essential primer for working biologists and for anyone seeking an accessible introduction to optics\"--Provided by publisher.
Hanle Detection for Optical Clocks
Considering the strong inhomogeneous spatial polarization and intensity distribution of spontaneous decay fluorescence due to the Hanle effect, we propose and demonstrate a universe Hanle detection configuration of electron-shelving method for optical clocks. Experimental results from Ca atomic beam optical frequency standard with electron-shelving method show that a designed Hanle detection geometry with optimized magnetic field direction, detection laser beam propagation and polarization direction, and detector position can improve the fluorescence collection rate by more than one order of magnitude comparing with that of inefficient geometry. With the fixed 423 nm fluorescence, the improved 657 nm optical frequency standard signal intensity is presented. The potential application of the Hanle detection geometry designed for facilitating the fluorescence collection for optical lattice clock with a limited solid angle of the fluorescence collection has been discussed. The Hanle detection geometry is also effective for ion detection in ion optical clock and quantum information experiments. Besides, a cylinder fluorescence collection structure is designed to increase the solid angle of the fluorescence collection in Ca atomic beam optical frequency standard.
Significant and Variable Linear Polarization During the Prompt Optical Flash of GRB 160625B
Measurement of polarized light provides a direct probe of magnetic fields in collimated outflows (jets) of relativistic plasma from accreting stellar-mass black holes at cosmological distances. These outflows power brief and intense flashes of prompt gamma-rays known as Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs), followed by longer-lived afterglow radiation detected across the electromagnetic spectrum. Rapid-response polarimetric observations of newly discovered GRBs have probed the initial afterglow phase. Linear polarization degrees as high as Π∼30% are detected minutes after the end of the prompt GRB emission, consistent with a stable, globally ordered magnetic field permeating the jet at large distances from the central source. In contrast, optical and gamma-ray observations during the prompt phase led to discordant and often controversial results, and no definitive conclusions on the origin of the prompt radiation or the configuration of the magnetic field could be derived. Here we report the detection of linear polarization of a prompt optical flash that accompanied the extremely energetic and long-lived prompt gamma-ray emission from GRB 160625B. Our measurements probe the structure of the magnetic field at an early stage of the GRB jet, closer to the central source, and show that the prompt GRB phase is produced via fast cooling synchrotron radiation in a large-scale magnetic field advected from the central black hole and distorted from dissipation processes within the jet.
Numerical simulation of scattered light polarization in a developing convective cloud for millimeter wavelengths
The optical characteristics of scattered light polarization in a developing convective cloud for millimeter wavelengths are numerically studied using the convection jet model and Stokes parameters. The analysis revealed that the value of all polarization forms does not depend on the cloud droplet spectrum and wavelength in the lower layers of a convective cloud. As the cloud droplet size increases and the wavelength decreases, the polarizations of all forms vary greatly and may have several maxima. It is also demonstrated that the degree of partial polarization may make no sense in the Rayleigh region at the certain values of polarization parameters.
Attosecond nonlinear polarization and light-matter energy transfer in solids
Electric-field-induced charge separation (polarization) is the most fundamental manifestation of the interaction of light with matter and a phenomenon of great technological relevance. Nonlinear optical polarization produces coherent radiation in spectral ranges inaccessible by lasers and constitutes the key to ultimate-speed signal manipulation. Terahertz techniques have provided experimental access to this important observable up to frequencies of several terahertz. Here we demonstrate that attosecond metrology extends the resolution to petahertz frequencies of visible light. Attosecond polarization spectroscopy allows measurement of the response of the electronic system of silica to strong (more than one volt per ångström) few-cycle optical (about 750 nanometres) fields. Our proof-of-concept study provides time-resolved insight into the attosecond nonlinear polarization and the light-matter energy transfer dynamics behind the optical Kerr effect and multi-photon absorption. Timing the nonlinear polarization relative to the driving laser electric field with sub-30-attosecond accuracy yields direct quantitative access to both the reversible and irreversible energy exchange between visible-infrared light and electrons. Quantitative determination of dissipation within a signal manipulation cycle of only a few femtoseconds duration (by measurement and ab initio calculation) reveals the feasibility of dielectric optical switching at clock rates above 100 terahertz. The observed sub-femtosecond rise of energy transfer from the field to the material (for a peak electric field strength exceeding 2.5 volts per ångström) in turn indicates the viability of petahertz-bandwidth metrology with a solid-state device.
Ultrabright source of entangled photon pairs
A source of triggered entangled photon pairs is a key component in quantum information science; it is needed to implement functions such as linear quantum computation, entanglement swapping and quantum teleportation. Generation of polarization entangled photon pairs can be obtained through parametric conversion in nonlinear optical media or by making use of the radiative decay of two electron-hole pairs trapped in a semiconductor quantum dot. Today, these sources operate at a very low rate, below 0.01 photon pairs per excitation pulse, which strongly limits their applications. For systems based on parametric conversion, this low rate is intrinsically due to the Poissonian statistics of the source. Conversely, a quantum dot can emit a single pair of entangled photons with a probability near unity but suffers from a naturally very low extraction efficiency. Here we show that this drawback can be overcome by coupling an optical cavity in the form of a 'photonic molecule' to a single quantum dot. Two coupled identical pillars-the photonic molecule-were etched in a semiconductor planar microcavity, using an optical lithography method that ensures a deterministic coupling to the biexciton and exciton energy states of a pre-selected quantum dot. The Purcell effect ensures that most entangled photon pairs are emitted into two cavity modes, while improving the indistinguishability of the two optical recombination paths. A polarization entangled photon pair rate of 0.12 per excitation pulse (with a concurrence of 0.34) is collected in the first lens. Our results open the way towards the fabrication of solid state triggered sources of entangled photon pairs, with an overall (creation and collection) efficiency of 80%.
Non-competitive fluorescence polarization immunoassay for detection of H5 avian influenza virus using a portable analyzer
Nowadays, the diagnosis of viral infections is receiving broad attention. We have developed a non-competitive fluorescence polarization immunoassay (NC-FPIA), which is a separation-free immunoassay, for a virus detection. H5 subtype avian influenza virus (H5-AIV) was used as a model virus for the proof of concept. The fluorescein-labeled Fab fragment that binds to H5 hemagglutinin was used for NC-FPIA. The purified H5-AIV which has H5 hemagglutinin was mixed with the fluorescein-labeled Fab fragment. After that, the degree of fluorescence polarization was measured with a portable FPIA analyzer. H5-AIV was successfully detected with an incubation time of 15 min. In addition, the portable FPIA analyzer enables performance of on-site NC-FPIA with a sample volume of 20 μL or less. This is the first research of detecting a virus particle by FPIA. This NC-FPIA can be applied to rapid on-site diagnosis of various viruses.
Quantum entanglement between an optical photon and a solid-state spin qubit
Quantum entanglement is among the most fascinating aspects of quantum theory. Entangled optical photons are now widely used for fundamental tests of quantum mechanics and applications such as quantum cryptography. Several recent experiments demonstrated entanglement of optical photons with trapped ions, atoms and atomic ensembles, which are then used to connect remote long-term memory nodes in distributed quantum networks. Here we realize quantum entanglement between the polarization of a single optical photon and a solid-state qubit associated with the single electronic spin of a nitrogen vacancy centre in diamond. Our experimental entanglement verification uses the quantum eraser technique, and demonstrates that a high degree of control over interactions between a solid-state qubit and the quantum light field can be achieved. The reported entanglement source can be used in studies of fundamental quantum phenomena and provides a key building block for the solid-state realization of quantum optical networks.