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11 result(s) for "Recycling (Waste, etc.) Juvenile fiction."
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The bicycle fence
L.T. longs for a brand new bike but when his father builds him one from recycled junkyard parts, L.T. is embarrassed to ride it to school. Can he come up with a creative idea that not only gives him a good-as-new bike, but also provides a new fence for his yard and helps save the planet in the process?
Stuff!: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (review)
Bush reviews Stuff!: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle by Steven Kroll and illustrated by Steve Cox.
Bag in the wind
One cold, spring morning, an ordinary grocery bag begins blowing around a landfill, then as it travels down a road, through a stream, and into a town, it is used in various ways by different people, many of whom do not even notice it.
Ship breaker
In a future world, teenaged Nailer scavenges copper wiring from grounded oil tankers for a living, but when he finds a beached clipper ship with a girl in the wreckage, he has to decide if he should strip the ship for its wealth or rescue the girl.
Sydney & Simon : go green!
After discovering that a green sea turtle was harmed by plastic in the ocean, twin mice Sydney and Simon come up with a creative campaign to increase recycling and reduce the amount of trash created in their home, school, and town.
Victor et lino
Un soir qu'il veille à sa fenetre, Lino voit passer Victor avec un grand sac vide. Le jeune lapin est très intrigué. Que fait ce gros ours solitaire dans son village à la nuit tombée? Va-t-il voler quelque chose? Et si oui à qui? Le petit lapin est trop curieux. C'est décidé, demain, il suivra l'ours pour savoir ce qu'il trafique. Un grand album, magnifiquement illustré, qui nous rappelle que les vrais tréšors ne sont pas toujours ceux que l'on croit.
Canned and crushed
When his father, who's in the United States illegally, becomes injured and unemployed, eleven-year-old Sandro is determined to help his parents raise money for his little sister's heart surgery by collecting scrap metal to recycle for cash.
The lost Compass
\"Thirteen-year-old tetherboy Chess and his crew may have escaped the slums, but they cannot escape the Fog. When they retreat to the mountaintop sanctuary of Port Oro, they discover that the deadly white mist will soon swallow the entire city. Will the slumkids be able to save Port Oro, or will they run out of time?\"-- Provided by publisher.