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1,023 result(s) for "Population III stars"
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Equatorial outflows driven by jets in Population III microquasars
Binary systems of Population III can evolve to microquasars when one of the stars collapses into a black hole. When the compact object accretes matter at a rate greater than the Eddington rate, powerful jets and winds driven by strong radiation pressure should form. We investigate the structure of the jet-wind system for a model of Population III microquasar on scales beyond the jet-wind formation region. Using relativistic hydrodynamic simulations we find that the ratio of kinetic power between the jet and the disk wind determines the configuration of the system. When the power is dominated by the wind, the jet fills a narrow channel, collimated by the dense outflow. When the jet dominates the power of the system, part of its energy is diverted turning the wind into a quasi-equatorial flow, while the jet widens. From the results of our simulations, we implement semi-analytical calculations of the impact of the quasi-equatorial wind on scales of the order of the size of the binary system. Our results indicate that Population III microquasars might inject gamma rays and relativistic particles into the early intergalactic medium, contributing to its reionization at large distances from the binary system.
Winds of metal-poor OB stars: Updates from HST-COS UV spectroscopy
In the race to break the SMC frontier and reach metallicity conditions closer to the First Stars the information from UV spectroscopy is usually overlooked. New HST-COS observations of OB stars in the metal-poor galaxy IC1613, with oxygen content ~1/10 solar, have proved the important role of UV spectroscopy to characterize blue massive stars and their winds. The terminal velocities (υ∞) and abundances derived from the dataset have shed new light on the problem of metal-poor massive stars with strong winds. Furthermore, our results question the υ∞-υesc and υ∞-Z scaling relations whose use in optical-only studies may introduce large uncertainties in the derived mass loss rates and wind-momenta. Finally, our results indicate that the detailed abundance pattern of each star may have a non-negligible impact on its wind properties, and scaling these as a function of one single metallicity parameter is probably too coarse an approximation. Considering, for instance, that the [α/Fe] ratio evolves with the star formation history of each galaxy, we may be in need of updating all our wind recipes.
Stellar Yields of Rotating First Stars: Yields of Weak Supernovae and Abundances of Carbon-enhanced Hyper Metal Poor Stars
The three most iron-poor stars known until now are also known to have peculiar enhancements of intermediate mass elements. Under the assumption that these iron-deficient stars reveal the nucleosynthesis result of Pop III stars, we show that a weak supernova model successfully reproduces the observed abundance patterns. Moreover, we show that the initial parameters of the progenitor, such as the initial masses and the rotational property, can be constrained by the model, since the stellar yields result from the nucleosynthesis in the outer region of the star, which is significantly affected by the initial parameters. The initial parameter of Pop III stars is of prime importance for the theoretical study of the early universe. Future observation will increase the number of such carbon enhanced iron-deficient stars, and the same analysis on the stars may give valuable information for the Pop III stars that existed in our universe.
Protostellar Feedback Halts the Growth of the First Stars in the Universe
The first stars fundamentally transformed the early universe by emitting the first light and by producing the first heavy elements. These effects were predetermined by the mass distribution of the first stars, which is thought to have been fixed by a complex interplay of gas accretion and protostellar radiation. We performed radiation-hydrodynamics simulations that followed the growth of a primordial protostar through to the early stages as a star with thermonuclear burning. The circumstellar accretion disk was evaporated by ultraviolet radiation from the star when its mass was 43 times that of the Sun. Such massive primordial stars, in contrast to the often-postulated extremely massive stars, may help explain the fact that there are no signatures of the pair-instability supernovae in abundance patterns of metal-poor stars in our galaxy.
Formation and Fragmentation of Disks Around Primordial Protostars
The very first stars to form in the universe heralded an end to the cosmic dark ages and introduced new physical processes that shaped early cosmic evolution. Until now, it was thought that these stars lived short, solitary lives, with only one extremely massive star, or possibly a very wide binary system, forming in each dark-matter minihalo. Here we describe numerical simulations that show that these stars were, to the contrary, often members of tight multiple systems. Our results show that the disks that formed around the first young stars were unstable to gravitational fragmentation, possibly producing small binary and higher-order systems that had separations as small as the distance between Earth and the Sun.
Formation of the First Stars and Black Holes
We review the current status of knowledge concerning the early phases of star formation during cosmic dawn. This includes the first generations of stars forming in the lowest mass dark matter halos in which cooling and condensation of gas with primordial composition is possible at very high redshift ( z > 20 ), namely metal-free Population III stars, and the first generation of massive black holes forming at such early epochs, the so-called black hole seeds. The formation of black hole seeds as end states of the collapse of Population III stars, or via direct collapse scenarios, is discussed. In particular, special emphasis is given to the physics of supermassive stars as potential precursors of direct collapse black holes, in light of recent results of stellar evolution models, and of numerical simulations of the early stages of galaxy formation. Furthermore, we discuss the role of the cosmic radiation produced by the early generation of stars and black holes at high redshift in the process of reionization.
An extremely primitive star in the Galactic halo
The early Universe had a chemical composition consisting of hydrogen, helium and traces of lithium; almost all other elements were subsequently created in stars and supernovae. The mass fraction of elements more massive than helium, Z, is known as 'metallicity'. A number of very metal-poor stars has been found, some of which have a low iron abundance but are rich in carbon, nitrogen and oxygen. For theoretical reasons and because of an observed absence of stars with Z < 1.5 × 10(-5), it has been suggested that low-mass stars cannot form from the primitive interstellar medium until it has been enriched above a critical value of Z, estimated to lie in the range 1.5 × 10(-8) to 1.5 × 10(-6) (ref. 8), although competing theories claiming the contrary do exist. (We use 'low-mass' here to mean a stellar mass of less than 0.8 solar masses, the stars that survive to the present day.) Here we report the chemical composition of a star in the Galactic halo with a very low Z (≤ 6.9 × 10(-7), which is 4.5 × 10(-5) times that of the Sun) and a chemical pattern typical of classical extremely metal-poor stars--that is, without enrichment of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen. This shows that low-mass stars can be formed at very low metallicity, that is, below the critical value of Z. Lithium is not detected, suggesting a low-metallicity extension of the previously observed trend in lithium depletion. Such lithium depletion implies that the stellar material must have experienced temperatures above two million kelvin in its history, given that this is necessary to destroy lithium.
Formation of Population III Binaries from Cosmological Initial Conditions
Previous high-resolution cosmological simulations predicted that the first stars to appear in the early universe were very massive and formed in isolation. Here, we discuss a cosmological simulation in which the central 50 M[middle dot in circle] (where M[middle dot in circle] is the mass of the Sun) clump breaks up into two cores having a mass ratio of two to one, with one fragment collapsing to densities of 10⁻⁸ grams per cubic centimeter. The second fragment, at a distance of approximately 800 astronomical units, is also optically thick to its own cooling radiation from molecular hydrogen lines but is still able to cool via collision-induced emission. The two dense peaks will continue to accrete from the surrounding cold gas reservoir over a period of approximately 10⁵ years and will likely form a binary star system.
Protostar Formation in the Early Universe
The nature of the first generation of stars in the universe remains largely unknown. Observations imply the existence of massive primordial stars early in the history of the universe, and the standard theory for the growth of cosmic structure predicts that structures grow hierarchically through gravitational instability. We have developed an ab initio computer simulation of the formation of primordial stars that follows the relevant atomic and molecular processes in a primordial gas in an expanding universe. The results show that primeval density fluctuations left over from the Big Bang can drive the formation of a tiny protostar with a mass 1% that of the Sun. The protostar is a seed for the subsequent formation of a massive primordial star.
The signature of the first stars in atomic hydrogen at redshift 20
Dark and baryonic matter moved at different velocities in the early Universe, which strongly suppressed star formation in some regions. This was estimated to imprint a large-scale fluctuation signal of about two millikelvin in the 21-centimetre spectral line of atomic hydrogen associated with stars at a redshift of 20, although this estimate ignored the critical contribution of gas heating due to X-rays and major enhancements of the suppression. A large velocity difference reduces the abundance of haloes and requires the first stars to form in haloes of about a million solar masses, substantially greater than previously expected. Here we report a simulation of the distribution of the first stars at redshift 20 (cosmic age of around 180 million years), incorporating all these ingredients within a 400-megaparsec box. We find that the 21-centimetre hydrogen signature of these stars is an enhanced (ten millikelvin) fluctuation signal on the hundred-megaparsec scale, characterized by a flat power spectrum with prominent baryon acoustic oscillations. The required sensitivity to see this signal is achievable with an integration time of a thousand hours with an instrument like the Murchison Wide-field Array or the Low Frequency Array but designed to operate in the range of 50-100 megahertz.