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275,067 result(s) for "SCIENTISTS"
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12 scientists who changed the world
Discusses the accomplishments of twelve of the most influential scientists and their lasting impact on the world.
Everyday ups and downs for LGBT+ scientists
How to gauge academic culture and celebrate being an LGBT+ scientist.
Kid scientists : true tales of childhood from science superstars /
\"Forget the moon landing, the Nobel prizes, and the famous inventions. When the world's most brilliant scientists were growing up, they had regular-kid problems just like you. Albert Einstein daydreamed instead of paying attention in class. Jane Goodall got in trouble for bringing worms and snails in her house. And Neil deGrasse Tyson had to start a dog-walking business to save up money to buy a telescope. [This book] tells these stories and more with full-color cartoon illustrations on nearly every page\"--Back cover.
Computer science
Provides information on African-American computer scientists that have added to the worlds knowledge in writing software, doing pioneering work in artificial intelligence, developing powerful new silicon chips, and guiding new tech companies.
From the President
Peppas is delighted once again to greet their Sigma Xi members. This is the last column he will write in his capacity as president of Sigma Xi. By the time it is published, he will be nearing the end of his presidency, and Dr. Marija Strojnik will be taking over. He notes with pleasure that a Greek will be passing the baton to a Slovenian. This small observation shows the internationality of their Society. They are home to thousands of scientists from around the world, scientists who care about what they do, how they do it, their professionalism, and their dedication to achieve something good for this world, for its citizens, and for all their patients.
Mechanisms for attracting foreign scientists
Abstract The brain drain problem is typical not only for the Russian Federation, but also for other developing and developed countries. The article presents the mechanisms of attracting foreign scientists on the example of the European Union, the People’s Republic of China, and the Federal Republic of Germany. On the basis of the analysis and generalization, the features of the mechanisms used to attract foreign scientists and their effectiveness are highlighted.