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298 result(s) for "Populus - anatomy "
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Multitrait genome-wide association analysis of Populus trichocarpa identifies key polymorphisms controlling morphological and physiological traits
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have great promise for identifying the loci that contribute to adaptive variation, but the complex genetic architecture of many quantitative traits presents a substantial challenge. We measured 14 morphological and physiological traits and identified single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-phenotype associations in a Populus trichocarpa population distributed from California, USA to British Columbia, Canada. We used whole-genome resequencing data of 882 trees with more than 6.78 million SNPs, coupled with multitrait association to detect polymorphisms with potentially pleiotropic effects. Candidate genes were validated with functional data. Broad-sense heritability (H²) ranged from 0.30 to 0.56 for morphological traits and 0.08 to 0.36 for physiological traits. In total, 4 and 20 gene models were detected using the single-trait and multitrait association methods, respectively. Several of these associations were corroborated by additional lines of evidence, including co-expression networks, metabolite analyses, and direct confirmation of gene function through RNAi. Multitrait association identified many more significant associations than single-trait association, potentially revealing pleiotropic effects of individual genes. This approach can be particularly useful for challenging physiological traits such as water-use efficiency or complex traits such as leaf morphology, for which we were able to identify credible candidate genes by combining multitrait association with gene co-expression and co-methylation data.
Noninvasive Measurement of Vulnerability to Drought-Induced Embolism by X-Ray Microtomography
Hydraulic failure induced by xylem embolism is one of the primary mechanisms of plant dieback during drought. However, many of the methods used to evaluate the vulnerability of different species to drought-induced embolism are indirect and invasive, increasing the possibility that measurement artifacts may occur. Here, we utilize x-ray computed microtomography (microCT) to directly visualize embolism formation in the xylem of living, intact plants with contrasting wood anatomy (Quercus robur, Populus tremula × Populus alba, and Pinus pinaster). These observations were compared with widely used centrifuge techniques that require destructive sampling. MicroCT imaging provided detailed spatial information regarding the dimensions and functional status of xylem conduits during dehydration. Vulnerability curves based on microCT observations of intact plants closely matched curves based on the centrifuge technique for species with short vessels (P. tremula × P. alba) or tracheids (P. pinaster). For ring porous Q. robur, the centrifuge technique significantly overestimated vulnerability to embolism, indicating that caution should be used when applying this technique to species with long vessels. These findings confirm that microCT can be used to assess the vulnerability to embolism on intact plants by direct visualization.
RNA interference suppression of AGAMOUS and SEEDSTICK alters floral organ identity and impairs floral organ determinacy, ovule differentiation, and seed-hair development in Populus
The role of the floral homeotic gene AGAMOUS (AG) and its close homologues in development of anemophilous, unisexual catkins has not previously been studied. We transformed two RNA interference (RNAi) constructs, PTG and its matrix-attachmentregion flanked version MPG, into the early-flowering female poplar clone 6K10 (Populus alba) to suppress the expression of its two duplicate AG orthologues. By early 2018, six out of 22 flowering PTG events and 11 out of 12 flowering MPG events showed modified floral phenotypes in a field trial in Oregon, USA. Flowers in catkins from modified events had ‘carpel-inside-carpel’ phenotypes. Complete disruption of seed production was observed in seven events, and sterile anther-like organs in 10 events. Events with strong co-suppression of both the two AG and two SEEDSTICK (STK) paralogues lacked both seeds and associated seed hairs. Alterations in all of the modified floral phenotypes were stable over 4 yr of study. Trees from floral-modified events did not differ significantly (P < 0.05) from nonmodified transgenic or nontransgenic controls in biomass growth or leaf morphology. AG and STK genes show strong conservation of gene function during poplar catkin development and are promising targets for genetic containment of exotic or genetically engineered trees.
A genome-wide screen for ethylene-induced Ethylene Response Factors (ERFs) in hybrid aspen stem identifies ERF genes that modify stem growth and wood properties
Ethylene Response Factors (ERFs) are a large family of transcription factors that mediate responses to ethylene. Ethylene affects many aspects of wood development and is involved in tension wood formation. Thus ERFs could be key players connecting ethylene action to wood development. We identified 170 gene models encoding ERFs in the Populus trichocarpa genome. The transcriptional responses of ERF genes to ethylene treatments were determined in stem tissues of hybrid aspen (Populus tremula 9 tremuloides) by qPCR. Selected ethylene-responsive ERFs were overexpressed in wood-forming tissues and characterized for growth and wood chemotypes by FT-IR. Fifty ERFs in Populus showed more than five-fold increased transcript accumulation in response to ethylene treatments. Twenty-six ERFs were selected for further analyses. A majority of these were induced during tension wood formation. Overexpression of ERFs 18, 21, 30, 85 and 139 in wood-forming tissues of hybrid aspen modified the wood chemotype. Moreover, overexpression of ERF139 caused a dwarf-phenotype with altered wood development, and overexpression of ERF18, 34 and 35 slightly increased stem diameter. We identified ethylene-induced ERFs that respond to tension wood formation, and modify wood formation when overexpressed. This provides support for their role in ethylenemediated regulation of wood development.
Life span and structure of ephemeral root modules of different functional groups from a desert system
The terminal branch orders of plant root systems have been proposed as short-lived ‘ephemeral’ modules specialized for resource absorption. The occurrence of ephemeral root modules has so far only been reported for a temperate tree species and it is unclear if the concept also applies to other woody (shrub, tree) and herb species. Fine roots of 12 perennial dicotyledonous herb, shrub and tree species were monitored for two growing seasons using a branch-order classification, sequential sampling and rhizotrons in the Taklamakan desert. Two root modules existed in all three plant functional groups. Among the first five branch orders, the first two (perennial herbs, shrubs) or three (trees) root orders were ephemeral and had a primary anatomical structure, high nitrogen (N) concentrations, high respiration rates and very short life spans of 1–4 months, whereas the last two branch orders in all functional groups were perennial, with thicker diameters, no or collapsed cortex, distinct secondary growth, low N concentrations, low respiration rates, but much longer life spans. Ephemeral, short-lived root modules and long-lived, persistent root modules seem to be a general feature across many plant functional groups and could represent a basic root system design.
Members of the LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES DOMAIN Transcription Factor Family Are Involved in the Regulation of Secondary Growth in Populus
Regulation of secondary (woody) growth is of substantial economic and environmental interest but is poorly understood. We identified and subsequently characterized an activation-tagged poplar (Populus tremula x Populus alba) mutant with enhanced woody growth and changes in bark texture caused primarily by increased secondary phloem production. Molecular characterization of the mutation through positioning of the tag and retransformation experiments shows that the phenotype is conditioned by activation of an uncharacterized gene that encodes a novel member of the LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES DOMAIN (LBD) family of transcription factors. Homology analysis showed highest similarity to an uncharacterized LBD1 gene from Arabidopsis thaliana, and we consequently named it Populus tremula x Populus alba (Pta) LBD1. Dominant-negative suppression of Pta LBD1 via translational fusion with the repressor SRDX domain caused decreased diameter growth and suppressed and highly irregular phloem development. In wild-type plants, LBD1 was most highly expressed in the phloem and cambial zone. Two key Class I KNOTTED1-like homeobox genes that promote meristem identity in the cambium were downregulated, while an Altered Phloem Development gene that is known to promote phloem differentiation was upregulated in the mutant. A set of four LBD genes, including the LBD1 gene, was predominantly expressed in wood-forming tissues, suggesting a broader regulatory role of these transcription factors during secondary woody growth in poplar.
Characterization of poplar growth-regulating factors and analysis of their function in leaf size control
Growth-regulating factors (GRFs) are plant-specific transcription factors that control organ size. Nineteen GRF genes were identified in the Populus trichocarpa genome and one was reported to control leaf size mainly by regulating cell expansion. In this study, we further characterize the roles of the other poplar GRFs in leaf size control in a similar manner. The 19 poplar GRF genes were clustered into six groups according to their phylogenetic relationship with Arabidopsis GRFs. Bioinformatic analysis, degradome, and transient transcription assays showed that 18 poplar GRFs were regulated by miR396, with GRF12b the only exception. The functions of PagGRF6b (Pag, Populus alba × P. glandulosa), PagGRF7a, PagGRF12a, and PagGRF12b, representing three different groups, were investigated. The results show that PagGRF6b may have no function on leaf size control, while PagGRF7a functions as a negative regulator of leaf size by regulating cell expansion. By contrast, PagGRF12a and PagGRF12b may function as positive regulators of leaf size control by regulating both cell proliferation and expansion, primarily cell proliferation. The diversity of poplar GRFs in leaf size control may facilitate the specific, coordinated regulation of poplar leaf development through fine adjustment of cell proliferation and expansion.
Polar auxin transport is implicated in vessel differentiation and spatial patterning during secondary growth in Populus
Premise of the Study Dimensions and spatial distribution of vessels are critically important features of woody stems, allowing for adaptation to different environments through their effects on hydraulic efficiency and vulnerability to embolism. Although our understanding of vessel development is poor, basipetal transport of auxin through the cambial zone may play an important role. Methods Stems of Populus tremula ×alba were treated with the auxin transport inhibitor N‐1‐naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) in a longitudinal strip along the length of the lower stem. Vessel lumen diameter, circularity, and length; xylem growth; tension wood area; and hydraulic conductivity before and after a high pressure flush were determined on both NPA‐treated and control plants. Key Results NPA‐treated stems formed aberrant vessels that were short, small in diameter, highly clustered, and angular in cross section, whereas xylem formed on the untreated side of the stem contained typical vessels that were similar to those of controls. NPA‐treated stems had reduced specific conductivity relative to controls, but this difference was eliminated by the high‐pressure flush. The control treatment (lanolin + dimethyl sulfoxide) reduced xylem growth and increased tension wood formation, but never produced the aberrant vessel patterning seen in NPA‐treated stems. Conclusions These results are consistent with a model of vessel development in which basipetal polar auxin transport through the xylem‐side cambial derivatives is required for proper expansion and patterning of vessels and demonstrate that reduced auxin transport can produce stems with altered stem hydraulic properties.
Enhancing digestibility and ethanol yield of Populus wood via expression of an engineered monolignol 4-O-methyltransferase
Producing cellulosic biofuels and bio-based chemicals from woody biomass is impeded by the presence of lignin polymer in the plant cell wall. Manipulating the monolignol biosynthetic pathway offers a promising approach to improved processability, but often impairs plant growth and development. Here, we show that expressing an engineered 4-O-methyltransferase that chemically modifies the phenolic moiety of lignin monomeric precursors, thus preventing their incorporation into the lignin polymer, substantially alters hybrid aspens' lignin content and structure. Woody biomass derived from the transgenic aspens shows a 62% increase in the release of simple sugars and up to a 49% increase in the yield of ethanol when the woody biomass is subjected to enzymatic digestion and yeast-mediated fermentation. Moreover, the cell wall structural changes do not affect growth and biomass production of the trees. Our study provides a useful strategy for tailoring woody biomass for bio-based applications.
Low root reserve accumulation during drought may lead to winter mortality in poplar seedlings
Climate models suggest that more frequent drought events of greater severity and length, associated with climate change, can be expected in the coming decades. Although drought-induced tree mortality has been recognized as an important factor modulating forest demography at the global scale, the mechanisms underlying drought-induced tree mortality remain contentious. Above- and below-ground growth, gas exchange, water relations and carbon reserve accumulation dynamics at the organ and whole-plant scale were quantified in Populus tremuloides and P. balsamifera seedlings in response to severe drought. Seedlings were maintained in drought conditions over one growing and one dormant winter season. Our experiment presents a detailed description of the effect of severe drought on growth and physiological variables, leading to seedling mortality after an extended period of drought and dormancy. After re-watering following the dormant period, drought-exposed seedlings did not re-flush, showing that the root system had died off. The results of this study suggest a complex series of physiological feedbacks between the measured variables in both Populus species. Further, they reveal that reduced reserve accumulation in the root system during drought decreases the conversion of starch to soluble sugars in roots, which may contribute to the root death of drought-exposed seedlings during the dormant season by compromising the frost tolerance of the root system.